2000字范文 > 农村土地产权制度 land property system in the countryside英语短句 例句大全

农村土地产权制度 land property system in the countryside英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-25 20:27:05


农村土地产权制度 land property system in the countryside英语短句 例句大全

农村土地产权制度,land property system in the countryside

1)land property system in the countryside农村土地产权制度

1.Several thoughts concerning the reform ofland property system in the countryside in China;关于我国农村土地产权制度改革的几点思考


1.Discussions on the Premedical Property Rights Sharing System Reformation in Countryside in China;论中国农村土地产权制度股份制改革

2.Peasant Stratification, Their Preference of Land Property Rights and Rural Land Tenure;农民分化、产权偏好与农村土地产权制度

3.On the Reform Direction of Chinese Rural Land System in the Property Right;中国农村土地产权制度改革方向探讨

4.Innovative Research on Land Property Rights Institution in Rural Areas under the Background of New Village Construction;建设新农村背景下农村土地产权制度创新研究

5.Modern property Theory and China s Rural Land Owner System Reform;现代产权理论与我国农村土地产权制度改革

6.The Legal Right Expressed by Land Property Right in China s Countryside;论我国农村土地产权制度所体现的法权关系


8.Study on Rural Land Property-right Institution Based on Problems of Rural-farmer-agriculture in China;基于“三农”问题的中国农村土地产权制度研究

9.Pondering on the Chinese Countryside Land Property Rights Institution Change and Its Modernization;中国农村土地产权制度变迁及其现代化思考

10.Studies on Reforming and Perfecting of Rural Land Property Rights System in Country of China;我国农村土地产权制度改革与完善研究

11.Several thoughts concerning the reform of land property system in the countryside in China;关于我国农村土地产权制度改革的几点思考

12.The Selection of Farmland Ownership Institution under Unce rtainty;从不确定性看我国农村土地产权制度模式选择

13.The Reform and Adaptation of Land Property Right System in Rural Areas of China after the Foundation of P.R.C.;建国后中国农村土地产权制度的改革与变通

14.On Population Rural-urban Migration and Rural Land Institutional Change in Rural Land Property;论人口城乡迁移与农村土地产权制度变迁

15.Study on Rural Collective Land Property Right System and Transfer of Collective Land-Use Right;农村集体土地产权制度与土地使用权流转研究

16.Property Portfolio-The Construction of Chinese Rural Land System;产权组合—中国农村土地制度的构建

17.Study on the Village Planning Base on the Land-use Property Right;基于土地产权制度的新农村规划探析

18.Transition of Rural Land Institution Viewing from the "Limited Property House";从“小产权房”看农村土地制度的变革


the property system of rural land农村土地产权制

1.To reformthe property system of rural land should consider the way to depend,two levels of system change and two models of alternative use.改革农村土地产权制度要考虑路径依赖问题、注意制度变迁的两个层次、交互使用两种模型。

3)system of land right in the country农村土地权利制度

4)rural land ownership system农村土地所有权制度

5)rural land property right农村土地产权

1.The basic content of China’s modernized property right system is modern enterprise property right system and modernrural land property right system.本文的研究对象是中国农村土地产权问题。

2.The Rural Land Property Right System, which is the core part of The land System, is a country s legislative arrangement to the Structure and relation of the Land Property in the Rural Areas, Without the perfecting and modernizing of The Rural Land Property Right System, modernization of agriculture and rural economics of a country or a region cannot be achieved.土地制度是制约农业和农村经济发展最根本的制度,其中农村土地产权制度是一个国家在法律上对农村土地产权结构和产权关系的制度安排,是农村土地制度的核心。

6)Rural land property rights农村土地产权

1.Rural land property rights transference is the key factor affecting the rural economy development, which has become one of the hot topics of rural work in our country.农村土地产权流转是影响农村经济发展的关键因素,是当前我国农村工作的热点问题之一,加快农村土地产权合理有序流转对我国农村经济的发展具有重要的意义。


产权制度产权制度是指具有一定法律约束的财产关系,它通过确立一种共同遵循的准则(规范)来界定人们对稀缺性资源的配置权利,从而促进人们更有效地运营其资本。产权制度是现代企业制度的核心和基础。 产权一般分为企业资产的产权和个人消费财产产权两类。根据归属和占有主体的不同,有原始产权和法人产权之分,二者分别享有各自范围的收益权和处分权。原始产权也叫最终所有权或原始所有权,通常指企业的投资者对自己所投资资金持有的所有权。其主体既可以是自然人,也可以是政府机关和社会企事业单位等法人。在股份制条件下,此权将转化为股权或债权。法人产权是法人企业对企业营运资产所持有的占有和支配权。法人产权以法人企业的形式为前提,它是商品经济发展的结果。在商品经济的发达时期,即现代股份公司阶段,企业已成为独立的法人,法人产权则从原始产权中分离出来。企业的所有者由众多的持股者(股东)组成,所有权已分散化、多元化,原来单一的企业主产权已分解为原始产权和法人产权。其次,所有者(股东)、支配者(董事会、监事会成员)、经营者和生产者形成了互相制约的利益集团,共同对企业的营运施加影响。产权制度是现代企业制度的核心和基础。为了保障人们对经济资源或财产权力的正常行使和运用,社会总要根据客观需要并通过一定的法律程序和手段,对财产权力进行严格的界定和约束。它要求:1.企业拥有明确的人格化代表;2.所有权与控制权相分离;3.产权权益有明确的保障;4.产权必须在法律规定的条件下流动;5.治理结构具有决策权、监督权与执行权相互分离、相互制约、相互合作的特点。
