2000字范文 > 民族教学改革 reform of minority ethnic groups education英语短句 例句大全

民族教学改革 reform of minority ethnic groups education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-29 16:59:06


民族教学改革 reform of minority ethnic groups education英语短句 例句大全

民族教学改革,reform of minority ethnic groups education

1)reform of minority ethnic groups education民族教学改革

2)reform of ethnic education民族教育改革


1.Educational Assessment--a Bottleneck for Reform and Development of Ethnic Education;民族教育改革与发展的瓶颈——教育评价

2.Reform of Ethnic Education Based on Cultural Construction in Ethnic Schools;民族学校文化建设背景下的民族教育改革

3.A Macro Thinking on the Reforms and Development of Ethnic Minority Education of West-China;西部民族教育改革与发展的宏观思考

4.Western Development Strategy and Educational Reform and Development of Ethnic Minorities in Guizhou西部大开发与贵州少数民族教育改革和发展

5.A Tentative Study of Educational Reform and System Innovation in Ethnic Regions;试论民族地区教育的改革和体制创新


7.China s Entry into WTO and Reforms of Higher Education for Nationalities;加入WTO与我国民族高等教育的改革

8.A Study of Reform in Curricula and Policy Related to Minority Nationality Education in our Country;我国民族教育课程改革及其政策研究

9.Exploration on the Development of Education for Ethnic Minoritiesin Gansu after Reform and Opening;改革开放后甘肃民族教育的发展探索

10.Thoughts on the Education Reforms of Teachers College in Minority Natonality Regions;对少数民族地区师专教育改革的思考

11.On The Reform of The Course "Ideological Political Education" in The Preparatory Department for Nationalities;民族预科《思想政治教育》课改革之我见

12.Conducting Ethnic Education in China Based on the Concept of Multi-cultural Education;浅谈多元文化教育理念下我国民族教育的改革

13.Discussion on Minority Traditional Sports and Reform of Higher P.E.Teaching in our Country;少数民族传统体育与高等体育教育改革刍论

14.On the Relationship of the Reform of Higher Education and the Development of Traditional Chinese Sports;高等体育教育改革与民族传统体育的发展

15.An Exploration of National Traditional Sports and Physical Education Reform in Institutions of Higher Learning民族传统体育与高校体育教学改革探析

16.Reforming Practice in Clinical Practice for Training TCMBrains for National Regions;民族地区中医药教育临床教学改革实践

17.Education Reform of National Colleges and Universities In theBackground of New Curriculum;论新课程背景下民族院校的教师教育改革

18.Study on Problems of Graduation Education Reformation and Management in Universities for Nationalities;民族高校研究生教育改革与管理问题研究


reform of ethnic education民族教育改革

3)Nationality reform民族改革

4)teaching reformation教学改革

1.Discussion onteaching reformation of numerical control technology;数控技术课程教学改革探讨

2.Exploration forteaching reformation of basic chemical experiment;基础化学实验教学改革初探

3.Researches in Teaching Reformation of Chinese Traditional Surgery base on Resources of Network;《中医外科学》基于网上资源的教学改革

5)Education reform教学改革

1.Deepening of education reform of organic experiment to foster high quality persons being expert in one and good at many;深化有机化学实验教学改革,培养一专多能高素质人才

2.Exploration and practice of education reform incourses of food engineering speciality;对粮油食品工程专业课程教学改革的探讨与实践

3.Practice and consideration of education reform in hospital pharmacy;医院药学教学改革的实践与思考

6)educational reform教学改革

1.The environmental monitoring experiment at the beginning ofeducational reform searches;环境监测实验教学改革初探

2.New thinking ofeducational reform for material mechanics;材料力学教学改革的新思路

3.The questing foreducational reform in the specialty of inorganic nonmetallic materials;无机非金属材料专业教学改革的探索


