2000字范文 > 有机导体 organic conductor英语短句 例句大全

有机导体 organic conductor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-30 06:01:14


有机导体 organic conductor英语短句 例句大全

有机导体,organic conductor

1)organic conductor有机导体

1.Thermal stability oforganic conductor of N-n-butylisoquinoline 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane charge transfer complex;有机导体TCNQ电荷转移复合物的热稳定性研究

2.In addition,molecular crystals oforganic conductors have been intensively studied in recent years in terms of one-dimensional conductors,photoconductors or superconductors.本文在前人工作的基础上 ,对有机导体及有机超导体的发展历程、结构规律、导电性质作了总结 ;并对有机导体及超导体的单晶培养、晶体电导率的测量方法作了描述。

3.The content in this paper is to describe about preliminary survey technology of conductor resistance,and the mainly content is to introduction about measure resistance oforganic conductor,from the principle,it could be also to use for the resistance survey of common conductor.在本文中所叙述的内容,主要是关于导体电阻的基本测量技术,重点介绍关于有机导体材料的电阻测量,从原理上讲,对于一般导体电阻的测定也是通用的。

2)organic conductor and superconductor有机导体超导体

3)Organic semiconductors有机半导体

1.Scanning tunneling microscopy studies on the epitaxial growth of organic semiconductors;有机半导体外延生长的扫描隧道显微镜研究

2.Based on the spin diffusion theory and the Ohm s law,we theoretically studied the spin polarized injection and transport through the ferromagnetic/organic semiconductor/ferromagnetic system and obtained the current spin polarization,which takes into account the special characteristics of organic semiconductors.根据有机半导体中的电流自旋极化注入和输运实验现象,理论上研究了铁磁/有机半导体/铁磁系统的电流自旋极化性质。

3.A theory for carrier concentration in physically doped organic semiconductors has been presented based on Gaussian energy distribution of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMOs) and the highest occupied molecular orbitals (HOMOs) as well as the Fermi - Dirac distribution of carriers in allowed quantum states.基于最低未被占据分子轨道(LUMO)和最高被占据分子轨道(HOMO)的高斯态密度分布与载流子在允许量子态中的费米-狄拉克(Fermi-Dirac)分布,提出有机半导体中物理掺杂的理论模型;研究了掺杂浓度、温度和禁带宽度对载流子浓度的影响,并与一些报道的实验结果做了比较。


anic semiconductor gas transducer /sensor有机半导体气体传感器

anic semiconductor thermistor有机半导体热敏电阻器

anic semiconductor humidity transducer [sensor]有机半导体湿度传感器

4.Construction of Ultrathin Films of Organic Semiconductors by Langmuir-Blodgett Technique运用LB技术构筑有机半导体超薄膜

5.Key Techniques in Electrically Pumped Organic Semiconductor Laser电泵浦有机半导体激光器的关键技术

6.Effect of spin injection on electrical conductivity of polarons in an organic semiconductor system自旋注入对有机半导体极化子电导的影响

7.PdPc-PANI Hybrid Organic Semiconductor Film and the Gas Sensitive Mechanism Study;PdPc-PANI杂化有机半导体膜及气敏机理的研究

8.Studies on the Luminescence Properties of Organic Semiconductor LPPP and Related Problems;有机半导体LPPP发光性质及相关问题研究

9.Effect of Electric Field on Spin Polarized Current in Ferromagnetic/Organic Semiconductor Systems;电场下铁磁/有机半导体中的自旋电流的研究

10.Novel Polymer Gratings Applied in Organic Semiconductor Lasers;用于有机半导体激光器的新型聚合物光栅

11.Study of Charge Carrier Transport in Organic Semiconductor Thin-film Devices;有机半导体薄膜器件中的电荷输运研究

12.Silicon/organic Semiconductor Composite Optoelectronic Materials and Devices;硅/有机半导体复合光电材料与器件的研究

13.Research of organic semiconductor luminescent materials based on PPV;聚苯撑乙烯有机半导体光电过程研究综述

14.The Colliding Dynamics of the Elementary Excitations in Quasi-one-dimensional Organic Semiconductors准一维有机半导体中元激发碰撞动力学

15.Synthesis of Organic Semiconductor Hexadecachlor Zinc Phthalocyanine and Its Chlorine Gas SensorZnPcCl_(16)有机半导体材料合成及其氯气传感器研究


17.Measurement Methods for Charge Carrier Mobility in Organic Semiconductors有机半导体中载流子迁移率的测量方法

18.Advances of organic semiconductor solar sensor technologies有机半导体太阳能传感器技术研究进展


organic conductor and superconductor有机导体超导体

3)Organic semiconductors有机半导体

1.Scanning tunneling microscopy studies on the epitaxial growth of organic semiconductors;有机半导体外延生长的扫描隧道显微镜研究

2.Based on the spin diffusion theory and the Ohm s law,we theoretically studied the spin polarized injection and transport through the ferromagnetic/organic semiconductor/ferromagnetic system and obtained the current spin polarization,which takes into account the special characteristics of organic semiconductors.根据有机半导体中的电流自旋极化注入和输运实验现象,理论上研究了铁磁/有机半导体/铁磁系统的电流自旋极化性质。

3.A theory for carrier concentration in physically doped organic semiconductors has been presented based on Gaussian energy distribution of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMOs) and the highest occupied molecular orbitals (HOMOs) as well as the Fermi - Dirac distribution of carriers in allowed quantum states.基于最低未被占据分子轨道(LUMO)和最高被占据分子轨道(HOMO)的高斯态密度分布与载流子在允许量子态中的费米-狄拉克(Fermi-Dirac)分布,提出有机半导体中物理掺杂的理论模型;研究了掺杂浓度、温度和禁带宽度对载流子浓度的影响,并与一些报道的实验结果做了比较。


1.Synthesis of hole transport material TTB and its application inOPC;空穴传输材料TTB的合成及其在有机光导体中的应用

5)Organic photoconductor有机光导体

1.Introduced first here are the simple principles of the organic photoconductive materials, then the functions of the organic photoconductor drum, as a very important part in modern photoelectric imaging facilities, are described; finally some experience about the maintenance of OPC drum is summed up.介绍了有机光导体材料的简单机理,描述作为现代主要光电成像设备的重要部件有机光导体鼓的功能,并对其使用情况与寿命进行了分析,并总结了几条OPC鼓维护和维修的经验。

2.In this paper, advances in materials and applications of organic semiconductor solar sensors are reviewed, including modeling organic photoconductors and pr cells, design, synthesis, and purifications of solar grade organic photoconductors, fabrication and testing of pr cells.本文研究了有机半导体太阳能传感器材料和应用进展,包括有机半导体材料和太阳能传感器模型,高品质有机光导体的设计、合成和提纯,有机半导体太阳能传感器的制造和试验等。

6)organic superconductor有机超导体


