2000字范文 > 最大爆炸压力 maximum explosion pressure英语短句 例句大全

最大爆炸压力 maximum explosion pressure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-08 17:59:58


最大爆炸压力 maximum explosion pressure英语短句 例句大全

最大爆炸压力,maximum explosion pressure

1)maximum explosion pressure最大爆炸压力

1.To make clear the further regularity of the coal dust concentration on themaximum explosion pressure and the maximum pressure rise, and realize the security in BF injection, we have conducted a systemic experimental study on the explosion characteristics of four kinds of meagre-lean coal.分析了煤粉质量浓度对爆炸后最大爆炸压力、最大压力上升速率的影响,并计算出相应的爆炸指数。

2.Themaximum explosion pressure of magnesium powders is determined not only in laboratory in small scale,but also in the sieve used in practice.小型爆炸容器内测试了镁粉最大爆炸压力 ,在实际工业规模所使用的振动筛中 ,对镁粉半成品的筛分分级的爆炸性等进行了测试 ,分析了生产线粉尘爆炸的危险性 ,提出了相应的防爆措

3.The experimental results show that themaximum explosion pressure is quadratic with methane concentration,coal dust concentration and ignition delay time and increases with coal dust size.结果表明:密闭空间内甲烷-煤尘复合爆炸的最危险爆炸条件为甲烷浓度5%,煤尘浓度500 g/m3,煤尘粒径26μm,点火延迟时间40 ms;最大爆炸压力与甲烷浓度、煤尘浓度和点火延迟时间呈二次函数关系;最大爆炸压力随着煤尘粒径的增大而减小。


1.Determination for maximum explosion and maximum rate of pressure rise of dust cloudGB/T16426-1996粉尘云最大爆炸压力和最大压力上升速率测定方法

2.(2) For closed vessels with spherical shape, the bigger volume of vessel is, the smaller ascent rate of pressure becomes, and the volume of vessel has no effect on the maximum explosion pressure.容器的容积越大,最大压力上升速率就越小; 容器的容积对最大爆炸压力没有影响。

3.An actual contact surface burst leads to the highest possible overpressures near ground zero.对于实际接触表面爆炸情况,在地面零点附近可形成最大的超压力。

4.maximum violent explosion of methane mixture爆炸威力最大的混合气体

5.the higher fuel activation is, the greater ascent rate of pressure and destructive power are.燃料活性越高,爆炸压力和最大压力上升速率就越大,其破坏性也就越强;

6.A transient air pressure, such as the shock wave from an explosion, that is greater than the surrounding atmospheric pressure.超压力高于周围的大气压的瞬时气压,如爆炸产生的冲击波

7.Study on the Explosion Pressure and Explosion Suppressed Technology of Polynary Explosive Mixed Gases;多元爆炸性混合气体爆炸压力及其抑爆技术研究

8.The potential population explosion would have tremendous repercussions on the region"s physical resources such as land.潜在的人口爆炸将对该地区的土地等自然资源造成巨大的压力。

9.Steam pressure exploded the boiler.蒸气的压力使锅炉爆炸了。

10.A Research on the Pressure Fields of Unconfined Flammable Gas Cloud Explosions;开敞空间可燃气云爆炸的压力场研究

11.Relation between explosion pressure and volume fraction of ClO_2 gas气态ClO_2体积分数与爆炸压力的关系


13.The bomb was timed to explode during the rush-hour.炸弹选在人最多时爆炸.

14.A picture of the origin of the universe that has much in its favor is the big bang theory.描绘宇宙起源最恰当的是大爆炸理论。

15.Analysis to the fault of low max firing pressure for high temperature of exhausting in main engine主机排烟温度高、最大爆发压力低故障分析

16.Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken.爆炸力大得把所有的窗子都震破了。

17.The Measurement of Detonation Pressure in Industrial Explosives with Sulphur-cap Electrical Probe用硫磺盖帽电探针测定工业炸药爆轰压力

18.Study on Propagation Rule of Gas Explosion Under the Conditions of Barrier障碍物影响下瓦斯爆炸压力传播规律研究


the maximum explosion pressure最大爆炸压力值

3)maximum explosion pressure rise最大爆炸压力上升速率

1.LEL(Lower explosion limit)of converter gas were investigated,as well as P_(max)(maximum explosion pressure),(dp/ dt)_(max)(maximum explosion pressure rise),and the effect of H_2 content on the explosion of converter gas.57MPa,最大爆炸压力上升速率为23。

4)explosion pressure爆炸压力

1.Removal of Overlarge Explosion Pressure for Large-Sized Flame-Proof Motor by New Material;采用新材料解决大型隔爆型电动机爆炸压力过大的问题

2.The results show that both theexplosion pressure and the rising rate ofexplosion pressure increase with the decreasing of the size of aluminum particles.利用自制的水平管道式气体-粉尘爆炸试验装置对不同粒度铝粉的爆炸压力进行测试。

3.The present paper is aimed at reporting its research findings over the effect characteristic of the ignition energy on the brisance of the polynary mixed explosive gas and the effect of the energy on theexplosion pressure of liquefied petro-gas through a gas explosion characteristic parameter testing system.以密闭爆炸筒(20 L)内液化石油气(体积分数为5%)-空气混合气体为研究对象,逐步提高点火能量引爆混合气体,分析气体爆炸压力波形图的变化。

5)max firing pressure最大爆发压力

1.Analysis to the fault of lowmax firing pressure for high temperature of exhausting in main engine主机排烟温度高、最大爆发压力低故障分析

6)crusher gauge爆炸压力计


