2000字范文 > 2周患病率 two-week prevalence rate英语短句 例句大全

2周患病率 two-week prevalence rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-28 05:19:20


2周患病率 two-week prevalence rate英语短句 例句大全

2周患病率,two-week prevalence rate

1)two-week prevalence rate2周患病率

1.Results Thetwo-week prevalence rate was 12.结果宜昌市农村居民的2周患病率为 12 49% ,住院率为12 17% ,2周患病率的主要影响因素为婚姻状况、饮食习惯及自我感觉状态 ;住院率的主要影响因素为婚姻状况、种族、地区、是否及时就诊、是否吸烟及自我感觉状态。

2)Two-week prevalence rate两周患病率

1.Analysis on the two-week prevalence rate of Minority aged 15 years or elder in Guizhou province;贵州省722例少数民族两周患病率及影响因素分析

2.Results The two-week prevalence rate was 18.结果调查人群的两周患病率为18。

3.The data were analyzed using single factor analysis and logistic regression analysis Results The two-week prevalence rate,,prevalence rate of chronic diseases,the rate of two weeks in bed and the rate of two weeks off work were 16.结果所调查的陶瓷工人两周患病率、慢性病患病率、两周卧床率和两周休工率分别为16。


1.Analysis of Two-week Prevalence Rate and Its Influential Factors of the NRCMS Participants in One City某市参合农民两周患病率影响因素调查

2.Analysis of the Influence Factors of Two-week Sickness Rate of the Rural Residents in Fuming County in 富民县参加新型农村合作医疗农民两周患病率及其影响因素分析

3.Omega 3s help reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes and increase immune response. Eat fish twice a week.Ω-3可降低患心脏病和糖尿病的危险几率,提高人体的免疫能力,建议大家每周吃两次鱼。

4.A Survery of Prevalence of Periodontal Disease of 4994 Adults in Enshi Ge Chuncheng Enshi Prefecture Central Hospital Stomatology恩施市4994名成年人牙周病患病率调查分析

5.Prevalence of and risk factors for peripheral arterial disease in peritoneal dialysis patients without diabetes mellitus非糖尿病腹膜透析患者外周动脉疾病患病率及危险因素分析

6.The Relationship Between Body-Mass Index (BMI) and the Prevalence Rates of Two Kinds of Diseases Related to Better Living Conditions;体重指数BMI与两种富裕性疾病患病率的关系

7.Study on Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Qi-Yin Deficiency Syndrome of Coronary Artery Disease and Diabetes Mellitus冠心病、糖尿病气阴两虚证患者心率变异性研究

8.Investigation on Two Week Prevalence and Drug Use Among 171 Middle-aged and Elderly People in Dalian;大连市171名中老年人两周患病及用药调查

9.Seere preeclampsia that deelops at morbidity rates.发生在34孕周以前的重度先兆子痫有高围产期死亡率和患病率。

10.The comparison of the stress distribution in the PDL of the patients with the periodontitis by using the two different appliances两种矫治技术治疗牙周病患者牙周组织应力的对比分析

11.The duration of persistent AF was one week in patient one and one year in patient two.两位病患罹患持续性心房颤动的时间分别是一周及一年。

12.Peritonitis had no difference in two groups.腹膜炎的患病率两组之间差异无显著性。

13.Effect of low serum albumin level on patient"s length of stay in hospital低清蛋白血症病人患病率及其对住院周期的影响

14.The other 12 patients (224 teeth) were carried out with light-cure veneer bonding technique.在托槽粘结后的四周、八周、十二周分别记录两组患者的托槽脱落率的情况。

15.[Results] Morbidity rate of CND in residents over 35 in Suzhou urban area was comparatively high.[结果]苏州市区35周岁以上常住人口的患病率处于较高的水平。

16.The Expression and Clinical Significance of High Mobility Group Protein B1 in Peripheral Blood in Kawasaki Disease川崎病患者外周血中高迁移率族蛋白的含量变化及临床意义

17.Changes of serum level of SDF-1 and expression of CXCR4 on endothelial progenitor cells in peripheral blood of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus2型糖尿病患者外周血中SDF-1水平和内皮祖细胞CXCR4表达率的变化

18.Changes of peripheral blood chromosomal centromere aberration in patients with cytomegalovirus infection after anti-viral treatment巨细胞病毒感染患者治疗前后外周血染色体着丝粒点畸变率比较


Two-week prevalence rate两周患病率

1.Analysis on the two-week prevalence rate of Minority aged 15 years or elder in Guizhou province;贵州省722例少数民族两周患病率及影响因素分析

2.Results The two-week prevalence rate was 18.结果调查人群的两周患病率为18。

3.The data were analyzed using single factor analysis and logistic regression analysis Results The two-week prevalence rate,,prevalence rate of chronic diseases,the rate of two weeks in bed and the rate of two weeks off work were 16.结果所调查的陶瓷工人两周患病率、慢性病患病率、两周卧床率和两周休工率分别为16。

3)two-week prevalence两周患病率

1.The relevant factors oftwo-week prevalence in islands citizens in Zhejiang province;浙江省海岛居民两周患病率的影响因素

4)two week prevalence rate两周患病率

1.Results Thetwo week prevalence rate was 12.结果 :宜昌市农村居民的两周患病率为 12 。

2.Results Thetwo week prevalence rate is 12.结果 :该地农民两周患病率为12 。

5)patients with physician contact within two weeks两周患病就诊率

6)two-week prevalence of diarrhea腹泻两周患病率

1.Objective To investigatetwo-week prevalence of diarrhea among children aged under 3 years old in western rural China and its influential factors.目的了解中国西部农村3岁以下儿童腹泻两周患病率及其影响因素。


患病率患病率sickness rate表示某个时间内某病的病例数(包括新老病例但不包括死亡和已痊愈者)与同期平均人口之比。
