2000字范文 > 目视检查 visual inspection英语短句 例句大全

目视检查 visual inspection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-10 15:53:14


目视检查 visual inspection英语短句 例句大全

目视检查,visual inspection

1)visual inspection目视检查

1.Management and recommendation of PWR steam generators cleaning andvisual inspection;核电站蒸汽发生器清洗与目视检查的管理与推荐

2.Experience and techniques of PWR steam generators cleaning andvisual inspection;核电站蒸汽发生器的清洗和目视检查的经验与技术

3.It describes thevisual inspection generator of steam con in Daya Bay and Qinshan INPPbefore cleaning and after cleaning.介绍了大亚湾和秦山一期核电站蒸汽发生器清洗前、后的目视检查。


1.You can avoid visual inspection in many ways.你可以用很多方法避免目视检查。

2.Visual inspection for the surface quality of equipment and weld seams. Review the manufacture’s reports.目视检查设备和焊缝的外表面质量。检查制造厂的自检报告。

3.However, that doesn"t mean the general rule-- don"t visually inspect-- should be ignored.但是,那并不意味着一般的规则——不要进行目视检查——应该被忽略。

4.Check visually if gear and tyre are intact, do not retract the landing gear until fire is out.请目视检查起落架及轮胎是否完整无损,火熄灭后才收上起落架。

5.Examination of urine for diagnostic purposes.尿检视法,检尿法用于诊断目的的尿检查

6.An official visit for the purpose of inspection or examination, as of a bishop to a diocese.视察,巡视以视察或检查为目的官方性察看,如主教对一主教管区的视察

7.Depending on the reason for the premarital check-up, many different kinds of tests are available.这视乎婚前检查的目的何在,有不同类型的测试可供选择。

8.No TV or radio services were found. Please check if your antenna and connections are installed properly.找不到电视或广播节目。请检查天线安装及连接是否正确。

9.Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of ultrasonography and X-ray fluoroscopy in abnormal place of intrauterine contraceptive devices(IUD).目的探讨超声、X线透视检查对判定节育环异常的价值。

10.Check the sample as received by visual assessment to ensure no damage or crack found before testing.测试前用目视法检查样品, 确保样品没有损坏和破裂

11.The Design and Implementation of Helmet-Mounted Displays Based on Machine Vision;基于机器视觉的双目头盔显示器检查仪设计与实现

12.The examine is then directed to fix on the examiner"s right eye.接着就叫被检查人注视检查人的右眼。

13.Objective To study the effect of random-dot stereogram texture on stereotest for anisometropic children,and provide the basis for the stereogram probation.目的探讨不同质地随机点立体视图对屈光参差立体视检查的影响,为研制立体视图提供依据。

14.a body of inspectors.检查员、巡视员的团体。

15.Television fluoroscopy电视X射线荧光检查

16.I" ll have my sight tested tomorrow.我明天去检查视力。

17.They made a thorough examination of the accounts.他们仔细检查了账目。

18.For the present we is make a general checkup.目前,我们正做总的检查。


visually inspection目视检查法

3)visual inspection目视检查;检视;外观检查

4)visual inspection目测检查;目视检查

5)close-up inspection目视检查,直观检查

6)visual check外观检查,目视检查


