2000字范文 > 购电 purchasing electricity英语短句 例句大全

购电 purchasing electricity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-10 06:12:44


购电 purchasing electricity英语短句 例句大全

购电,purchasing electricity

1)purchasing electricity购电

1.A kind of newpurchasing electricity mode using mobile phone was introduced, which provides the operating menu ofpurchasing electricity for user adopting special SIM card.介绍一种新型手机购电模式,它是利用专用的手机卡(SIM卡)提供给用户购电操作菜单,用户将购电信息发送到供电公司,供电公司依据购电字数,将费用从用户指定的账户扣除,同时将购电成功信息返回给用户SIM卡。

2.The paper described the method of cost management forpurchasing electricity in Hubei electric power company in th e past,discussed the definination of the cost of real-time electricity purchase .描述了过去湖北省电力公司购电成本管理的情况 ,讨论了实时购电成本的定义 ,提出了在湖北省电力公司内部建立实时购电成本控制系统的设

3.This paper discussed the feasibility of long-range prepayment forpurchasing electricity by using the load management system and its advantages and practicing plan.探讨了利用负荷管理系统实现远程预付费购电的可行性及其优点和实施方案,并以承德供电公司为例,介绍了利用负荷管理系统实现远程预付费购电所取得的经济效益。


1.Analysis of Power Market Electricity Paying Price;基于Lindo的电力市场的购电电价分析

2.Research on Regional Power Market and Large Consumers Direct Purchasing;区域性电力市场与大用户直购电研究

3.Research on Optimization of Electricity Purchase Allocation in Power Markets;电力市场环境下购电优化问题的研究

4.Influence of Direct Electricity Purchasing Methodology on Power Grid Enterprise;大用户直购电模式对电网企业的影响

5.Customer s Electricity Purchasing Risk Decision Integrating Demand Side Real-time Pricing;需求侧实时电价下用户购电风险决策

6.Effects of Options Trade on Purchasing Portfolio for Load Serving Entities;期权交易对供电公司购电组合的影响

7.Analysis on power purchase cost and competition efficiency in electricity market;电力市场中购电费用及竞争效率分析

8.The Direct Power-Purchase for the Large Users in Chinese Electrified Railway电气化铁路大用户直购电可行性研究

9.Shopping? On the computer?购物?在电脑上吗?

10.telephone supermarket[美]电话购货商店

11.To buy a refrigerator on hire purchase用分期付款或租购的方法购买电冰箱

12.Orders by post and telephone are attended to at once.随时办理邮购和电话定购。

13.To buy a refrigerator on hire purchase.用分期付款或租购的方法购买电冰箱。

14.Is there a telephone in the mall?购物商场里有电话机吗?

15.We are in the market for electric saws.我方欲购进一部电锯。

16.This hotel acts as Buying agent for mail order.本宾馆代办函电邮购。

17.Vodafone buys 15% percent stake in Japan TelecomVodafone购入日本电信15%股权

18.a pair of portaBle electronic scales is a good companion in shopping.手掌式电子秤,购物良伴。


purchase electricity price购电电价

3)purchasing electricity with net connecting联网购电

1.It is pointed out:the unity with electrochemical enterprises is necessary for existing of chlorate enterprises, andpurchasing electricity with net connecting is the way for them to develop and strengthen.笔者指出:电化联姻是氯酸盐企业的生存需要,联网购电是其发展壮大之路。

4)power purchase model购电模型

1.Based on optimal power flow,apower purchase model for distribution company in day-ahead electricity market in which power transmission is separated from power distribution is built.基于最优潮流建立了输配分离电力市场中,配电公司在日前电能市场的购电模型,在模型中考虑了分布式发电参与电能市场的情况,通过该模型可以得到配电公司在日前市场中分别从电力库和分布式发电商购买的电能比例以及可能的负荷中断。

5)electricity purchasing cost购电成本

1.In the interim of the restructure of the power market in China,the grid company should guarantee the security of the operating network and balance the profit of each generation company,thus theelectricity purchasing cost related to the practical generation schedule sometimes exceeds the optimal purchasing cost.对制定日发电调度计划中的各种约束条件进行了分析和归类,将约束划分为系统固有约束和被动约束,以此为基础定义了实际购电成本中的超额支付费用,并提出了一种通过考虑不同约束条件的组合制定日发电调度计划求取超额支付费用的计算方法。

2.By using the optimal power flow(OPF),the relation between theelectricity purchasing cost change and the line stability limit which is the product of the stability limit factor and the basic stability limit of the line,is described by the derivative of the augmented lagrangian function with respect to the line stability limit factor.以最优潮流(OPF)为工具,将线路的稳定限额看作是基准传输容量限值与稳定限额因子的乘积,通过增广拉格朗日函数对线路稳定限额因子的导数描述了系统购电成本的变化与线路稳定限额因子和线路基准稳定限额乘积的关系。

3.Normally traditional methods ofelectricity purchasing cost calculation are on the basis of certain power supply-demand balancing and ignore the uncertainty implied in the operation of power system, thus the analysis results of traditional methods cannot offer overall and valuable references.购电成本分析是电网企业的重要决策手段,而传统的购电成本分析一般是基于简单的确定型电力电量平衡,忽略了电力系统生产运行过程中所蕴涵的不确定性,使得分析结果无法提供全面的有价值的参考。

6)purchase portfolio购电组合

1.According to the portfolio theory of financing,the mean-CVaR(Conditional Value at Risk) risk-profit model is introduced to thepurchase portfolio of the power supply company,which takes the maximum expected profit under a certain risk as its objective in electricity purchase from real-time market,day-ahead market and forw.借助金融领域的证券组合投资理论,引入一致性风险计量因子条件风险价值CVaR(Conditional Value at Risk),将均值-CVaR风险收益模型应用于供电公司的购电组合,以一定风险条件下最大化期望收益为目标,建立了供电公司在实时平衡市场、现货市场和远期合同市场间的购电决策模型,并将模型转化为线性规划求解,得到了不同风险条件下的购电分配结果和收益变化情况。


厂用电受电厂用电受电energizing of auxiliary power systemchongyongd一on sho一Jd一on厂用电受电(energizing of auxiliary powersystem)机组附属设备安装完毕后需通电试运行,所需厂用电源由外部供给,因此厂用电受电是调试工作开始的标志。受电步骤新建电厂先由电力系统向变电站供电,再依次对高压起动/备用变压器、3~10kv厂用配电装置、厂用工作变压器及380V配电装置供电。扩建电厂因高压起动/备用变压器已经投人运行,故可利用它的电源对扩建的厂用配电装置等供电。调试项目主要有:①用额定电压依次对空载线路、变电站母线、隔离开关、断瘩器、互感器、变压器及厂用配电装置等进行冲击合闸试验。有条件时.冲击合闸前应先进行递升加压试验。升压过程中注意检查各设备有无放电声及短路现象,发现问题及时处理后再进行升压。②检查三相电压应平衡,相序应正确,各段母线的相位彼此应一致。对配电装置供电时,有时会由于母线电容和与母线连接的电磁式电压互感器的电感相互作用而出现铁磁谐振,此时相电压升高,中性点明显位移。为消除谐振可在电压互感器的剩余电压绕组处并联电阻以去振。
