2000字范文 > 氧气管线 O 2 pipe英语短句 例句大全

氧气管线 O 2 pipe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-30 13:54:06


氧气管线 O 2 pipe英语短句 例句大全

氧气管线,O 2 pipe

1)O 2 pipe氧气管线

1.Presents the auto valve ofO 2 pipe line in Shell gasification process,discusses its function,existing problems,test results and puts forward proposals for improvemen介绍谢尔气化工艺氧气管线自动阀门的功能、存在的问题、试验结果及改进建议。

2)oxygen piping氧气管道

1.Through the analysis of the principle ofoxygen piping explosion,how to control the quality of the design and the installation ofoxygen piping so as to ensure the good essence was discussed in this article.通过对氧气管道爆炸原理的分析,讨论如何控制好氧气管道的设计及安装质量,从而确保氧气管道的优生。

2.To the problems existed in the selection of welding material for dissimilar steel and found in the supervision of the installation of theoxygen piping,the analysis and the discussion were carried out in this article.针对在氧气管道安装监督检验中发现的异种钢焊接材料选用中存在的问题,进行了讨论和分析。



2.Valve shall be provided by manufacturer cleaned and bagged for oxygen service.新购买的阀门应该经过制造商的清洗和包装,适用于氧气管道系统。

3.The resulting flue gas is almost pure carbon dioxide.产生的管道气体几乎仅仅是二氧化碳。

4.Optimal Selection of Steel Pipes for Gathering Pipelines Transporting CO_2-contained Natural Gas含二氧化碳天然气集输管道管材的优选

5.Study and Numerical Simulation on Gosseneck and Waste Pipe in the New Dry Type Cement Production;氧分解炉鹅颈管及废气管道内气体流动规律试验与数值模拟研究

6.Study on Microstructure and Properties of 12Cr1MoV Steel After Gas Oxy-nitriding12Cr1MoV管道钢气体氧氮共渗后表面组织与性能研究

7.Application Technology of Corrosion Protective Epoxy Coatings for Pipelines in Acidy Oil-Gas Fields酸性油气田管道环氧防腐涂料施工工艺

8.gas is leaking from the pipe.煤气管道走气了。The

9.A thin-walled tube of cartilaginous and membranous tissue descending from the larynx to the bronchi and carrying air to the lungs.气管一种由软骨和膜组织构成的薄壁管道,从喉部向下进入支气管,并携带氧气进入肺部

10.Conclusion This device solves the problem of additional airway resistance from oxygen supply tube and humidity liquid dropping tube in trachea pipe along with the fixation of respiration detector.结果:经气管切开和气管插管病人应用,给氧、气道湿化、呼吸监测探头固定效果满意。

11.town mains城市(煤气)总管道

12.Gaseous oxygen is shipped and stored in high-pressure cylinders, tubes, or tube trailers depending on the quantity required by the user.根据用户要求的量,使用高压钢瓶、管道或管道拖车来运输和储存气态氧。

13.piped vapour supply system管道气态气体供应系统

14.Limno biological aeration塑料管充氧生物曝气

15.Exhaust Down Pipe to Front Exhaust Pipe排气下行管道到前排气管道

16.broncho-esophageal tube支气管食道二用内窥管

17.The technology is studied on steel pipeline surface by hot spraying with oxygen-natural gas.研究了在钢质管道表面采用氧气―油天然气火焰熔覆玻璃涂层的工艺。

18.the car wouldn"t start because dirt clogged the gas line.输气管是用来输送天然气的管道。


oxygen piping氧气管道

1.Through the analysis of the principle ofoxygen piping explosion,how to control the quality of the design and the installation ofoxygen piping so as to ensure the good essence was discussed in this article.通过对氧气管道爆炸原理的分析,讨论如何控制好氧气管道的设计及安装质量,从而确保氧气管道的优生。

2.To the problems existed in the selection of welding material for dissimilar steel and found in the supervision of the installation of theoxygen piping,the analysis and the discussion were carried out in this article.针对在氧气管道安装监督检验中发现的异种钢焊接材料选用中存在的问题,进行了讨论和分析。

3)oxygen pipe氧气管

4)oxygen measuring burette氧气量管

5)oxygen rubber hose氧气胶管

6)oxygen hose氧气软管


