2000字范文 > 光谱成像 Spectral imaging英语短句 例句大全

光谱成像 Spectral imaging英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-16 20:23:04


光谱成像 Spectral imaging英语短句 例句大全

光谱成像,Spectral imaging

1)Spectral imaging光谱成像

1.Microscopic spectral imaging based on an acousto-optic tunable filter;基于声光可调谐滤光器的显微光谱成像技术

2.Forensic analysis of cotton fibers using spectral imaging;运用光谱成像技术区分同色棉纤维

3.The experiments are done with orthogonal polarization spectral imaging apparatus based on this theory and some nail-fold microcirculation images with good contrast are obtained.利用基于该原理的正交偏振光谱成像仪器进行了实验,得到对比度清晰的甲襞微循环图像。


1.Research of Key Technologies of Multispectral, Hyperspectral Imaging Detection多光谱、超光谱成像探测关键技术研究

2.Design of a Spectral Imaging System Based on a PGP Component基于PGP分光器件的光谱成像系统设计

3.Wavelength Calibration of Spatially Modulated Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer空间调制干涉光谱成像仪光谱定标技术研究

4.Determination of Plume by Hyperspectral Imaging Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy超光谱成像差分吸收光谱系统烟羽测量研究

5.Spectral transfer function of the Fourier transform spectral imager傅里叶变换光谱成像仪光谱传递函数研究

6.Spectral Imaging of Green Coating Camouflage Under Hyperspectral Detection高光谱探测绿色涂料伪装的光谱成像研究

7.The Study on the Modulation Transfer Function of Heperspectral Imager Imaging-Link;超光谱成像仪成像链的调制传递函数研究

8.Optical Design of Prism-Grating-Prism Imaging Spectrometers棱镜-光栅-棱镜光谱成像系统的光学设计

9.Design and Simulation of the Circuit of Infrared Hyper-spectral Imaging Spectrometer红外超光谱成像仪电路的设计与仿真

10.Measurement of the Linearity of Spatially Modulated Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer空间调制干涉光谱成像仪线性度测试

11.Thermal design and proof tests of CCD components in spectral imagers光谱成像仪CCD组件的热分析及验证

12.In-flight Absolute Calibration of the HJ-1A HSI“环境-1号”A星高光谱成像仪飞行定标

13.The Spectral Reflectance Reconstruction of Glossy Munsell Color Chips Based on Multi-spectral Imaging Technique基于多光谱成像的有光泽Munsell色卡的光谱反射率重建


15.Advances on Compression of Hyperspectral Image成像光谱图像压缩技术研究的新进展

16.Design of the Wide Bands Fourier Lens干涉成像光谱仪中宽谱段傅氏光学系统设计

17.Radiance Measurement Characteristics of an Imaging Spectrometer with Prism Dispersion棱镜色散成像光谱仪光谱辐射采集特性(英文)

18.Infrared multispectral image simulation based on spectral images in visible bands基于可见光光谱图像的红外多光谱图像仿真生成


imaging spectrometry成像光谱

1.Preliminary study on the relationship between mineral mapping precision and mineral abundance onimaging spectrometry;成像光谱矿物填图精度兼与矿物丰度关系初探

2.Affected by many uncertain influential factors,target recognition ofimaging spectrometry has uncertainty from getting and processing data to application and decision-making.成像光谱以其超高的光谱分辨率影像和精细的地物光谱成像能力,已经广泛地应用在地质、环境保护和生物学等领域。

3.It provided the technology of imaging over the narrow spectral bands,which givesimaging spectrometry great potential in many fields, such as geological mapping, precision agriculture, and resource investigation.20世纪80年代出现并于20世纪90年代蓬勃兴起的成像光谱遥感技术已经受到国内外学术界的广泛重视,代表了遥感定量化的发展方向。

3)Imaging spectrum成像光谱

1.Imaging spectrum technology which characterizes by high resolution and quantitative analysis is one of front areas and research hotspots in the remote sensing.在系统分析成像光谱数据特征及岩石矿物具有诊断意义的吸收光谱特征形成机理的基础上,采用基于相关系数测度的光谱匹配技术、基于高斯改进型模型的光谱建模技术及人工神经网络分类算法,实现了岩石矿物光谱特征波形对比分析及诊断光谱信息提取与建模,提高了光谱分类识别算法的计算速度和分类精度。

2.With the development of imaging spectrum remote sensing technology,a better sharing and processing pattern need to be designed to meet the requirement for applying and processing imaging spectrum data.随着成像光谱遥感技术的发展,已获取的大量成像光谱数据需要一种更好的共享、处理模式来满足日益增长的应用处理要求;另一方面,计算机网络技术和分布式计算技术的发展为实现这样的构想提供了基础的技术条件。

3.Aircraft-mounted imaging spectrum data have been more and more widely used in many fields.机载的成像光谱数据具有很大的应用价值,通过Internet发布有关成像光谱数据的信息,将推动成像光谱数据的应用。

4)Imaging spectrometer成像光谱

1.Removal of Random Noises of Imaging Spectrometer Data Basedon Wavelet Aanalysis;基于小波分析的成像光谱图像随机点噪声消除

2.Spatial modulation imaging spectrometer based on the Michelson interferometer;基于迈克耳逊干涉仪的空间调制型干涉成像光谱仪

3.The Research of Method Techniques on Mineral and Rocks Identification Using Imaging Spectrometer Remote Sensing Data and Analyzing the Influence Factors;成像光谱岩矿识别方法技术研究和影响因素分析

5)Imaging spectrometer成像光谱仪

1.Design method for Offner imaging spectrometer composed of convex grating;一种凸面光栅Offner结构成像光谱仪的设计方法

2.Fourier analysis of Offner imaging spectrometer composed of a convex grating;凸面光栅Offner结构成像光谱仪的傅里叶分析

3.Tradeoff optimization design of optical configuration on imaging spectrometer;成像光谱仪工程权衡优化设计的光学结构

6)Multispectral imaging多光谱成像

1.Spectral reflectance recovery based on multispectral imaging;基于多光谱成像的光谱反射率重建

2.The results show that the germanium three-channel BCCD can not realize multispectral imaging in the region of near-IR.结果表明,锗制的三沟道BCCD不能在近红外光区实现多光谱成像。

3.The prospect of their applications to multispectral imaging is analyzed and discussed.介绍了两沟道和三沟道BCCD的工作,并对其实现多光谱成像的应用前景进行了分析和讨论。


