2000字范文 > 技职教育 technical and vocational education英语短句 例句大全

技职教育 technical and vocational education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-25 10:36:06


技职教育 technical and vocational education英语短句 例句大全

技职教育,technical and vocational education

1)technical and vocational education技职教育

1.Taiwantechnical and vocational education experienced unsmooth developing process.台湾技职教育的发展历程并不平顺,从学制角度,经历了日治遗留学制、单位行业学制、专科学校开放、技术学院与科技大学发展等几个关键时期;从硬件建设投入角度,经历了日治、美援、世行贷款、校务发展基金等阶段。

2.Reform oftechnical and vocational education in Taiwan is carried out with the reform of education,which is important content of educational reform.技职教育改革是伴随台湾地区教育改革进行的,是台湾教育改革的重要内容之一。


1.Technical and Vocational Education Project技术和职业教育项目(技职教育项目)

2.Inspiration to Mainland"s Higher Vocational Education by Taiwan"s Technical & Vocational Education台湾高等技职教育体制对大陆高职教育的启示

3.The Character of Vocational Technology Education in Higher Vocational Education;高职教育要以“职业技术”教育为特色

4.Coordinating English Teaching and Higher Vocational Education;高职英语教学如何适应职业技术教育

5.Applied Research of Educational Technology in the Secondary Vocational Education;中等职业教育中教育技术的应用研究

puter Teaching Reform in Vo-tech Education;论职业技术教育中的计算机教育改革

7.Research into the education economics of higher vocational technology education;高等职业技术教育的教育经济学审视

8.Promote the Development of Higher Vocational Education by Modern Education Technology;用现代教育技术促进高职教育的发展

9.International Project on Technical and Vocational Education国际技术和职业教育项目(技教项目)

10.Realizing Properly the Functions of Vocational and Technical Education and Promoting Its Development;正确认识职业教育功能 促进职业技术教育发展

11.The Revelations of Higher Vocational and Technical Education of Hong Kong and Taiwan to Mainland港台高等职业技术教育对内地高职教育的启示

12.Effective Linkage of Professional Skills Identification with Vocational Education;职业技能鉴定与职业教育的有效衔接

13.Development Professional Skill Appraisal Work Promotes the Higher Vocational Education Quality;开展职业技能鉴定 提升高职教育质量

14.Issues on the Teaching of Professional Skills in Higher Vocational Education;高职职业技能教育中的若干问题探讨

15.Scientific and humanities education in higher vocational and technical education;高等职业技术教育中的科学教育与人文教育

16.Equal Attention to Humanity Education and Skill Education in Higher Vocational Education Reform;高职教育改革——人文教育与技能教育并重

17.Probe into Teacher Skill Cultivation in the Teacher Preparation Program;教师职前教育中的教师技能培养探究

18.The Development of Pre-vocational Teaching Skills Advancing to Regional Teacher Education走向区域教师教育的职前教师职业技能培养


technological and vocational education技职教育

1.Thetechnological and vocational education system in Taiwan region is relatively more unique and perfect than any other place in the world.台湾地区技职教育体系可以说是在世界上相对独特和比较完善的教育系统,它自成体系,从五十多年前非常简易的初等职业教育迅速跃升到科技大学的硕、博士班等学制,同时与普通教育体系之间弹性构架、相互贯通,成为台湾地区技职教育的重要特征,也是台湾地区经济腾飞的一个秘密武器。

2.This paper aims to introduce the recent development oftechnological and vocational education in Taiwan and generalize its characteristics.本文旨在介绍台湾技职教育新近的发展状况,并归纳其特色。

3)Vocational-technical education职业技术教育

1.Introduced application of project teaching method of Austrian vacational education in mold professional training,through described mold professional training how to carry out project teaching method,explained important function that using project teaching method to raise students synthesizing capacity in the vocational-technical education.介绍了在奥地利职业技术教育培训中项目教学法运用,通过详细地描述了模具专业实施项目教学的过程,说明了项目教学法的在职业技术教育中对培养学生综合能力的重要作用。

2.This article draws up from the agricultural labourer s vocational-technical education question,through the analysis about the agriculture labourer s survival present situation in the city,pointing out enhance the professional skill is the method that agric.文章拟从农民工的职业技术教育问题入手,通过分析农民工在城市生存的现状,指出提高职业技能是农民工增加收入和更好就业的有效方法。

3.Therefore,vocational-technical education in the teaching principle,teaching ideology,curriculum arrangement,appraisal method are all different.中美两国有着不同的文化历史背景,政治经济制度也存在着很大的差异,对人的培养有不同的方针政策,因此,职业技术教育在教学指导思想、教学理念、课程开设、评估手段上都不尽相同。

4)vocational technical education职业技术教育

1.The knowledge transmission invocational technical education;职业技术教育中的知识传递

2.History evolution and inspiration of Australiavocational technical education;澳大利亚职业技术教育的历史沿革与启示

3.Study of the Problem That the Vocational Technical Education Can Promote the Shift of Village Surplus Labor in MiLuo;职业技术教育促进汨罗市农村剩余劳动力转移问题研究

5)vocational and technical education职业技术教育

1.Investigation on the thesis relating tovocational and technical education;我国职业技术教育论文调查研究

2.Problems of occupational health and safety training invocational and technical education;职业技术教育中的职业健康安全培训刍议

3.Onvocational and technical education of middle and advanced post;制造业中、高级职业技术教育刍议

6)higher technological and vocational education高等技职教育


育育1.活泼自如貌。 2.生长茂盛貌。
