2000字范文 > 补偿效益 compensation benefit英语短句 例句大全

补偿效益 compensation benefit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-25 08:55:09


补偿效益 compensation benefit英语短句 例句大全

补偿效益,compensation benefit

1)compensation benefit补偿效益

1.Optimal selection of cascade reservoirscompensation benefit of the Yellow River mainstream based on AHP and catastrophe evaluation;基于AHP和突变评价法的黄河干流梯级水库补偿效益方案优选研究

2.Dynamic calculation of power generationcompensation benefits of the Yellow River upstream cascade power stations in different level years;不同水平年黄河上游梯级发电补偿效益的动态计算

3.Power generationcompensation benefit of the upper Yellow River in the first stage of the South-to-North Water Transfer West Route Project;南水北调西线一期调水时黄河上游水力发电的补偿效益


1.Theory and Application of Reservoirs Compensation Benefits--A Case Study of Reservoirs in Mainstream of Yellow River水库补偿效益理论与实践——以黄河干流水库为例

2.On Market Mechanism of Ecological Benefit Compensation of Non-commercial Forest;公益林生态效益补偿的市场机制研究

3.Theoretical Research on Compensation System of Forest Eco-benefit in China;中国森林生态效益补偿制度理论研究

4.Analysis of Perfecting the Compersation System of Forestry Ecology Benefit in China;浅析完善中国森林生态效益补偿制度

5.An integrated method for estimating compensations for environmental services of forests;森林生态效益经济补偿综合评估(英文)


7.Review on Progress of Forest Ecological Benefit Compensation Standard in China我国森林生态效益补偿标准研究进展

8.Choice and Effect Analysis of Reactive Power Compensation for Agricultural Machinery农机的无功补偿方式选择及效益分析

9.On Compensation for Forest Ecological Benefit Implemented by Qinghai Province青海省实施森林生态效益补偿的思考

10.Research on Cascade Hydropower Stations Compensation Regulation Benefit Repay Mechanism;梯级水电站群补偿调节效益偿还机制研究

11.Disquisition on the Mechanism of Forest Ecological Benefits Compensation for Collective Non-Commercial Forest in Guangxi;广西集体生态公益林生态效益补偿机制研究

12.Study on Benefits Compensation of Ecological Forests--A Case Study of Tonggu County in Jiangxi;公益林生态效益补偿研究——以江西铜鼓县为例

13.A Review on Study of Compensation for Ecological Forest in China;我国生态公益林效益补偿问题研究进展

14.Measurement and implementation of the compensation fee of ecological benefits of Guangzhou forests;广州市森林生态效益计量及生态公益林补偿

15.Discussion on Policy and Law of Compensation for Ecological Benefit of Welfare Forest;公益林生态效益补偿政策与法律问题探讨

16.On Ecological Benefit Compensation Policy and Regulation for Public Welfare Forest;我国公益林生态效益补偿政策与法规问题探讨

17.Reflections on Compensation System for Non-Commercial Forest;关于建立生态公益林效益补偿机制的思考

18.Theory Foundation of Establishment of Compensational Mechanism forEcological Benefits of Public Forest;建立公益林生态效益补偿制度的理论依据


compensation benefits补偿效益

1.Formation and solution ofcompensation benefits simulation model of cascade reservoirs in the main stream of Yellow River;黄河干流梯级水库补偿效益仿真模型的建立及求解

2.Application of differential square method for sharingcompensation benefits between cascade hydropower stations and for sharing costs between multipurpose water projects;离差平方法在梯级水库补偿效益和综合水利工程费用分摊中的应用

3.Application of deviation square method in sharingcompensation benefits for a cascade hydropower station;应用离差平方法进行梯级水库补偿效益分摊

3)Benefit compensation效益补偿

1.Analyzing the assessment results of the target responsibility system of the construction management and benefit compensation of Non-commercial Forest(NCF) in Guangdong Province over the past 3 years, this paper indicates that the assessment has effectively accelerated the management and protection of NCF, the improvement of low efficiency stands, and out over area regeneration.分析广东省生态公益林建设管理和效益补偿目标责任制考核体系实施3年来的效果,认为该考核工作有效地促进了生态公益林管护、低效林改造和迹地更新等工作,保证了生态公益林建设和补偿资金落实到位,考核结果与GDP之间也存在一定的联系。

4)ecological benefit compensation生态效益补偿

1.This paper probes into the legal basis and policy ofecological benefit compensation for public welfare forest from the aspect of CCP policies,Forest Law,Civil Law and Administration Law.我国的公益林生态效益补偿制度由天然林保护工程、退耕还林还草工程经济补偿规定、集体公益林生态效益补偿三部分构成。

2.Based on the investigation data in Zixing City of Huanan,this paper describes the relationship between the Collective Forestry Property Reformation and several basic legal systems,such as the forest properties,deforestation quota,forestry taxes,ecological benefit compensation and so on,as well as the their insufficiency.以湖南资兴市的调查资料为依据,论述了林权、森林限额采伐、林业税费、生态效益补偿等几个基本的法律制度与集体林权改革的关系及本身内容存在的不足。

3.The concept ofecological benefit compensation can be analyzed in sense of broad or narrow.生态效益补偿有广义和狭义之分。

5)evaluation of compensation benefit补偿效益评价

1.On the basis of fuzzy matter-element analysis,a fuzzy matter-element model forevaluation of compensation benefits of cascade reservoirs on the mainstream of the Yellow River was established by combination with the concept of Euclid approach degree.该模型不仅可以用于补偿效益评价,也可用于水资源(环境)承载力评价以及区域生态环境评价等多指标决策问题的研究。

6)flood control compensation benefit of reservoir防洪补偿效益


