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复方 compound英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-13 12:46:51


复方 compound英语短句 例句大全



1.The Main Pharmacodynamic Study of Compound Ofloxacin and Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream;复方氧氟沙星乳膏的主要药效学研究

2.Research of Chinese Traditional Medicine Compound Innovation System;中药复方创新系统的研制

3.Determination of Inosine in Compound Bifendates Granule of by HPLC;HPLC法测定复方联苯双酯颗粒中肌苷的含量


oizym compositum tablet复方康彼身片(复方多酶片,胆盐多酶片)

2.Programme of National Reconciliation and Socio- Economic Rehabilitation and Recovery民族和解与社会经济复原和恢复方案

3.dynamic recovery schemes for distributed process分布过程动态恢复方案

pound Amidopyrin Injection复方氨基比林注射液

pound choline chloride injectio复方氯化胆碱注射液

pound Sodium Chloride复方氯化钠(林格注射液)

plex model fue复杂方案的新配方汽油

8.In reply to our inquiry we have been told by...that..."兹复我方询盘, ...已告我方..."

9.National Emergency Rehabilitation Programme国家紧急复兴方案(复兴方案)

10.Emergency Economic Recovery Programme紧急经济复苏方案(复苏方案)

11.chemical complexity化学复杂度[用化学方法测定的复杂度]

posite cubic boron nitride turning tool立方氮化硼复合车刀

13.That"s the way I"m getting back into shape.这是我恢复体形的方式。

14.overfeed winder从上方引纸的复卷机

15.Yes, of course.Your have the right of reinspection.当然有权。你方有权复查。

16.Yes, of course. You have the right of reinspection .当然有权。 你方有权复查。

17.the occurrence of a change in direction back in the opposite direction.朝相反方向回复的变化。

18.have the dislocation reduce d请人将脱臼地方复位


complex prescription复方

1.Objective: To investigate the influence of seven methods in prescription compatibility on toxicity and effects ofcomplex prescription,and to elucidate their internal relations.目的:考察七情配伍对中药复方毒/效关系的影响,探讨其内在联系。

2.Objective:To study the inhibit effect of smallcomplex prescription of Salvia miltiorrhiza and Radix astragali on relapse behavior in morphine dependent mice.目的:研究丹参、黄芪小复方抑制吗啡依赖小鼠复吸行为的药理作用。

3)compound prescription复方

1.Generation ofcompound prescriptions and their characteristic and achievement in earlier Qin dynasty period;谈先秦时期复方的产生及其特点与成就

2.Analysis of drug law ofcompound prescription in treating Alzheimer disease;老年性痴呆复方用药规律探讨

3.Objective:To mensurate the content of iodine in herbal medicine andcompound prescription used in softening hard mass and disintegrating masses.目的:测定常用软坚散结中药及复方的碘含量。


1.Preliminary Study on Treat ofFufang New Marine Drug for Chronic Renal Failure;治疗慢性肾功能衰竭的海洋复方新药初步研究

2.Pharmacodynamic Study onFufang Niuhuang Wan;复方牛黄丸的药效学研究

5)compound recipe复方

1.Thecompound recipe is made of five kinds of herb: Myristica frag-rans Houtt, Zingiber officinale Rosc, Piper nigrum L, Bungarus multicinctus multicinctus Blyth, and Peganum harmala L.本课题所研究的复方由肉豆蔻(Myristica fragrans Houtt。

2.Objective To study the anti-tumor effect of JH-07 in vitro and in vivo and identify a high-efficient and low-toxiccompound recipe.目的研究复方JH-07体外和体内抗肿瘤活性作用,筛选抗肿瘤新复方。

6)Separated compound prescription复方拆方


