2000字范文 > 石油资源城市 petroleum resource cities英语短句 例句大全

石油资源城市 petroleum resource cities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-20 23:26:09


石油资源城市 petroleum resource cities英语短句 例句大全

石油资源城市,petroleum resource cities

1)petroleum resource cities石油资源城市

1.The experiences,lessons and important enlightenment of the worldpetroleum resource cities;世界石油资源城市兴衰成败的经验教训及重要启示


1.Experience and Inspiration of Vicissitude of Petroleum Resource Cities in the World;世界石油资源城市兴衰的经验及启示

2.The experiences,lessons and important enlightenment of the world petroleum resource cities;世界石油资源城市兴衰成败的经验教训及重要启示

3.Economy Restructuring Measures Study of China"s Petroleum Resource-based Cities我国石油资源型城市经济转型的对策研究

4.Problems and Treatment in the Sustainable Development of China s Cities of Oil Resource;我国石油资源型城市持续发展中存在的问题及对策

5.Game model research on the industrial transformation in oil and gas resource-based cities;油气资源型城市产业转型的博弈模型

6.Evaluation of Sustainable Development Policy of Resource-based City:With Huangshi City as the Study Case资源型城市可持续发展政策评价——以黄石市为例

7.Choice of Industrial Development Orientation in Resource-exhausted City Shizuishan资源枯竭型城市石嘴山市产业发展方向选择

8.The countermeasure about construction to harmonious society in the resoureces city;论资源型城市构建和谐社会的对策——以黄石市为例

9.Study on optimization of sustainable development of coal mineral type city taking Shizuishan city in Ningxia as an example;煤炭资源型城市可持续发展优化研究——以宁夏石嘴山市为例

10.Policy Suggestions of Promoting Resource-exhausted City Shizuishan to Support the Sustainable Development促进资源枯竭型城市石嘴山市可持续发展的若干扶持政策建议

11.Natural Resources: crude oil, natural gas, limestone, fish.自然资源:原油、天然气、石灰石、鱼。

12.Management countermeasure of human sources in petroleum and petrochemistry enterprise;石油石化企业人力资源管理对策探析

13.The Research of Industry Transition in the Oil-based Region Where the Oil Resource Gradually Exhausts;石油资源渐趋枯竭油区产业转型研究

14.Damage of Lawless Oil Refining to Crude Oil Resources and its Handling;对破坏石油资源非法炼油活动的治理

15.Research on the Method of Monte Carlo Simulation of Prognostication in the Oil and Gas of Petroliferous Area蒙特卡罗法预测含油气区石油资源量

16.Analysis of Oil Issues in China from the Perspective of the Social and Strategic Significance of Oil Resources for the Nation;从石油资源的国家性分析我国的石油问题

17.A Tentative Discussion on Integrated Utilization of Coal, Oil and Gas Resources in Petroleum and Petrochemical Enterprises;石油、石化企业综合利用煤、油、气资源途径初探

18.On Sustainable Development of Old Industrial City and Developing Nepheline Syenite Resource in Gejiu;老工业城市个旧的可持续发展与个旧霞石正长岩资源开发


cities of oil resource石油资源型城市

1.There are many restrictions in the sustainable development ofcities of oil resource.石油资源型城市的可持续发展受到多重因素的制约,单一的产业结构使城市的可持续发展受到极大的影响。

3)petroleum and gas resource-intensive city油气资源型城市

4)urban resource城市资源

1.Preliminary study of the transformingurban resources to capital——with a consideration of Xi an soil resource transformation;城市资源转化为资本的初步研究——兼对西安市土地资源转化的思考

2.In this paper,we have established a multilayer evaluation index system on the basis of evaluating the relation of theurban resource,infrastructure and economic society in Qingdao City.在分析青岛市城市资源、基础设施条件与其经济社会发展之间关系的基础上,构建了多层次评价指标体系,对城市资源和基础设施这两大因素与青岛市经济社会发展的协调关系进行定量评价。

5)resourceful city资源城市

6)urban resources城市资源

1.It is suggested that the following tradition of foreign urban management theory can be taken as references for China: first, in understanding the definition, it is important to realize that urban management is an strategic framework for integrating theurban resources and optimizing the overall interests of the city rather than the maximizing the profit; sec.考察了国外城市经营理念的形成和发展、城市经营的整体特性特征、城市经营的参与者及其相互关系等方面的内容 ,并提出了国外城市经营理论 ,在如下几方面对我国的借鉴意义 :在城市经营的内涵方面 ,提出城市经营是一个战略性的框架和任务 ,也是一个整合众多城市资源并使其得到优化配置的过程 ,城市经营的目标是城市整体利益最大化 ,而非单纯的利润最大化 ;在城市经营与城市化的关系方面 ,提出正确处理城市经营与城市化的关系的实质是要确立城市经营在城市化过程中的指导地位和作用 ;在城市经营中政府和市场的关系方面 ,提出政府干预要在市场与政府不同组合之间以及资源配置的各种方式上进行选择 ,实际上是对城市经营的制度安排。

2.This paper probes into how to develop the green economy of Tiayuan City from aspects of making rational disposition ofurban resources, constructing urban ecological structure in Taiyuan, developing the circular economy, and establishing the urban green economic system of Taiyuan, etc.从合理配置城市资源、构筑太原城市生态框架、发展循环经济、建立太原城市绿色经济机制等方面探讨了如何发展太原城市的绿色经济。


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
