2000字范文 > 中央电大 China Central Radio and TV University(CRTVU)英语短句 例句大全

中央电大 China Central Radio and TV University(CRTVU)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-27 10:48:25


中央电大 China Central Radio and TV University(CRTVU)英语短句 例句大全

中央电大,China Central Radio and TV University(CRTVU)

1)China Central Radio and TV University(CRTVU)中央电大

1.Since the beginning of Talent Cultivation Mode and Open Education Pilot Program,China Central Radio and TV University(CRTVU) has actively explored the new form of online(virtual) research activities for course instruction.本研究采取问卷调查、访谈法和观察法,对中央电大网上教研现状进行了调研和分析。


1.The Central TVU s Practice and Innovation of Online Teaching Management;中央电大网上教学管理的实践与创新

2.The Possibility of Reforming Education Model and Developing Open Education Experiment of the Center RTV University;中央电大“试点项目”的可能性阐释

3.Practice and Thinking of Instructional Resources Construction in Central RTVU;中央电大教学资源建设的实践与思考

4.On the Features of Central TVU"s Online Financial and Economic Courses中央电大财经类网络课程的特色探究

5.The Analysis of Development and Status in Agricultural Vocational Education of CRTVU;中央电大在农业职业教育中的地位与发展探析

6.Reflects from the Teacher s Point of View on the English Teaching Reform for Open Education Designed by China Central Radio and TV University;从教师角度反思中央电大开放英语教学改革

7.The Current Situation of Online Research Activities for Course Instruction in CCRTVU;中央广播电视大学网上教研活动研究

8.Energy-saving Management of Air Conditioning System of Anhui Post and Telecom Building安徽邮电大厦中央空调系统节能管理

9.Utility The utility is a commercial power source that supplies electrical power to specific facilities from a large central power plant.市电市电是商业电源,从大型中央电站向各设施供电。

10.Observations on the Sikes of Periaqueductal Gray Neurons in Albino Rats大白鼠中脑中央灰质神经元放电的观察

11.centralized computer telecommunication integrated system中央电脑电讯集成系统

12.contra-rotating propellers common batter共电制)中央电池组

13.Special tailor made for Yunyan Yang at the Chinese National TV talent young singers contest year.为杨云燕参加中央电视台青年歌手大奖赛而作。

14.Running Faulty Analysis of Central Air Conditioning System of a Telecom Building某电信大楼中央空调系统运行故障分析

15.CPU chip circuit中央处理机芯片电路

16.The Sports Channel on CCTV.中央电视台体育频道。

17."CCTV" is abbreviated from "China Central Television".CCTV是中央电视台的缩写。

18.The Movie Channel of CCTV showed three homemade TV dramas over several hours during the Spring Festival.例:中央电视台影视频道在春节期间有三部国产电视剧大放送。


Central Road中央大道

3)Central University中央大学

1.Take the period of Lo Chia-lun charge with Tsinghua University andCentral University for example,the article analyzes the specific view of the excellent teacher appointment system and seek to perfect the appointment system of teachers,so as to provide some of the reference for the current appointment reform of the system of university teachers.本文以罗家伦执掌清华与中央大学时期为例,探析了其罗致优良师资与力求完善聘任制度等具体的教师聘任观,以期为时下的大学教师聘任制度改革提供某些可资借鉴之处。


5)Distance Reception Center of China Central Radio & Television University中央广播电视大学

6)central battery中央电池


中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府中央出版局中央苏区具体从事出版发行工作的机构。1931年底在江西瑞金成立,局长张人亚。1931年11月,在江西瑞金召开的中华苏维埃共和国第一次全国代表大会,选举产生中央执行委员会人民委员会,下设中央出版局和中央印刷局。曾出版《社会进化简史》等书;还有一些书籍如《共产党与共产党员》、《苏维埃政权》、《苏维埃政权讲授大纲》等,系由该局主持、以中央苏维埃政府名义出版的。根据已经查到的资料统计,1930~1934年, 中央苏区在艰苦的战争环境里, 共出版图书97种、刊物17种。因史料湮没,实际出版的种数远不止此。此外,还出版大小报纸34种,其中,《红色中华》报发行0.3~4万份以上;《青年实话》发行2.8万份;《斗争》仅在江西苏区每期发行2.71万份;《红星报》(中国)发行1.73万份。
