2000字范文 > 静态水环境 static water environment英语短句 例句大全

静态水环境 static water environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-05 19:41:26


静态水环境 static water environment英语短句 例句大全

静态水环境,static water environment

1)static water environment静态水环境

2)static environment静态环境

1.This paper expounds the connotations of library\"s dynamic environment andstatic environment and their influences on readers\"psychology, and points out that the library should attract the readers with its excellentstatic environment and dynamic environment and make the library become the paradise for people\"s learning and spiritual practice.阐述了图书馆的动态环境和静态环境的内涵及其对读者心理的影响,指出图书馆应以优美的静态环境和优质的动态环境吸引读者,使图书馆成为人们学习和修身养性的"天堂"。


1.Immune Optimization Algorithms in Complex Static or Noisy Environments and Their Applications;复杂静态环境与噪声环境下的免疫优化算法及其应用

parative Analysis of Static and Dynamic Evaluation of Ecological Frangibility生态环境脆弱性静态评价与动态评价

3.The Environmental Problem Originate from Eco-tourism-static Legal Analysis;生态旅游引发的环境问题——静态法律分析

4.Developing model for pervasive computing environments based on static-dynamic trust一种基于静态和动态信任的普适环境信任模型

5.On-Line Static Voltage Stability Assessment in the Electric Power Market Environment;电力市场环境下的在线静态电压稳定评估

6.Agrestic Environment & Space Conformation the Analysis of Space Conformation in Jingsheng Agrestic Settlement;乡土环境与聚落形态——静升乡土聚落空间形态分析

7.Static electricity: Pertaining to electric charges at rest. It may be intentional charging or of friction in low humidity environment.静电:有关静止形态的电荷的情况。静电在湿度低的环境下,因磨擦而产生;或有目的使它产生。

8.in the quiet of the country在乡下的宁静环境中

9.he needed silence in order to sleep; the street was quiet.他需要安静的环境休息。

10.The static model and survey model about the near-earth space environment element were advanced.提出了近地空间环境要素三维建模的静态模型和实测模型。

11.Static analysis and attitude calculation of a new type of marine environment monitoring system一种新型海洋环境监测系统的静力分析和姿态计算

12.geostationary orbit environmental satellite静止轨道环境卫星同步轨道环境卫星

13.2. Ecological Environment Development(二)生态环境建设

14.The Research of Company"s Dynamic Competitive Advantages under an Open Environment开放环境下企业动态竞争优势研究——对静态竞争优势模型的动态修正

15.habitat isolation生境[环境,生态]隔离

16.Discussion on Academic Ecological Environment on the basis of Natural Ecological Environment;从自然生态环境谈大学学术生态环境

17.A Study of the Transformation from Static Context to Dynamic Context and the Shift of Contextual Meanings;静态语境与动态语境的转换及其语义位移研究

18.This "highway" is more a social and commercial environment, than a static network.这条“高速公路”与其说是一个静态的网络,不如说是一个社会和商业的环境。


static environment静态环境

1.This paper expounds the connotations of library\"s dynamic environment andstatic environment and their influences on readers\"psychology, and points out that the library should attract the readers with its excellentstatic environment and dynamic environment and make the library become the paradise for people\"s learning and spiritual practice.阐述了图书馆的动态环境和静态环境的内涵及其对读者心理的影响,指出图书馆应以优美的静态环境和优质的动态环境吸引读者,使图书馆成为人们学习和修身养性的"天堂"。

3)unknown static environment未知静态环境

4)water ecological environment水生态环境

1.Urban river improvement andwater ecological environment protection;城市河流整治项目与水生态环境保护初探

2.This paper introduces the present situation and construction target of urbanwater ecological environment of Taiyuan City,and advances the measures for restoration and construction of urbanwater ecological environment of Taiyuan City.介绍了太原市城市水生态环境的现状和建设目标,提出了太原市城市水生态环境修复与建设的措施。

5)aquatic ecological environment水生态环境

1.Preliminary measures to restoreaquatic ecological environment of Fuhe River Basin;抚河流域水生态环境恢复措施初探

2.The assessment index system ofaquatic ecological environment in Bengbu is built based on the essence of society-economy-nature ofaquatic ecological environment.基于水生态系统的"社会-经济-自然"属性,构建了蚌埠城市水生态环境评价指标体系,利用层次分析法确定各指标权重后对蚌埠城市水生态环境的状况进行了评价、预测与预警分析,结果表明,蚌埠城市水生态环境目前总体状况较好,未来3a发展态势良好。

3.So studying on theaquatic ecological environment of the subsi.因此,研究采煤塌陷塘的水生态环境状况,了解塌陷塘浮游植物的种类组成及其对矿区环境的响应,寻求塘内浮游植物演替的主要驱动因子及所指示的水域营养状况,确定水体的污染程度、类型及发展趋势等显得十分必要。

6)aquatic environment水生态环境

1.,this paper studied theaquatic environmental characters at early reserving stage of TGR.以10月和4月的两次现场调查数据为基础,分析三峡水库蓄水初期的水生态环境特征。


海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)marine physical geographic environmenthaiyang ziran dili huaniing海洋自然地理环境(marin。phys、calgeograPhic environment)见自然地理环境。
