2000字范文 > 终身学习能力 life-long learning abilities英语短句 例句大全

终身学习能力 life-long learning abilities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-10 11:17:27


终身学习能力 life-long learning abilities英语短句 例句大全

终身学习能力,life-long learning abilities

1)life-long learning abilities终身学习能力


1.In the Context of Life-long Education:The Exploration of Students Life-long Learning Ability Training in Higher Education;终身教育视野下高校学生终身学习能力培养探析

2.Aim of Accounting Education Reform: To Foster the Capability of Life-Long Education;会计教学改革的目标:培养学生终身学习能力

3.Education Informationization and Cultivation of College Students Lifelong Learning Ability;教育信息化与大学生终身学习能力的培养

4.On Continued Development Concept of Lifelong Study Ability of Higher Vocational College Students;以可持续发展理念培养高职学生终身学习能力

5.Keeping Up With The March Of English Curriculum Reform And Developing TheCompetence Of Students For Their Lifelong Education;顺应英语课程改革,培养学生终身学习能力

6.The Strategy about Cultivating the Grown-up s Lifelong Self-learning Ability;成人自我导向终身学习能力的培养策略

7.Lifelong Learning and Development of Learner Autonomy;终身教育与学生自主学习能力的培养

8.Lifelong Learning Capacity:A Kind of Necessary Survival Capacity in Learning Society;终身学习力:学习型社会一种必要的生存能力

9.On the Life-long Learning System of Overall Promotion Employment Ability;论全面提升就业能力的终身学习体系

10.To adult university student lifelong physical culture ability and custom exploration;对成人高校学生终身体育能力和习惯的探索

11.On the Cultivation of Students’ Sense of Lifelong PE Ability;浅谈大学生终身体育意识习惯能力的培养

12.Status Investigation of Competence Assessment and Certification in Competence-oriented Lifelong Learning能力取向的终身学习及其评估认证现状

13.Develop the Students Abilities and Habits of Lifelong Physical Exercises;体育教学中培养学生终身体育能力和习惯的研究

14.Discussion on cultivation of life-long physical practice and ability through PE;体育教学中培养学生终身体育能力和习惯的探讨

15.A Discussion on Cultivating of Life-Long Motive, Interest,Habit and Capability in Sports by Using Motive Theory;终身体育动机、兴趣、习惯和能力的培养

16.School is the ideal place to gain life-long learning skills,学校是获得终身学习技能的理想场所,

17.It also has a center for lifelong learning.另外还有一个致力于终身学习的中心。

18.New Measure in EU to Improve the Employment Ability--Study on the Lifelong Study Strategy欧盟提高劳动就业能力的新举措——终身学习策略研究


lifelong learning capacity终身学习力

1.Solifelong learning capacity is one of the most potential capacities in the future.因此,终身学习力也就是未来最具潜力的能力之一。

3)Lifelong learning终身学习

1.On Lifelong Learning and the Change of Teaching Role;论终身学习与教学角色的改变

2.Lifelong Learning, Learning Type Society and Library;终身学习、学习型社会和图书馆

3.The Approach of IT Teacher s Lifelong Learning——Action Research;信息技术教师终身学习之途径——行动研究

4)Life-long study终身学习

1.The rule has the important enlightening guidence for the medical teachers in life-long study.这一工作目标的确立 ,对医学教育工作者终身学习的观念、目标和工作任务具有重要的启示和指导作用 。

2.This article discusses the qualities of mathematics teachers from such aspects as the understanding of mathematics, teaching competence and attitude, moral quality and life-long study in order that mathematics teachers could meet the needs of scientific development as well as the characteristics of students, and form a teaching style of "carefulness, solidness, flexibility and profundit从数学修养、教学水平、教学态度和人格特征、终身学习四方面对高职数学教师素质要求展开论述,以期更好适应高速的科技发展和学生特点,形成“细致、扎实、灵活、深刻”的教学风格。

3.In such a society of knowledge, it is life-long study that helps people catch up with the social current.21世纪 ,人类已进入知识社会和知识经济的时代 ,而终身学习是开启知识社会大门的一把金钥匙。

5)life-long learning终身学习

1.Analysis on thelife-long learning idea and adult education policy;终身学习理念与成人教育政策的实践分析

2.Discussion on the base of the guaranteed mechanism oflife-long learning of ideological and political education in the college;论高校思想政治教育者终身学习的保障机制

3.A Brief analysis oflife-long learning system of mechanical specialty based on modern long distance opening education;浅析基于现代远程开放教育的机械专业终身学习体系

6)lifetime study终身学习

1.Research on setting up system of college sports teacher slifetime study;建立高校体育教师终身学习体系的研究

2.Effective ways oflifetime study for art instr uctors have also been briefly discussed as .面对信息时代和知识经济时代的到来 ,任何人都不能在学校学习期间充分掌握他今后所从事工作所需的知识 ,文章试图从把握美术教育方向、提高个人文化艺术修养、改进教学方法及实现个人价值四方面来论述高校美术教师终身学习的重要性 ,并简要分析了目前美术教师终身学习的有效途径。

3.Only by strengthening the professional education and thelifetime study,can the librarians improve their own comprehensive qualities continuously to adapt themselves to the development of the times.图书馆员只有加强专业教育与终身学习,才能不断提高自身的综合素质,使自己适应时代的发展。


