2000字范文 > 高职强省 strong province of higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

高职强省 strong province of higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-02 06:04:39


高职强省 strong province of higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

高职强省,strong province of higher vocational education

1)strong province of higher vocational education高职强省

1.We should take make "strong province of higher vocational education" as "strong province of higher education" the breach, to achieve "strong province of educates" the goal finally.应以打造"高职强省"为"高教强省"的突破口,最终实现"教育强省"的奋斗目标。

2)strong province of higher education高教强省

1.As one of the developed provinces in China,Jiangsu Province has carried out the target of contributing to thestrong province of higher education.江苏省作为我国教育发展较快的省份,提出了建设“高教强省”的宏伟目标,但省内南北部高等教育发展的严重不均衡成为制约这一目标实现的重要因素。


1.Discussion On Shandong s Transformation from Large Province to Strong Province of Higher Education;论山东省由高教大省向高教强省的转变

2.The Questions and Countermeasures of the Construction of Strong Higher Education of Shaanxi陕西省高教强省建设问题及对策分析

3.Constructing “Province of Strong Higher Education” and Improving the Quality of Vocational Education;建设高教强省 大力提高高等职业教育质量

4.A Strategic Choice to Stride forward a Powerful Higher Education more than Great Amount of Higher Education in a Province--Summarization of the Forum about 30 Years of Reform and Opening up and Constructing a Powerful Higher Education of Province高教大省向高教强省迈进的战略选择——“改革开放30年与建设高教强省论坛”综述

5.The Position of Non-government-funded Colleges in the Strategy of Building "Province with Strong Higher Education";论民办高教在江苏实现“高教强省”战略中的地位

6.Restructuring Educational Model: An Important Orientation in Building a Province Strong for its Higher Education;重构高等教育范式是走向高教强省的重要取向

7.Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education and the Strategy of Building a Powerful Province Through Higher Education提升高等教育质量与建设高教强省战略探析

8.Building a Province with Good Higher Education and Constructing a Harmonious Society--A Summary of Symposium of Jiangsu Higher Education Society;建设高教强省 构建和谐江苏——江苏省高教学会学术研讨会综述

9.On Building First-Rate Teaching Staff Against the Background of "Powerful Province of Higher Education";论“高教强省”背景下的高校一流师资队伍建设

10.On the Construction of "Province of Strong Higher Education" and Its Revelation on Running Colleges;论江苏“高教强省” 建设及其对高校办学的启示

11.National Key Disciplines" Construction of High Education:The Breakthrough of Building a Province Strong for Its Higher Education in Jiangsu高校国家重点学科建设:江苏高教强省的突破口

12.The Advantages and Promoting Strategies of Building a Powerful Jiangsu through Higher Education;论江苏“高教强省”的优势特征与推进策略

13.Construction of Teacher Corps in Higher Education Under Background of "Developing the Province through Education" in Jiangsu;“教育强省”背景下的江苏普通高校教师队伍建设

14.A Brief Analysis of the Position and Function of Polytechnic Education in Strengthening Jiangsu through Higher Education;高职教育在推进江苏“教育强省”中的地位和作用

15.Thought on Strengthening the Construction of the Teachers Rank in Colleges and Universities of Hebei Province;关于加强河北省高校教师队伍建设的思考

16.Strengthen Macro-control to Promote the Development of Henan s Higher Vocational Education;加强宏观调控,推进河南省高等职业教育的发展

17.Some thoughts of strengthening the higher education ofthe Art designing major in Gansu province;重视和加强我省高校艺术设计教育的几点思考

18.Reflections upon the Strategy of Rejuvenating Jiangsu Province through Education:The Key to the Strategy is the Remarkable Improvement of Education Quality and Cultivated Talent Quality;教育强省的核心是人才培养质量的显著提高——对实施“教育强省”战略的思考


strong province of higher education高教强省

1.As one of the developed provinces in China,Jiangsu Province has carried out the target of contributing to thestrong province of higher education.江苏省作为我国教育发展较快的省份,提出了建设“高教强省”的宏伟目标,但省内南北部高等教育发展的严重不均衡成为制约这一目标实现的重要因素。

3)a province with a powerful higher education高教强省

1.The important strategies for building Jiangsu intoa province with a powerful higher education include optimizing its structure,bui.高教强省的内涵是指该省高等教育的整体实力和办学水平在国内位于前列,接近中等发达国家和地区的高等教育发展水平,能与当地社会发展实现良性互动。

2.In this research, the author tries to explore the denotations ofa province with a powerful higher education (PPHE for short), to construct its evaluation criterion, and to study its strategies.在本研究中,笔者试图研究与揭示高教强省的内涵本质,构建高教强省的评价标准,以及研究实现高教强省的建设策略。

4)Qinghai higher professional college青海省高职院校

1.By using the ways of literature,questionaire survey,interview,having an informal discussion and mathematical statistics,in this paper,it s investigated for taking part in physical exercise aboutQinghai higher professional college s students.本文采用查阅文献资料、问卷调查、访问座谈、数理统计等方法对青海省高职院校大学生参与体育锻炼情况进行了调查和分析。

5)advanced professional education in Jiangsu江苏省高职院校

1.In recent years, education in design of environmental art has developed rapidly and achieved a lot inadvanced professional education in Jiangsu.针对上述现象,本文采用问卷调查、数理统计和逻辑推理等方法,对江苏省高职院校环境艺术设计教育现状进行分析与研究,对高职环境艺术设计教育长远发展提出如下整合措施:实行环境艺术设计职业资格证书制度;转变传统的教育课程模式,重视人文知识的课程设置,加强创新思维的训练,建立适合于本地区的设计教育体系;突出地区地域特点的专业设置;促进高职院校环境艺术设计专业之间的资源共享等。

6)Vocational schools in Hunan Province湖南省高职院校


