2000字范文 > 优缺点分析 analysis of the advantages and disadvantages英语短句 例句大全

优缺点分析 analysis of the advantages and disadvantages英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-27 19:53:49


优缺点分析 analysis of the advantages and disadvantages英语短句 例句大全

优缺点分析,analysis of the advantages and disadvantages

1)analysis of the advantages and disadvantages优缺点分析


1.Advantages and Disadvantages of the Newly Developed "Second-stop Zone" Traffic Regulations in Hangzhou杭州市左转/直行待驶区的优缺点分析

2.Analysis of Merits and Demerits about Multimedia Technique in Classroom;多媒体技术应用于课堂教学优缺点分析

3.An Analysis of Common Research Models of Customer Satisfaction and their Strengths and Weaknesses;常用客户满意度研究模型及其优缺点分析

4.Analysis of Merits and DemeritsAbout Distance Education Based on Computer Network;基于计算机网络的远距离教育优缺点分析

5.Rearch in the Project Management Model of the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project南水北调中线工程管理模式优缺点分析

6.Analysis of the HID Ballast"s Advantages and Disadvantages and Its Improved Application高强度气体放电灯镇流器的优缺点分析及改良应用

7.Analysis and Comparison Concerning Advantages and Disadvantages of Single-forming Process and Continuous Forming Process for Medium-sized ERW Pipe Mill(PartⅡ)中直径ERW机组单卷和连续生产工艺的优缺点分析比较(下)

8.Analysis and Comparison Concerning Advantages and Disadvantages of Single-forming Process and Continuous Forming Process for Medium-sized ERW Pipe Mill(PartⅠ)中直径ERW机组单卷和连续生产工艺的优缺点分析比较(上)

9.To judge the merits and faults of;analyze and evaluate.分析,评估评论…的优点和缺点;分析和评价

10.You have both the strong points and weaknesses of the analytic learner,你会拥有分析型学习者的优缺点,

11.Characters of traditional debugging techniques for operating system kernels are analyzed.分析了现有操作系统内核调试方法的优缺点。

parison of Two Different Incisions in the Surgical Treatment of Renal Cell Cancer;治疗肾细胞癌的两种手术切口优缺点比较分析

13.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Urban Utility Tunnel and the Analysis on Its Present Construction in China城市综合管沟的优缺点及国内建设现状分析

14.The optional protection schemes of ENC are putted forward and its advantages and disadvantages are analyzed as well.提出了可供选择的各种加密方案并分析了各方案的优缺点

15.Finding Direction of Maize Breeding and Seed Production in Jilin Province by Analyzing the Advantages and Disadvantages of‘Zhengdan 958’and‘Xianyu 335’从分析郑单958和先玉335优缺点看吉林省玉米育种与种子生产方向

16.Finally, we dissect the merit and demerit and applicability of existing regressive analysis methods by analyzing the practical seismic problems.通过对实际地震问题分析,剖析了现有回归分析方法的优缺点和适用条件。

17.The advantage of low molecular ratio electrolyte is supercor to the disadvantage of it.低分子比电解质虽然有一定的缺点,但优点远远大于其缺点。

18.The essay analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the supervision systems of the USA and Britain and gives some suggestions on improving the supervision system of negotiable securities of our country.本文试从分析英美的证券监管制度的优点和缺点着手以期完善我国的证券监管制度。


SWOP analysisSWOP(优缺点)分析

3)advantages defect analysis优点缺陷分析

4)analysis on functional advantage and disadvantage功能优缺分析

5)advantages and disadvantages优缺点

1.Onadvantages and disadvantages of logging by animal power and by tractor;论畜力集材与拖拉机集材的优缺点

2.Theadvantages and disadvantages comparison among TEM different loops浅析瞬变电磁法不同回线装置的优缺点

3.Techniques for ballast water treatment and theiradvantages and disadvantages压载水处理技术及其优缺点(英文)

6)merits and demerits优缺点

1.The paper analyses themerits and demerits of the sending system by the instance that Baotou Steel Group carries out it.员工派遣是一种新型的劳务关系,是对人事代理制度的进一步深化和完善,通过包钢对派遣员工的使用,文章分析了员工派遣制度的优缺点。

2.Through discussing the effect brough forth by overwhelming electric current while starting the electric motor,different starting ways of three phase electric motor were explanied,themerits and demerits and appropriate condition of different starting ways were compared.通过电动机起动电流过大所产生的影响 ,阐述了三相异步电动机的各种起动方法 ,并比较了各种起动方法的优缺点及适用条

3.This paper elaborates the theoretical model and themerits and demerits of CLT after reviewing the four stages of language testing.文章回顾了语言测试的四个时期,论述了交际语言测试的理论模式以及优缺点,并从效度重于信度的角度指出它应当被推行;同时提出在我国目前的情况下,测试模式应采用以交际语言测试为主,多种测试题型并存的综合性测试。


各种阀门的优缺点以及分别适用场合概述按用途和作用分类 截断阀类 主要用于截断或接通介质流。包括闸阀、截止阀、隔膜阀、球阀、旋塞阀、碟阀、柱塞阀、球塞阀、针型仪表阀等。 调节阀类 主要用于调节介质的流量、压力等。包括调节阀、节流阀、减压阀等。 止回阀类 用于阻止介质倒流。包括各种结构的止回阀。 分流阀类 用于分离、分配或混合介质。包括各种结构的分配阀和疏水阀等。 安全阀类 用于介质超压时的安全保护。包括各种类型的安全阀。 按主要参数分类 (一) 按压力分类 真空阀 工作压力低于标准大气压的阀门。 低压阀 公称压力PN 小于1.6MPa的阀门。 中压阀 公称压力PN 2.5~6.4MPa的阀门。 高压阀 公称压力PN10.0~80.0MPa的阀门。 超高压阀 公称压力PN大于100MPa的阀门。 (二) 按介质温度分类 高温阀 t 大于450C的阀门。 中温阀 120 C小于 t 小于450 C的阀门。 常温阀 -40 C小于 t 小于120 C的阀门。 低温阀 -100 C小于 t 小于-40 C的阀门。 超低温阀 t 小于-100 C的阀门。 (三) 按阀体材料分类 非金属材料阀门:如陶瓷阀门、玻璃钢阀门、塑料阀门。 金属材料阀门:如铜合金阀门、铝合金阀门、铅合金阀门、钛合金阀门、蒙乃尔合金阀门 铸铁阀门、碳钢阀门、铸钢阀门、低合金钢阀门、高合金钢阀门。 金属阀体衬里阀门:如衬铅阀门、衬塑料阀门、衬搪瓷阀门。 通用分类法 这种分类方法既按原理、作用又按结构划分,是目前国际、国内最常用的分类方法。一般分闸阀、截止阀、节流阀、仪表阀、柱塞阀、隔膜阀、旋塞阀、球阀、蝶阀、止回阀、减压阀安全阀、疏水阀、调节阀、底阀、过滤器、排污阀等。
