2000字范文 > 断路器断口 breaker fracture英语短句 例句大全

断路器断口 breaker fracture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-02 17:27:30


断路器断口 breaker fracture英语短句 例句大全

断路器断口,breaker fracture

1)breaker fracture断路器断口


1.Analysis of Grading Capacitor tanδ Expansion for High Voltage Circuit Breaker高压断路器断口均压电容器介质损失角增大原因分析及解决措施

2.Study on the Measures to Prevent the Ferro-resonance due to the Capacitors across Circuit Breakers防止断路器断口电容引起铁磁谐振的措施的研究

3.Analysis of Two Power Network Faults and Discussion on Break Breakdown Protection of 220kV Circuit Breaker两起电网故障分析及220kV断路器断口击穿保护探讨

4.Theoretical Analysis on 126 kV Double-break Vacuum Circuit Breaker126 kV双断口真空断路器的理论分析

5.The circuit-breaker capacitors are shunted to the break of AC breaker to equalize while closing(or breaking) a circuit.断路器电容器可并联于工频交流断路器的断口上,使各断口间的电压在开断时达到均匀。

6.Failure and Maintenance of Import GCB进口发电机出口断路器的故障和检修

7.Development and Productization of 1100 kV Double-Break Gas Circuit Breaker1100kV气体绝缘双断口断路器的开发与产品化(英文)

8.Research on Nozzle Optimization of High Voltage Circuit Breaker高压断路器喷口结构优化设计的研究

9.To prevent the breaker against closing operation when the breaker is in OFF state.当断路器处于分断状态下,防止断路器合闸。

putation of Insulation Performance and Study of Nozzle for 800kV Extra High Voltage SF6 Circuit Breaker;800kV超高压SF6断路器绝缘特性计算与喷口研究

11.Optimization Design for Arc Nozzle of High Voltage SF_6 Circuit Breaker Considering Turbulent Influence考虑湍流影响的高压SF_6断路器喷口优化设计

12.Open or shorted wheel speed sensor轮速感知器短路或断路

13.Open speed sensor ground circuit断路的感知器接地电路

14.battery cut-out电池电路自动断路器


16.drum breaker starter带断路器的鼓形启动器

17.See Air Circuit Breaker, Main Breaker, Molded Case Circuit Breaker and Power Circuit Breaker.(见空气线路断路器、主开关、塑壳线路断路器等)。

18.The shunt tripping device is used for a remote control of disconnection of the Breaker.分励脱扣器用作远距离断开断路器。


single-break circuit breaker单断口断路器

1.Through technical improvement of design of 550 kV/63 kA double-break and 363 kV/50 kAsingle-break circuit breaker, making use of computer analysis, increasing of the rated pressure of SF6 gas and opening velocity, improving the shape of arcing contact and nozzle, optimizing the structure of interrupter, 550 kV/50 kA single-break dead-tank circuit breaker is developed.通过对550kV/63kA双断口断路器和363kV/50kA单断口断路器技术加以改进,利用计算机解析技术,提高了额定SF6气体压力和分闸速度,对弧触头和喷口形状进行了改进,优化了灭弧室结构,从而开发出550kV/50kA单断口罐式断路器样机。

3)outlet breaker出口断路器

4)imported circuit breaker进口断路器

5)service entrance breaker维修入口断路器

6)800 kV tank circuit breaker with two breaks800kV双断口罐式断路器


