2000字范文 > 桩土作用 pile-soil interaction英语短句 例句大全

桩土作用 pile-soil interaction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-30 10:16:18


桩土作用 pile-soil interaction英语短句 例句大全

桩土作用,pile-soil interaction

1)pile-soil interaction桩土作用

1.These errors are produced because the P-wave propagation velocity is not estimated accurately and thepile-soil interaction is ignored.文章针对桩侧土作用的影响,通过桩土作用下桩的振动方程,探讨了摩擦桩在考虑土作用下的振动方程及桩长公式,为实际工程中桩长检测提供一定的理论依据。

2.In view of piles damaged frequently by vortex-induced vibration in the process of building cross-sea bridges,the vortex-induced vibration of piles was studied,and a calculation method considering thepile-soil interaction was given.针对目前跨海大桥兴建过程中频繁出现的涡致桩基破坏问题进行研究,给出一套考虑桩土作用的计算方法。

2)pile-soil-pile interaction桩-土-桩相互作用

1.The proposed approach is capable of capturing majorpile-soil-pile interactions and the coupling effect in pile groups subjected to torsion.对比计算结果与离心机模型试验数据,表明该模型能够模拟群桩扭转中主要的桩-土-桩相互作用和荷载耦合作用,较好地反映了实际情况。

3)pile-soil interaction桩土相互作用

1.3D finite element analysis ofpile-soil interaction of squeezed branch pile;挤扩支盘桩桩土相互作用的三维有限元分析

2.Experimental study onpile-soil interaction parameter in pile integrity test;基桩完整性检测中桩土相互作用参数的试验研究

3.Effects of time-effect of pile s bearing capacity onpile-soil interaction and on settlement of pile-raft foundation;桩承载力时效对桩土相互作用及沉降的影响分析


1.Pressure-based Method of Soil-pile Interaction基于土压力的桩土相互作用分析方法

2.Study and Application of Contact Behavior between Pile and Soil;桩土相互作用的接触分析研究与应用

3.Analysis on pile-soil interaction of inclined pile bulkhead structure using ANSYS采用ANSYS分析斜顶桩驳岸结构的桩土相互作用

4.Model and Computational Method for Interaction between Passive Piles and Surrounding Soil;被动桩桩土相互作用的模型与计算方法研究

5.Testing and Analysis of Pile Bearing Capacity and the System of Pile-Soil Interaction;桩基承载力及桩土相互作用体系检测与分析

6.Study on Damping of Pile-Soil Interaction in Quantitative Analysis of Defects;基桩缺陷量化分析中桩土相互作用阻尼的研究

7.Structural Analysis of Jack-up Platform Spud Tank Based on the Pile-Soil Interaction;基于桩土相互作用的自升式平台桩靴强度研究

8.Longitudinal Vibration Characteristics of Variable Impedance Pile with the Consideration of Soil-Pile Interaction考虑桩土相互作用的变阻抗桩纵向振动特性

9.The Optimization Study of the Pile Spacing for the UHV Big Leap Foundation Considering Soi-pile Interaction考虑桩土相互作用的大跨越基础桩距优化研究

10.Research on effect of pile diameter on p-y curves of soil-pile interaction桩径对桩土相互作用p-y曲线影响的研究

11.Cushion Techniqe and Interaction Between Reinforcements and Surrounding Soil in Composite Foundation;复合地基中垫层技术及桩土相互作用

12.Research on Soil-pile Dynamic Interaction of Sparse Pile Foundation疏桩基础桩—土动力相互作用的研究

13.Analyses of Pile-soil-pile Interaction in Transversely Isotropic Layered Media;横观各向同性层状场地桩—土—桩相互作用分析

14.The Research on Passive Pile-soil Interaction and the Reinforced Design of Anti-Slipped Piles;被动桩与土相互作用及抗滑桩加固设计研究

15.Numerical Analysis on Influence Factors of Single Pile Settlement under Pile-soil Interaction桩-土相互作用下单桩沉降影响因素的数值分析

16.Study on Pile-Pile Vertical Dynamic Interaction Factor in Saturated Soil饱和土中桩-桩竖向动力相互作用因子研究

17.Study on Interaction of Soil and Structure of Sheet-pile Bulkhead with Raked Piles;斜拉板桩码头结构与土相互作用研究

18.Larger-Scale Siol-Pile Interaction Nonlinear Analysis;大型桩土动力相互作用的非线性分析


pile-soil-pile interaction桩-土-桩相互作用

1.The proposed approach is capable of capturing majorpile-soil-pile interactions and the coupling effect in pile groups subjected to torsion.对比计算结果与离心机模型试验数据,表明该模型能够模拟群桩扭转中主要的桩-土-桩相互作用和荷载耦合作用,较好地反映了实际情况。

3)pile-soil interaction桩土相互作用

1.3D finite element analysis ofpile-soil interaction of squeezed branch pile;挤扩支盘桩桩土相互作用的三维有限元分析

2.Experimental study onpile-soil interaction parameter in pile integrity test;基桩完整性检测中桩土相互作用参数的试验研究

3.Effects of time-effect of pile s bearing capacity onpile-soil interaction and on settlement of pile-raft foundation;桩承载力时效对桩土相互作用及沉降的影响分析

4)soil-pile interaction桩土相互作用

1.Analysis on p-y curves ofsoil-pile interaction in liquefied soils;土层液化条件下桩土相互作用p-y关系分析

2.The shake table test onsoil-pile interaction;桩土相互作用的振动台试验研究

5)pile-soil interaction桩-土相互作用

1.Analysis ofpile-soil interaction under horizontal load by meshless method;横向荷载下桩-土相互作用的无网格分析

2.The calculated results indicate that it is detrimental to continuous rigid frame bridges whenpile-soil interaction and structure-water interaction are considered.以三水二桥为实例,采用结构有限元法对具有单肢薄壁墩的连续刚构桥进行水平地震反应分析,分析时考虑了桩-土相互作用和结构-水相互作用以及不同水深对结构地震反应的影响。

3.By using an elastoplastic finite element program, the magnitude of settlement, uneven settlement and stress level in the soil mass are compared between two different cases; especially, thepile-soil interaction is analyzed and compared with practice.采用弹塑性有限元程序分析比较了路堤在加桩和不加桩情况下的沉降大小、不均匀沉降以及土体中的应力水平;特别是桩-土相互作用的计算分析与实测资料的分析比较。

6)soil-pile interaction桩土耦合作用

1.Consideringsoil-pile interaction and vertical wave effect of soil around pile, the dynamic vertical response of a pile in time domain is investigated theoretically.在考虑桩土耦合作用以及土竖向波动效应条件下,对均质滞回材料阻尼土中弹性支承桩桩顶纵向振动时域响应进行了理论研究。


土桩挤密法按预定平面位置,采用沉管、冲击或爆破等方法成孔,然后在孔中填以素土(粘性土)或灰土,分层捣实,形成土桩。土桩与挤密后的桩间土组成复合地基,共同承受基础所传递的荷载。此法常用于处理湿陷性黄土地基、 杂填土地基和填土地基,处理深度一般为5~10米,最大处理深度可达15米以上。处理后的地基承载力一般提高50~100%。土桩(包括灰土桩)挤密地基的桩径、桩距和孔深通过试验求得。桩孔直径一般为30~50厘米,桩距(桩孔的中心距离S)约为桩孔直径的2~3倍,可按下式确定: 式中d为土桩的设计直径;γd为地基挤密前,土的平均干容重;γ媁为地基挤密后,桩间土的平均干空重。桩孔宜按等边三角形的顶点布置。桩孔深度,可根据土中应力分布及下式确定: Pz+Pcz≤Ps式中Pz为土桩底标高处的附加压力;Pcz为土桩底标高处的土自重压力;Ps为土桩持力层土的湿陷起始压力或容许承载力。自50年代开始,中国应用土桩挤密法对西北地区某些建筑物的湿陷性黄土地基进行处理,获得了良好的技术经济效果。自70年代起,这种方法已用于民用建筑物的地基处理。用灰土桩挤密地基是60年代在土桩挤密法的基础上发展起来的,两者的作用和工艺、设备基本上相同。
