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内环境 Internal environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-23 22:23:10


内环境 Internal environment英语短句 例句大全

内环境,Internal environment

1)Internal environment内环境

1.Internal environment changes and management during whole body hyperthermia under general anaesthesia;热化疗对癌症患者内环境的影响

2.Eight Xuhuai white goats fitted with permanent ruminal cannulae,proximal duodenal T-shaped cannulae were used to evaluate the effect of mixed hay and silage on dynamic changing rules of internal environment parameters of rumen and duodenum.以8只装有永久性瘤胃瘘管和十二指肠近端T型瘘管的徐淮白山羊为试验动物,分为2组,分别饲喂青贮玉米和混合干草,研究山羊瘤胃和十二指肠内环境的昼夜动态变化。


1.Homeostasis and Internal Environment Research from A Perspective of Complexity Science;复杂性视野下的内环境和内环境稳态

2.immunological homeostatic control免疫内环境稳定控制

3.Colour and Environment Art──Study on Modern indoor Environment Colour Design色彩与环境艺术──现代室内环境色彩设计初探

4.On the Connection Betueen Indoor Decoration and Indoor Emironmental Design;浅谈室内装饰与室内环境设计的联系

5.Modified Taylor Series Position Algorithm in the Indoor Environment室内环境内的改进型Taylor级数定位算法

6.He invented the term homeostasis for the tendency of the organism to maintain constancy of the internal environment.他创造了“内环境稳定”一词来说明机体有保持内环境稳定的倾向。

7.Shanghai Hanscare Indoor Environment Technology Co., Ltd.上海汉斯凯室内环境科技有限公司

8.Analysis and Thought on Water Environment of Hunan s Yuanshui Valley;湖南境内沅水流域水环境分析与思考

9.Study on Fish Environmental Risk of Allopatry Introduced in China Domestic中国境内异地引种鱼类环境风险研究

10.There were four domains under the major theme: surrounding environment, residents, recreation and privacy and autonomy.在护理之家周围环境领域包括两个类型-内在环境与外在环境。

11.In the final analysis, the external big environment plays its role through the small environment in the grottoes.外界大环境归根结底通过窟内小环境起作用。

12.The environment of a very small, specific area.微环境一个非常小的特定区域内的环境

13.On the Theme of Environmental Justice in American Environmental Literature;美国环境文学中的环境正义主题内涵探析

14.The Best Way to Coordinate Trade and Environment: Internalization of Environmental Cost;协调贸易与环境的最佳途径——环境成本内部化

15.Harmonize of trade and environment--a survey of internalization of environmental costs;贸易与环境的协调——环境成本内部化研究

16.Endogenizing the Mechanism of Environmental Protection and Developing Enterprises Self-organizing Environmental Management论环境保护机制内化与企业自组织环境管理

17.On the External Environment and Internal Conditions for Improving the Internal Auditing改善内部审计的外部环境和内部条件

18.A discussion on the implication, environment, and risk management of internal control audit;内控审计的内涵、环境与风险运作探讨


inner environment内环境

1.New Design of Control Instrument of Positive Pressure Inner Environment;一种新型超压内环境控制仪的设计

2.Experiments with cherry were made on cherry based on the theoretical analysis of the influencing factors of MAPinner environment.在对水果气调包装内环境影响因素理论分析的基础上,以樱桃为对象进行实验,定性地分析了多种因素对内环境的影响。


1.Objective To investigate the effects of different dosages of hydrocortisone(HC) on the disorder ofhomeostasis in rats at early stage of endotoxic shock.目的探讨不同剂量氢化可的松(hydrocortisone,HC)对内毒素休克早期大鼠内环境的影响。

4)Inside environment内环境

1.Effect of inside environment of steel airtight tube on brass shell;钢质密封筒储存内环境对弹药黄铜药筒的影响

5)Indoor Environment室内环境

1.The detection and prevention of indoor environmental pollution;室内环境污染的检测与防治

2.Do well indoor environmental test and to avoid harmful gas pollution;搞好室内环境检测 严防有害气体污染

3.Research on typical indoor environment safety of large marketplace in Shenyang City;沈阳市大型商场室内环境污染物监测

6)indoors environment室内环境

1.With the rapid development of our country s economy, construction scale of urban construction is becoming more and more large, the architectural function is increasing complex, and theindoors environment requirement is increasing higher.随着我国国民经济的高速发展,城市的建筑建设规模越来越大,功能越来越复杂,人们对室内环境的要求也越来越高。


内环境内环境internal environment细胞外液即细胞生活的液体环境。
