2000字范文 > 3D测量 3D measurement英语短句 例句大全

3D测量 3D measurement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-22 14:57:28


3D测量 3D measurement英语短句 例句大全

3D测量,3D measurement

1)3D measurement3D测量

1.Structured-light-based3D measurement technique using Gray code and line-shift fringe;基于Gray码和线移条纹的结构光3D测量技术

2.Vision based analytic3D measurement algorithm for the autonomous landing of unmanned helicopter on ship deck;无人直升机自主着舰的光学3D测量解析算法

3.A novel calibration technique for the parameters of the laser light plane scanning3D measurement system was proposed and the mathematic model was built.建立了激光平面扫描3D测量数学模型,提出了一种全新的3D测量系统参数的快速标定方法,设计了由2个完全垂直的平面组成的立体标定靶标,使用1个靶标可同时标定测量系统的摄像机参数和光平面方程参数。


1.Study on 3D Measurement Using Shape from Silhouette;多视角背影轮廓3D测量方法的研究

2.Research on Key Techniques of 3D Measurement on Bubble Behavior in Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow;气液两相流场中气泡行为3D测量关键技术研究

3.3D Measurement System Technology Research for Free Curve Plan Based on Structured Light Measurement Principle;基于结构光测量原理的自由曲面3D测量的系统技术研究

4.3D Measurement Method for Transparent and Free Curve Plane Object Based on Structural Light Measurement Principle;基于结构光测量原理的透明自由曲面体3D测量方法研究

5.The Measurement of Flow Fields at the Exit of an Axial Flow Pump Impeller by 3D-PIV;轴流泵叶轮出口流场的3D-PIV测量

6.Imaging Study and Anatomic Measurement of Normal Inner Ear with MR 3D-CISS Sequence;3D-CISS序列对内耳的成像研究及MRI测量

7.Accuracy Assessment of 3D Laser Monitoring System Survey in Mined-out Area3D激光探测系统在采空区测量中的精度评价

8.3D-PIV Measurements in Clearance between the Impeller and the Diffuser of an Axial Flow Pump;轴流泵叶轮与导叶轴向间隙内流场的3D-PIV测量

9.Cross Sections Measurements of Femoral Intercondylar Notch and Anterior Cruciate Ligament by 3D TSE MRI股骨髁间窝和前交叉韧带断面的3D TSE MRI测量

10.Parameter calibration research of the turntable for 4-axis 3D laser measuring system4轴3D激光测量系统中旋转工作台参数标定

11.Theoretical Studies of the Spin Hamiltonian Parameters for 3d~1/3d~9 Ions in Rhombic Crystals;3d~1/3d~9离子在斜方晶位中自旋哈密顿参量的理论研究

12.Virtual Design on 3D Scanning Fast-inspection System for Stamping Parts;冲压件3D扫描快速检测系统虚拟设计

13.A Lanes and Obstacles Detection Algorithm Based on 3D;一种基于3D的道路与障碍物检测算法

14.STEP-NC Enabled NC Inspection 3D Modeling and Simulation基于STEP-NC数控检测3D建模与仿真

15.The comparison of the Bact/Alert 3D system and commonly used detection methodsBact/Alert 3D系统与常用检测方法的比较

16.3D Model Measurement Estimation on Representation with Sphericalharmonics Approximation球面调和逼近表示3D模型的度量估计

17.Civil 3D Application in the Calculation of EarthworkCivil 3D在土方量计算中的应用

18.Dosimetry Comparison of 3-dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Plans for Cervical Carcinoma after Radical Surgery宫颈癌术后3D-CRT和IMRT的剂量学比较



3)3D dose measurement3D剂量测量

4)3D range image measurement3D形貌测量

1.A novel 3 D range image measurement method based on spatial binary code;基于空间二进制编码的3D形貌测量方法

5)3D solder paste inspection3D锡膏测量

6)color 3D measurement彩色 3D 测量


“加加林”号航天科学测量船国别:前苏联类型:航天科学测量船编号:舰艇名称: “加加林”号航天科学测量船“加加林”号船长231.6米,宽31米,吃水8.5米;满载排水量达53500吨。船上装有75座各种类型的天线,其中,巨型抛物面主天线4座,直径最大达25米。天线开机工作后能同时跟踪2个航天器,&127;并进行无线电信号收发。船上的卫星通信系统、数据处理系统、船舶定位系统、计时系统、控制管理中心等均为世界一流水平。“加加林”号船的适航性极好,能航行于世界任何海域,船上的消摆装置可迅速将船的振幅控制在可承受范围内。“加加林”号的动力装置为l台蒸汽轮机,功率1.9万马力,最大航速为 17节,续航力为 2万海里。船上的实验及生活设施齐全,&127;有86个实验室,210间住舱,1个电影院,1个图书馆,1个体育馆和3&127;个游泳池等,船上配备了各类科技人员 212人
