2000字范文 > 边境民族地区 ethnic border area英语短句 例句大全

边境民族地区 ethnic border area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-03 11:22:15


边境民族地区 ethnic border area英语短句 例句大全

边境民族地区,ethnic border area

1)ethnic border area边境民族地区

1.In order to speed the process of building a well-off society, theethnic border areas should take the mode of "shift at proper time", which means that the mode of "family making decision" should be transferred into that of "joint action", and into that of "regional in.广西京族三岛小康建设的现实说明,"家庭自主"建设模式虽然取得了明显的成效,但这种模式存在不少缺陷,未能适应改革开放深入发展的需要;为加快全面建设小康进程,边境民族地区应选择"适时转换模式"的模式,即由"家庭自主"模式转换为"集体联动"模式;再转换为区域互动模式。


1.Develop frontier commerce,Quicken shaking off poverty and make a fortune of the frontier area;发展边境贸易 加快边境民族地区脱贫致富

2.A Research to the Economic Development Environment of Sino-Vietnamese Border Ethnic Areas Since the Founding of PRC;建国以来中越边境民族地区经济发展环境研究

3.Sub-regional International Economic Cooperation and Continue-ability Development of Border Nationalities Region;次区域经济合作与边境民族地区可持续发展

4.Report on Compulsory Education Investment in the Frontier Minority Area;边境民族地区义务教育经费投入调查报告

5.On the basic education in the regions along the Yunnan border云南边境民族地区基础教育的现状及思考

6.A study of compulsory education investment in minority area;少数民族地区义务教育经费投入研究——对云南省边境民族地区的调查

7.Breakthrough the Border Effect:Urbanization and the Development of Open-oriented Economy in Border Areas突破边界效应:城市化与边境民族地区外向型经济发展——以中越边境为例

8.The Research of Frontier Multi-National Area County Municipal Government Function Localization and Realization Way;边境民族地区县市政府职能定位及实现途径研究

9.On the Main Problems and Strategies of Elementary Education of Bordering Ethnic Minority Area in Yunnan云南边境民族地区基础教育中的主要问题和对策

10.To Carry Forward the Laoshan Spirit in the New Era and its Significance to the Frontier Minority Area新时期继续弘扬老山精神在边境民族地区的实践意义

11.Ministry for the Development of Border Areas and National Races边境地区和民族发展部

12.Frontier trade and the economic development in ethnic minority areas in the borderland;边境贸易与边疆民族地区的经济发展

13.Ministry of Progress of the Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs边境地区和民族进步及发展事务部

14.Work Committee for the Development of Border Areas and National Races边境地区和民族发展工作委员会

15.An Anaiysis of the Environmental Aspect of Moral Education in Colleges and Universities in the Frontier and Minority Areas;边疆民族地区高校德育环境因素分析

16.Puzzle about and Reflections on Ethnic Minority Education in Border Areas of Yunnan Province;云南边境地区少数民族教育的困惑与反思

17.The Research on Impact Factors in Development of Border Trade of Southwest Ethnic Region西南民族地区边境贸易发展的影响因素研究

18.Study on the Pro-Poor Policies of Ethnic Minorities Carried Out by P.R. China and Vietnam in the Sino-Vietnamese Border Areas中国和越南两国边境地区的民族扶贫政策研究


Frontier multi-national area government边境民族地区政府

3)The border areas between China and Vietnam中越边境民族地区

4)the multi-minority border areas边境少数民族地区

1.The research have been done through the field investigations,interview investigation method and case study research,in order to find out the effectiveness of forestry higher education inthe multi-minority border areas in Yunnan,especially the results in society and economic.以西南林学院在云南边境少数民族地区工作的毕业生为研究对象,运用田野调查,采取访谈法、选择个案进行调查研究,从而得出高等林业教育对云南边境少数民族社会、经济的实际成效。

5)border minority nationality region边疆民族地区

1.Social and economic development and selection of water resources guarantee mechanism ofborder minority nationality regions in China——Case study of Hulun Buir City;边疆民族地区社会经济发展与水利保障机制选择研究——以呼伦贝尔市为例

6)Western frontier minority areas边疆多民族地区

1.In the process of building modernization relying on the market inWestern frontier minority areas,achieving the common prosperity of all ethnic groups is One of the important contents on establishing a socialist harmonious society.西部地区经济发展中存在相当程度的民族关系因素,边疆多民族地区在依靠市场化动员推进现代化建设过程中,实现各民族的共同繁荣,是建立社会主义和谐社会的重要内容之一。


边境地区反击战斗边境地区反击战斗border area counter-attack battle炮兵对敌实施火力反击bianling diqu fon)1 zhandou边境地区反击战斗(borde:are。couattack battle)在边境地区对局部人敌实施的进攻战斗。可分为兵力反击力反击两种形式。通常在上级编成内任务,有时也可单独实施。目的是夺回阵地,恢复边境态势,巩固边防安全。冷兵器时期,兵力反击是边境地击战斗惟一的作战形式。火器时期,在[er-佗伙沂决:反几力支援下实施兵力反击成为主要样式。第世界大战后,双方交战的空间增大,边区的战斗更加激烈,实施反击战斗通常运用炮兵、坦克兵、航空兵火力反击直同步兵反击。中国人民解放军在中印边卫反击战和中越边境自卫还击战中,以与兵力相结合的方法。多次实施反击占夺回边境被占阵地,取得重大胜利。边境地区通常地广人稀,交通不候形复杂,物资缺乏,部队实施机动、组挥、战斗协同和保障困难;但便于利悉地形隐蔽进行准备,可凭借有利地工事及时组织实施有效的反击战斗。}基本要求:周密进行侦察,可靠掌握丙组织密切协同,做好充分准备,发扬英强的战斗精神。组织实施边境地区反击战斗,应敌占领阵地的战术价值、兵力和防守以及己方机动力量等情况,正确选择目标;反击目标不宜过大,乘敌立稳、伤亡严重和兵力、火力部署不周事障碍不完备、态势孤立突出等有机,力求在夜暗或复杂气象条件下发击,并准备强攻。反击兵力主要由本成预备队和兵种预备队担任;必要时可从纵深部队中抽调兵力参加,形成兵力、火力优势。组织计划时,需明击的兵力编成、部署、反击方向、展区和开始时间及炮兵、航空兵支援反任务和方法,各兵种、各部队间的协保障措施等。实施反击战斗前,正确反击路线,反击部队、分队适时秘密拒或在炮兵、航空兵火力和烟幕掩护下接敌并占领反击展开地区,隐蔽进行战斗准备。
