2000字范文 > 维修人员 maintenance personnel英语短句 例句大全

维修人员 maintenance personnel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-27 21:02:04


维修人员 maintenance personnel英语短句 例句大全

维修人员,maintenance personnel

1)maintenance personnel维修人员

1.Describes the method of medical equipmentmaintenance personnel performance appraisal in out hospital.本文介绍我院医疗设备维修人员绩效考核的办法,该办法能有效地提高医疗设备维修人员的服务质量和服务水平,以使医疗设备维修工作能更好地为现代化医院建设服务。


1.Air Service Training Center飞机维修人员培训中心

2.The serviceman installed the air conditioner.维修人员安装了空调器。

3.Train operators and maintenance technician for failure analysis and reparation of testing equipment.培训生产人员和维修人员如何进行测试设备缺陷分析和维修。

4.A maintenance man goes to his room to deal with it.一个维修人员赶到他的房间去处理。

5.I "ll report to the maintenance .我会将此事告知维修人员。

6.A: OK, our repairman will come to your room.好的,我们的维修人员会到您房间去。

7.Training of personnel for management of plant and for operation and maintenance of equipment;工厂管理以及设备和维修人员培训;

8.Maintenance snow crews were nearing exhaustion.雪天维修人员快被拖垮了。

9.Librarian: Yes, I know. We called the repairman and he will be here after lunch.图书馆员:对啊,我知道。我们已经请维修人员来修了,他中午过后会来。

10.If not, our repairman can come to you.要不然,我们的维修人员可以上你那里去。

11.The lamp lifetime is overdue. Return the projector to qualified service personnel for lamp change灯泡寿命终止,请合格维修人员更换灯泡

12.E-R Model Based Maintenace Personnel Deplay Methed;基于实体关系模型的维修人员配置方法

13.To Study on Framework Against Fall of Persons from Height in the Building Engineering and Maintenance防止建筑工程和维修人员从高空坠落的研究

14.Ground personnel, including civil aircraft maintenance personnel, air traffic controllers, flight dispatchers and aeronautical radio station operators.(二)面人员,包括民用航空器维修人员、中交通管制员、行签派员、空电台通信员。

15.Repair tool by a qualified worker.应由专业人员维修工具。

16.Repair or service must be perform by a qualified repair person修理或维修应由有资格的修理人员完成

17.Repair or service must be performed by a qualified repair person.修理或维修应由有资格的修理人员完成。

18.All prisoners will await security personnel and maintain passive treatment.所有犯人等候安全人员,并维修被损物。



3)biomedical engineer维修工程人员

1.Benefits due tobiomedical engineers participating in argumentation about purchasing medical apparatus and instruments;医学维修工程人员参与医院医疗设备采购论证的几点好处

4)Aircraft maintenance worker飞机维修人员

5)personnel need for maintenance维修人员需求

1.This paper sets up a wish model ofpersonnel need for maintenance by using queue theory after analyzing the features of stochastic service system which is formed by equipment maintenance personnel.确定维修人员需求是对装备维修机构进行科学管理和对维修人员进行有计划培训的需要。

6)Maintenance Personal Management维修人员管理


