2000字范文 > 言语声学 Speech acoustics英语短句 例句大全

言语声学 Speech acoustics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-13 11:54:58


言语声学 Speech acoustics英语短句 例句大全

言语声学,Speech acoustics

1)Speech acoustics言语声学

2)Speech acoustics语言声学


1.Multilingual Acoustic Modeling Method Based on Phoneme Clustering基于音素聚类的多语言声学建模方法

2.This paper is involved in aspects of linguistic acoustics, including phonetics, text to speech, speech recognition and natural language processing(NLP).本文涉及语言声学的语音学研究、文语转换技术、语音识别技术及自然语言处理等方面。

3.Vocal Language and Its Application to Vocal Teaching;论声乐语言及其在声乐教学中的应用

4.Phonetics deals with speech sounds.语音学是研究语言声音的。

5.Intonation Rectification in Teaching Chinese as Second Language;论对外汉语语言教学中“声调”的纠偏

6.(linguistics) not conforming to the language usage of a prestige group within a community.(语言学)不遵照群体中有声望团体的语言用法。

7.On Non-verbal Communication in Classroom Teaching;此时无声胜有声——浅谈课堂教学中的“无声语言”

8.International businesspeople should learn both the spoken and unspoken language.国际商务的从业人员既要学习有声的语言、也要学习无声的语言。

9.The Phonetics and Phonology of the Neutral Tone in Yiyang Chinese;益阳方言轻声的语音学与音系学分析

10.Acoustics--Speech articulation testing methodGB/T15508-1995声学语言清晰度测试方法

11.Children who can hear learn language easily,能听到声音的孩子学习语言很容易,

12.Professor Cui has a high reputation as a linguist.崔教授作为语言学家名声很高.

13.Accuracy Visualization and Popularity--The Consideration of Language of Vocal Music Teaching;准确 形象 通俗——对声乐教学语言的思考

14.Exploring the Mental Process and the Linguistic Skills in Simultaneous Interpretation Training;试论同声传译教学的思维和语言策略

15.Three Factors to Success in Vocal Music Teaching: Breath Articulation and Enunciation and Feeling;呼吸、语言、情感——声乐教学成功的三要素

16.Analysis on the Nationalization of Vocal MusicLanguage in Normal Colleges and Universities;关于声乐语言教学民族化问题的探讨

17.On the Role of body language in Vocal Music Teaching论体态语言在声乐教学中的重要作用

18.What the heart thinks the tongue speaks.〔谚语〕言为心声。


Speech acoustics语言声学

3)Speech acoustic analysis言语声学分析

4)Forensic Speech and Audio司法言语声学

1.The Necessity of OpeningForensic Speech and Audio Course in Police Academy;警察院校开设司法言语声学课的必要性

5)acoustics of speech production语言形成声学

6)Medium of Vocal Instruction声乐教学语言

1.Audio Language and Silent Language commonly used in theMedium of Vocal Instruction have been collected, categorized and defined in the paper.对声乐教学语言中常用的有声语言和无声语言进行收集整理和分类、定义。


产后言语含糊产后言语含糊 产后言语含糊 病证名。出周丹忱《胎产指南》。舌为心之苗。因产时或产后失血过多,心血亏虚,心气不能上达,故舌萎卷缩,言语含糊。治宜滋阴养心。方用生脉散合四物汤。
