2000字范文 > 伽玛辐射 gamma radiation英语短句 例句大全

伽玛辐射 gamma radiation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-13 20:52:14


伽玛辐射 gamma radiation英语短句 例句大全

伽玛辐射,gamma radiation

1)gamma radiation伽玛辐射

1.The simulative experimental system of space radiation environment was established by Co60 radiation resource and the Effect due to Total Ionizing Dose were simulated bygamma radiation.在此基础上,以Co60为辐射源建立空间辐射环境模拟实验系统,用伽玛辐射模拟空间电离总剂量辐射效应,针对两个不同浓度EDFA增益特性随辐射剂量的变化特性进行了实验研究,验证理论分析的正确性。


1.Studies on the Rice Bentazon Sensitive Lethality Mutant Induced by γ-ray Radiation;伽玛辐射创造水稻苯达松敏感致死突变体的研究

2.Experimental study of the γ sensitivity of the slot-collimated PIN fission neutron detecting system狭缝式裂变中子探测系统伽玛辐射灵敏度实验研究

3.Preliminary Study on Biological Effect of Soybean by Nitrogen Ion Beam Implantation and ~(60)Co-γ Radiation氮离子束注入和钴60伽玛辐射对大豆生物学效应研究初报

4.At the same time, the flash sent out powerful infrared radiation and gamma rays.强光亦释放出红外线辐射和伽玛射线

5.Researches on Gamma-ray Emission Mechanism in Active Galactic Nuclei;活动星系核的伽玛射线辐射机制研究

6.Study on Gamma-Ray Burst Efficiency, Energy and Early Afterglow;伽玛射线暴辐射效率、辐射能及早期余辉研究

7.An irradiation of 60 sec. limits the build-up of excessive gamma radiation levels.采取60秒辐射限定了剩余伽玛射线水平的增高。

8.Effects of Gamma-Ray Irradiation on Surface Charge Accumulation of Polyethylene伽玛线辐射对聚乙烯表面电荷累积的影响

9.Effects of Gamma-Ray Irradiation on Surface Charge Accumulation on Polybutylene Naphthalate伽玛线辐射对PBN试样表面电荷累积的影响

10.external gamma dose rate外来伽马辐射剂量率

11.gamma sampling radiometer of banded scree带屏伽马取样辐射仪

12.continuous gamma measurement result连续伽马辐射测量结果

13.digital gamma ray scintillometer数字式伽玛射线闪烁计

14.Other forms of radiant energy familiar to us are radio waves, infrared rays, ultra-violet rays,X rays,and gamma rays.我们熟悉的另外一些形式的辐射能是电磁波,红外线、紫外线、x射线和伽玛射线。

15.Mutation Induction by Gamma Rays in Rice: Quality Assurance of Induction Mutants and Studies on Several Important Mutant Traits;水稻伽玛射线辐射诱变:突变体质量保证与若干重要突变性状的研究

16.Radon Behavior and Its Effect on Gamma-ray Radiation Field in the Air;大气氡变化及其对伽马辐射场的影响

17.differential four-channel gamma-ray spectrometer差动四通道伽玛射线能谱仪

18.The Effecte of Water in the Soil on Scattered Gamma-ray水分对伽玛能谱低能散射射线影响的研究


gamma-ray irradiation伽玛线辐射

1.The results show that the amount of negative charge is larger than that of positive charge regardless of the total dose ofgamma-ray irradiation.本文以聚乙烯(PE)为试样,经不同剂量60Co伽玛线辐射源辐射后,在施加直流电压的针对板电极中注入表面电荷。

3)Terrestrial Exposure from Gama radiation伽玛辐射剂量率

4)airborne gamma radiometer航空伽玛辐射仪

5)gamma directioned radiometer伽玛定向辐射仪

6)gamma scintillator radiometer伽玛闪烁辐射仪


伽玛射线弹伽玛射线弹:它爆炸后尽管各种效应不大,也不会使人立刻死去,但能造成 放射性沾染,迫使敌人离开。所以它比氢弹、中子弹更高级,更有威慑力。{据最新情报:目前针对伽玛射线弹的研制,中国方面还处于理论和实验室阶段,离研制成功还有一段距离。而据美国权威杂志《核战略最新动态》报道;中国的伽玛射线武器的研制和美国相比只少相差十至十五年的时间,五角大楼的分析报告指出,美国将在之前进行第一阶段的核试验,最晚在之前完成实战需要。}
