2000字范文 > 积分制 Integral system英语短句 例句大全

积分制 Integral system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-24 01:06:24


积分制 Integral system英语短句 例句大全

积分制,Integral system

1)Integral system积分制

1.In this essay,the evaluation method of the integral system,which is for the project of scientific research in education,is put forward and put into practice according to the basic principal of the item management and the process design management.文章根据项目管理和流程管理的基本原理,提出了教育科研课题积分制评价方法并将其运用于实践。


1.The practice and experience of cumulated score system management in supply room供应室实行积分制管理的实践与体会

2.integral mode controller积分型控制器积分控制器

3.integral-derivative action controller积分-微分作用控制器

4.integral-derivative action control积分-微分作用控制

5.proportional-integral-differential control actio比例积分微分控制作用

6.proportional-integral derivative controller比例-积分-微分控制器

7.proportional plus reset plus rate action controller比例 积分 微分控制器

8.proportional integral and differential action contro比例 积分 微分控制

9.pid control system比例 积分 微分控制系统

10.derivative-proportional integral control微商-比例积分控制

11.braking torque(of an integrating instrument)(积分式仪表的)制动力矩

12.These integrals have been tabulated.这些积分都已制成表。

13.league table [Performance Assessment Scoring System]积分表〔承建商表现评分制〕

14.The Applications of Fractional Calculus in Adaptive Control;分数维微积分在自适应控制中的应用

15.Corrections to standard grade points in the instructional management of the credit system;学分制教学管理中标准积点分的修正

16.The Integral Separation PID Control Algorithm on Digital Voltage Regulator数字调压器的积分分离PID控制算法

17.Research to the Integral Separation PID Controller in Tank Level Control System液位控制系统的积分分离PID控制器研究

18.moving area DPCM method运动面积的差分脉冲编码调制方法


integral control积分控制

1.New precise measurement of long-length base onintegral control;一种基于积分控制的大长度精密测量的新方法

2.A method of trajectory-tracking based onintegral control realized by 2-step input-output linearization for a laboratory 3 degrees of freedom(3-DOF) helicopter model is introduced.基于该仿真平台,将线性化系统分解成两个子系统,定义输出为输出误差积分以实现积分控制,按照输入-输出线性化方法通过坐标变换和输入变换对其线性化模型全状态精确线性化,实现了系统完全解耦,对扩展系统按照线性LQR方法设计跟踪控制器。

3.On a basis of the plug-in repetitive control method in the 110V,50Hz online UPS,the application of Proportional control andintegral control accelerate the adjustive process,and improve the static characteristic.在嵌入式重复控制方案的基础上,加入比例、积分控制,用于110V,50Hz不间断电源(UPS)的逆变环节,加速了调节过程,改善了系统静态特性。

3)Restrained Integration积分抑制

1.Parameters Self-Turning Fuzzy Controller withRestrained Integration;具有积分抑制的参数自整定模糊控制

4)accumulation scores regulation积分制度

5)control volume integration控制容积积分

6)control volume integral method控制容积积分法

1.Acontrol volume integral method appearing in the SIMPLE is adopted here for the first time.首次运用类似 SIMPL E方法的控制容积积分法的思想 ,对层流预混平面火焰控制方程的各项分类处理 ,对源项线性处理。


