2000字范文 > γ射线衰减法 γray attenuation method英语短句 例句大全

γ射线衰减法 γray attenuation method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-20 17:46:06


γ射线衰减法 γray attenuation method英语短句 例句大全

γ射线衰减法,γray attenuation method

1)γray attenuation methodγ射线衰减法


1.Monte Carlo Simulation the Density and Water Content of the Crude oil in Pipeline By the Decay of ~(109)Cd γ Ray Method用~(109)Cdγ射线衰减法测量管道原油密度和含水率的蒙特卡罗模拟

2.ray pasteurizationγ射线巴氏灭菌消毒法

3.Attenuation, Scattering, Modeling water surface, Light shafts, Caustics.衰减,散射,水面建模,光线束,焦散。

4.On-Line Determination of Ash Content of Coal Based on the Transmission of Bi-Energy γ-Rays双能量γ射线透射法煤炭灰分在线测量的实现

5.Test procedures for germanium gamma-ray detectorsGB/T7167-1996锗γ射线探测器测试方法

6.A Monte Carlo Method of the Point Kernel Integration for GAMMARAYS Calculation计算γ射线点核积分的蒙特卡罗方法

7.As a result, there is less attenuation of the gamma rays from the fission products.这样一来,从裂变产物中发射出来的γ射线的减弱就要少一些。

8.The reduction of γ-rays damages of mice hematopoietic system pre-treated by low dose microwave irradiation低剂量微波辐射减轻γ射线对小鼠造血系统的损伤

9.Test method of attenuation stability for radio-frequency cablesGB/T4098.6-1983射频电缆衰减稳定性试验方法

10.Methods of measurement of attenuation constant for radio-frequency cablesGB/T4098.4-1983射频电缆衰减常数测量方法

11.Brief Studying of Oil Crust Thickness Measurement by Gamma Ray Compton Scattering Approach用γ射线Compton散射法来测定管道内油垢厚度(英文)

12.Beam Attenuation Grid-based Scatter Correction Method for Cone Beam CT基于射束衰减网格的锥束CT散射校正方法

13.Study on HPRT Gene Mutation Induced by Internal Radiation and γ-ray Radiation Using Cloning;克隆法研究放射性核素内照射和γ射线外照射诱发HPRT基因突变

14.Attenuation Correction of Reflectivity for X-Band Dual Polarization RadarX波段双线极化雷达反射率的衰减订正

15.Attenuation Correction of Radar Differential Reflectivity for X-Band Dual Polarization RadarX波段双线极化雷达差分反射率的衰减订正

16.A New Radiation Mechanism of Middle and Near γ-Ray;一种新的中γ射线和低γ射线辐射机制

17.A meter for measuring water ratio in petroleum at Worksite18 described, Which is on the principle of attenuation law ofγ- ray intensity in material.介绍了一种利用γ线穿过介质后强度衰减的规律在线测量原油含水率的仪表。

18.The study of improving precision of γ-ray ash content apparatus改进γ-射线灰分仪测量精度的方法研究


γ-ray attenuation technologyγ射线衰减技术

1.The solid concentration of gas-solid two-phase flow in a fluid catalytic cracking riser (φ186 mm×12 m) is measured withγ-ray attenuation technology.在实验室流化床装置上用γ射线衰减技术对φ186mm×12m提升管内的FCC催化剂颗粒浓度进行了测量。

3)γ-ray attenuation射线衰减法

4)γ ray mass attenuation coefficientγ射线质量衰减系数

1.Theγ ray mass attenuation coefficients of several marine sediments were calculated .计算了各种海洋沉积物的γ射线质量衰减系数。

5)decay gammas衰变γ射线

6)X-ray attenuationX射线衰减

1.Some experimental results of in vivo observingX-ray attenuation of intra-tumor injection of indocyanine green (ICG) are reported.介绍了在体观测肿瘤内注射吲哚氰绿 (ICG) ,一种激光吸收染剂前后X射线衰减的实验结果。


