2000字范文 > 区域发展差异 regional development gaps英语短句 例句大全

区域发展差异 regional development gaps英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-05 01:39:24


区域发展差异 regional development gaps英语短句 例句大全

区域发展差异,regional development gaps

1)regional development gaps区域发展差异


1.Relation between Regional Diversities and Regional Harmonious Development;区域发展差异与区域协调发展关系思考

2.Review and Query on the Theories of Occidental Regional Development Difference西方区域发展差异理论评介与质疑

3.Study on disparities in regional development and spatial structure planning in Jiangsu province;江苏省区域发展差异与空间布局规划

4.Regional Trade Differentiation and Imbalanced Development;区域贸易差异与区域不平衡发展研究

5.Income Gaps in Economic Development:Differences among Regions,Occupational Groups,and Ethnic Groups经济发展中的贫富差距问题——区域差异、职业差异和族群差异

6.Space Different Measurement Research on Regional Sustainable Development;区域可持续发展空间差异的测度研究

7.Research on the Regional Economie Disparity and Coordinated Development in Shannxi Province;陕西省区域经济差异与协调发展研究

8.Research on Regional Economic Disparity and Harmonious Development of Hebei Province;河北省区域经济差异及协调发展研究

9.Research about Regional Economic Disparities and Harmonious Development;湖南省区域经济差异与协调发展研究

10.The Study on the Regional Differences of the Development of the Tertiary Industry in China;我国第三产业发展区域差异问题研究

11.Research on the Economic Differences and Municipal Development of Chongqing;重庆市区域经济差异及协调发展研究

12.The Studies on the Regional Economic Discrepany and the Harmonious Development in Jinlin Province;吉林省区域经济差异与协调发展研究

13.Research on the Regional Economic Disparity and Coordinated Development in Hubei Province;湖北省区域经济差异与协调发展研究

14.A Study on Cordinated Development of the Regional Economy of Bohai Coastal Region;环渤海区域经济发展差异分析与对策

15.Study on the Regional Economic Disparity and Harmonized Development in Anhui Province;安徽省区域经济差异与协调发展研究

16.A Study on the Regional Economic Disparity and the Coordinated Development in Gansu Province;甘肃省区域经济差异及协调发展研究

17.Regional Economic Difference and the Countermeasures of Coordinated Development in Henan Province;河南区域经济差异及协调发展的对策

18.Research on Regional Economic Difference and It s Coordination Development in NinXiahui Autonomous Region;宁夏区域经济差异及其协调发展研究


regional economic developing diversities区域经济发展差异

3)Regional finance discrepancies区域金融发展差异

4)regional development disparity区域发展差距

1.This paper uses four measurement, coefficient of variance, Herfindal-Hirschman concentration index, Theil entropy coefficient, and mean logarithm deviation, to analyzeregional development disparity in China, that is, the cross-province development disparity and east-middle-west threeregional development disparity.本文利用CV、HHCI、TEC、MLD分析中国区域发展差距的趋势,包括省际发展差距和东、中、西部地区发展差距;发现1990—期间省际发展差距和东、中、西部地区发展差距呈现不断扩大趋势,而出现下降趋势;利用回归模型、相关系数等方法分析造成区域发展差距的主要原因;发现1990年以来中国区域发展差距的主要原因是由第二产业所造成的。

2.For the Chinaregional development disparity, many empirical studies suggest the different results.区域发展差距是客观存在的一种空间现象。

5)difference of regional development区域发展差距

1.Research on the theory and method to thedifference of regional development trend based on the theory of converse-U;区域发展差距走势的理论与方法分析——对倒U字型观点的评价与发展

6)development in alien lands异域发展


生理发展性别差异生理发展性别差异sex differences in physical development生理发展性别差异(sex differenees inphysical development)两性在机体发育上的不同。女孩在出生前的发育比男孩要早些,出生时比男孩成熟,进入青春期也较男孩早1一2年,结束青春期生理发育的时间或发育成熟的时间一般早于男性。研究证实,在伴随着生理发育的心理发展方面仅是女孩的言语能力比男孩发展得早和快,其他方面则少有证据。由于女性生理成熟较早,使她们通常是与比自己年长些的男性交往,一般也是与比自己年长些的男子结婚。(茜香务撰高玉样审)
