2000字范文 > 定位正确性 locating correctness英语短句 例句大全

定位正确性 locating correctness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-05 23:59:54


定位正确性 locating correctness英语短句 例句大全

定位正确性,locating correctness

1)locating correctness定位正确性

2)proper position正确定位

1.In this changing world,the performance of the university instructor in the political education and theproper position in the concept.当前的国际国内环境对学生的影响是我们始料未及的,在世界发生深刻变化的今天,辅导员要想做好思想政治工作,其思想观念、角色和工作思路上的正确定位,将直接影响到高校思想政治工作的效果。


1.Taking Preferred Orientation to Do Some Achievement, and Play an Active Role;正确定位 有所作为 赢得地位

2."Click the preferred rotation to correctly orient the full picture."单击首选旋转以正确定位整个图片。

3.That the blower motor venturi ring is properly indexed and installe鼓风马达文氏环正确定位并安装。

4.Change of view, proper positioning, mastery of job opportunity, employment at the preliminary stage;转变观念正确定位 把握时机 先行就业

5.Correctly Position the Relationship Between the People and Police to Promote Their Harmony正确定位警民关系 努力促进警民和谐

6.The modules must be securely in place before the retainer can be replace.在安置保持器之前,要确保模块已经正确定位。

7.Correctly Locating; Developing Strong Points and Avoiding Weak Ones and Promoting the Durable Development of Civilian-run Colleges and Universities;正确定位,扬长避短,促进民办高校可持续发展

8.Getting Rid of The Long-standing Mistaken Ideas of Venture Investment,Putting The Governmental Management Function in Proper Perspective;走出风险投资认识误区,正确定位政府管理职能

9.Make sure your microphone is positioned properly.请确定您的麦克风安放位置正确。

10.Set the TAPE/OSC switch to the correct position.将TAPE/OSC开关设定于正确的位置

11.^1 cannot be located or correctly initialized.无法定位 ^1 或正确地进行初始化。

12.On universities’ correct localization view and quality view;高校必须树立正确的定位观与质量观

13.Fixed a bug in the mcrypt extension, where list destructors were not properly being allocated.修正了 mcrypt 扩展的错误,列表析构没有正确的定位

14.By the sun, they saw they were moving straight south.根据太阳的位置他们确定自己正向正南行进。

15.The package cannot be found in the location specified. Please make sure the package name is correct and the location is valid.在指定的位置找不到该包。请确保包的名称正确,位置有效。

16.Mr. Wang is reconfirming his flight to Tokyo by telephone.王先生正在用电话再次确定他去东京的机位。

17.The ship slots icons now update with the correct key bindings if the bindings have been changed.舰船槽位图表现在回正确随快捷键绑定更新。

18.We should attach primary importance to a firm and correct political.我们要把坚定正确的政治方向放在第一位。


proper position正确定位

1.In this changing world,the performance of the university instructor in the political education and theproper position in the concept.当前的国际国内环境对学生的影响是我们始料未及的,在世界发生深刻变化的今天,辅导员要想做好思想政治工作,其思想观念、角色和工作思路上的正确定位,将直接影响到高校思想政治工作的效果。

3)QTL mapping accuracy定位精确性

4)Corrected Location准确性定位

5)setup accuracy定位准确性

1.Evaluation ofsetup accuracy for Topslane body stereostatic frameTopslane体部定位框架患者定位准确性分析

6)positional uncertainty定位不确定性

1.Analysis ofpositional uncertainty based on high-resolution remote sensing images;高分辨率遥感影像的定位不确定性探析

2.In this paper, thepositional uncertainty models of point and lineprimitives in GIS are made.从概率论的角度构造了矢量GIS中线要素的定位不确定性模型,并根据讨论问题的需要,给出了衡量点、线定位误差的精度指标。


