2000字范文 > 第三年龄大学 university of the third age英语短句 例句大全

第三年龄大学 university of the third age英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-02 04:52:31


第三年龄大学 university of the third age英语短句 例句大全

第三年龄大学,university of the third age

1)university of the third age第三年龄大学

2)the third age第三年龄

1.It is completely possible for them to initiate`the second youth Old people should value`golden autumn ,actively take part in social development and extendthe third age.老年人应珍惜"金秋季节",积极参与社会发展,尽可能地延长人生第三年龄,社会应高度重视老年人的学习与教育,创办更多的老年学校,并使之成为丰收的"金秋果园"。

3)The City Age III第三年龄段

4)Grade 3 at No. 5 Middle School.第五中学三年级。


1.Primary Complex Operation on the Basis of Salter Pelvic Osteotomy for the Treatment of Congenital Hip Joint Dislocation inElder Patients;一次综合性手术治疗大年龄先天性髋脱位


1.How old do you have to is to vote in the national election.多大年龄才能在大选中投票。

2.How old do you have to be to vote in the national election多大年龄才能在大选中投票

3.And it was done--why, how old are you?"然后才杀死了他——你多大年龄?”

4.If you smoke, how old were you when you started smoking?假如你吸烟,你多大年龄时开始吸的?

5.an elderly unmarried woman.年龄较大的未婚女子。

6.Which of them is the eldest?他们中哪个人年龄最大?

7.Can I have your name and age, please?请问你的大名和年龄?

8.We may not get wiser as we get older.不一定年龄越大越聪明。

9.That old man is twice older than his grandson.那位老人的年龄比他孙子的年龄大两倍。

10.Older than usual for a particular position or activity.超龄的对于某特定职位或活动年龄过大的

11.The Riphean shale is considered to be 680 my to 925 my old.里菲系页岩的年龄大约为680-925百万年。

12.To pass a certain sentence because the accused is very old or very young.因被告年龄太大或太年轻的某种科刑。

13.age-marital duration specific fertility rate年龄婚龄龄别生育率

14.Professor Zhang is old, so he is called Zhang Lao.张教授年龄比较大,大家都管他叫张老。

15.College Students Age Stereotypes toward Young and Elderly People;大学生对年轻人和老年人的年龄刻板印象

16.Evidence from isotopic dating suggests that the greenstone belts vary considerably in age.来自同位素年龄鉴定的证据指出,绿岩带在年龄上彼此变化相当大。

17.The result of the age group analysis of individuals found that these 38 individuals included 7 age groups, which lacked the individuals of 0,5 and 8 years old.进一步分析发现,38条大鲵标本涵盖7个年龄段,其中缺0龄、5龄和8龄个体。

18.As it is now, the average age of the Central Committee members is higher than that of those elected at the Ninth, the Tenth, and the Eleventh National Congresses.现在比九大、十大、十一大中央委员的平均年龄大。


the third age第三年龄

1.It is completely possible for them to initiate`the second youth Old people should value`golden autumn ,actively take part in social development and extendthe third age.老年人应珍惜"金秋季节",积极参与社会发展,尽可能地延长人生第三年龄,社会应高度重视老年人的学习与教育,创办更多的老年学校,并使之成为丰收的"金秋果园"。

3)The City Age III第三年龄段

4)Grade 3 at No. 5 Middle School.第五中学三年级。


1.Primary Complex Operation on the Basis of Salter Pelvic Osteotomy for the Treatment of Congenital Hip Joint Dislocation inElder Patients;一次综合性手术治疗大年龄先天性髋脱位

6)max age最大年龄


