2000字范文 > 路试 road test英语短句 例句大全

路试 road test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-02 06:35:43


路试 road test英语短句 例句大全

路试,road test

1)road test路试

1.In this paper, UA302 / H data acquisition card, the electric vehicle battery performanceroad test data were collected analysis, accurate and efficient determination to support hybrid can effect.本文应用UA302/H数据采集卡,对电动汽车蓄电池性能的道路试验数据进行了采集分析处理,准确高效的测定出辅助混合动力能有效地缓解电池电压下降过快,延长电动汽车续驶里程的结论。

2.The motorcycle in theroad test process, problems arise as muffler is ruptured.摩托车在路试中出现了消声器断裂的问题。


1.FACT (Flexible Automatic Circuit Tester)柔性自动电路试验器

2.Ayrton mother ring test method亚尔登模盘环路试验法

3.n-Circuit tester电路板线路自动测试机

4.Field test methods of subgrade and pavement for highway engineering公路路基路面现场测试规程

5.&Debug source path:调试源代码路径(&D):

6.tried to get a free line.试着拨通一电话线路

7.ALIT (Automatic Line Insulation Tester)自动线路绝缘测试装置

8.linear IC tester线性集成电路测试仪

9.printed circuit board portable tester印制电路板袖珍测试器

10.ALERT (Alcohol Level Evaluation Roadside Test)路边酒精浓度鉴定试验

11.Test methods of stone material for highway engineering公路工程石料试验规程

12.calculator circuit test instrument计算器电路测试设备

13.test of pavement irregularity sensitivity路面不平敏感性试验

14.Testing methods of aggregate for highway engineering公路工程集料试验规程

15.integrated circuit functional tester集成电路功能测试仪

16.carbon brush test on short circuit commutator电刷短路换向器试验

17.Luther tried this method.路德尝试了这个办法。

18.logic integrated circuit tester逻辑集成电路测试仪


Road-testing and bench-testing路试与台试

3)test road试验路段

1.This paper analyzed the pavement construction of Wu-Ying test highway in term of latest asphalt design criterion,based on which thetest road was constructed.依托武英高速公路汉新段试验路段,分别采用AC13(重交沥青)和AC13(改性沥青)为基体进行水泥灌浆,设计水泥灌浆沥青混凝土下面层,在其上加铺OGFC上面层,形成半柔性面层的复合式路面,然后对典型路面结构进行了弯沉和层底弯拉应力分析。

4)closed-circuit test闭路试验

1.534%Cu was obtained with respectively recovery of over 60% and 76% of Ni and Cu respectively by theclosed-circuit test.闭路试验表明,当原矿品位为N i 0。

2.Based on the study of the villamaninite properties and the existing problems on site ,theclosed-circuit test was made by using new flotation flowsheet and reagent regime.在充分研究红旗岭硫化铜镍矿矿石性质及现场存在问题的基础上,采用新的工艺流程和药剂制度进行闭路试验,镍精矿镍品位和回收率分别由7。

3.Theclosed-circuit test obtained a gold concentrate of 19.对某地明清时期白银冶炼渣进行了浮选试验研究,确定一次粗选、一次精选、二次扫选为最佳工艺流程,闭路试验获得了金品位为19。

5)short circuit test短路试验

1.Simulation of effect of breakersshort circuit test on system voltage;开关短路试验对系统电压影响的仿真研究

2.Improvement on the method ofshort circuit test for 135 MW generating unit;135MW发电机组总起动电气短路试验方法的改进

3.Judging the short circuit between plies of power transformer coilsbased onshort circuit test;用短路试验结果判定变压器线圈的股间短路

6)method of experimental road试验路法


监试呈诸试官【诗文】:我本山中人,寒苦盗寸廪。文辞虽少作,勉强非天廪。既得旋废忘,懒惰今十稔。麻衣如再著,墨水真可饮。每闻科诏下,白汗如流渖。此邦东南会,多士敢题品。刍荛尽兰荪,香不数葵荏。贫家见珠贝,眩晃自难审。缅怀嘉祐初,文格变已甚。千金碎全璧,百衲收寸锦。调和椒桂酽,咀嚼沙砾碜。广眉成半额,学步归踔踸。维时老宗伯,气压群儿凛。蛟龙不世出,鱼鲔初惊淰。至音久乃信,知味犹食椹。至今天下士,微管几左衽。谓当千载后,石室祠高朕。尔来又一变,此学初谁谂。权衡破旧法,刍豢笑凡饪。高言追卫乐,篆刻鄙曹沈。先生周孔出,弟子渊骞寝。却顾老钝躯,顽朴谢镌锓。诸君况才杰,容我懒且噤。聊欲废书眠,秋涛喧午枕。【注释】:【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷三
