2000字范文 > 钒氧化物 vanadium oxide英语短句 例句大全

钒氧化物 vanadium oxide英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-26 06:04:58


钒氧化物 vanadium oxide英语短句 例句大全

钒氧化物,vanadium oxide

1)vanadium oxide钒氧化物

1.However,the formation rate of phenol was obviously increased as Pd/Hβ was further modified byvanadium oxide.结果表明,Pd/Hβ的催化活性很低;然而,当它进一步用钒氧化物改性后,则苯酚生成速率显著增加,有关钒氧化物的促进作用可用一个协同催化机理来合理解释。

2.Vanadium oxide (VO 2(B), V 6O 13, V 2O 5) films have been deposited by RF magnetron sputtering using pure V (99 65%) as target and Ar-O 2 as reactive gases The Raman spctra ofvanadium oxide thin films were reported Classification of Raman spectra forvanadium oxide films was also discussed according to different structural characterizatio用射频磁控溅射以纯金属钒做靶材在氩氧混合气体中制备了钒氧化物 (VO2 (B)、V6O1 3、V2 O5)薄膜。

3.1Dvanadium oxide nanomaterials were synthesized.本文在综述了当前关于一维纳米材料的合成与组装技术最新进展的基础上,利用流变相自组装法和微乳液法合成了一维钒氧化物纳米材料,研究了不同组装技术对钒氧化物纳米结构的影响。


1.Studies on the Oxidation of Glyoxal to Glyoxylic Acid by Oxygen Over Vanadium Oxide Catalyst钒氧化物催化氧化乙二醛制备乙醛酸的研究

2.Preparation and Characterization of the Low-vanadium Oxides Nanomaterials;低维钒氧化物纳米材料的制备和表征

3.Preparation and Characterization of Vanadium Oxide Nanotubes and Thin Films钒氧化物纳米管与薄膜的制备及表征

4.Propane Oxidative Dehydrogenation over Vanadia Catalysts Supported on Silicas with Different Pore Structures不同孔道结构的氧化硅负载钒氧化物催化丙烷氧化脱氢

5.Study on the Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Li_(1+x) V_3O_8;锂钒氧化物Li_(1+x)V_3O_8的合成与电化学性能研究

6.Synthesis and electrochemical performances of fluorine doped lithium vanadium oxidesF-掺杂锂钒氧化物的合成及其电化学性能

7.Studies on Synthesis of (Lithium) Vanadium Oxides as Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries锂离子电池正极材料-(锂)钒氧化物的制备研究

8.Study on Preparation, Structure and Properties of Low-dimensioned Vanadium Oxide Nanomaterials;低维钒氧化物纳米材料制备、结构与性能研究

9.Synthesis and Properties of One-dimensional Vanadium Oxide Nanoarrays;一维钒氧化物纳米阵列的构筑及其性能研究

10.Studies of Supercapacitors Based on Vanadium Oxide Materials;超级电容器用钒氧化物基电极材料研究

11.Studies on Microstructure and Chromogenic Performance of Vanadium Oxides Thin Films;钒氧化物薄膜的微观结构和变色性能的研究

12.Controllable Assembly, Structure and Properties of One-dimensional Vanadium Oxide Nanomaterials;一维钒氧化物纳米材料的可控组装、结构与性能

13.Study on Synthesis and Gas Sensing Property of One-Dimension Silver Vanadium Oxide Nanomaterials;银钒氧化物一维纳米材料制备及气敏性能研究

14.Controllable Preparation and Property Research of Vanadium Oxide Nanomaterials;钒氧化物纳米材料的可控合成和性能研究

15.Preparation and Properties of Vanadium Oxides and Their Composite Glasses;钒氧化物及其复合玻璃的制备与性质研究

16.Serial TestPotassium, Sodium and Iron of Vanadium Oride by Flame Atom Absorption;火焰原子吸收法连续测定钒氧化物中的钾、钠、铁

17.Studies on the Synthesis and Catalytic Application of Vanadium-based Metal Oxides in the Selective Oxidation of Methane and Propane;含钒氧化物和复合氧化物催化剂的制备及其在甲烷和丙烷选择氧化反应中的应用研究

18.Investigation on the Radical Scavenging Effect of Coordination Complex of Quercetin with Vanadium;槲皮素及其氧钒配合物抗氧化性研究


vanadium oxides钒氧化物

1.Preparation and Properties of Vanadium Oxides and Their Composite Glasses;钒氧化物及其复合玻璃的制备与性质研究

2.The development ofvanadium oxides in lithium ion batteries was summaried.综述了钒氧化物在锂离子电池中的应用,重点介绍了V2O5、V6O13、VO2、V3O7、V6O14的结构、制备方法以及其锂离子电池的电化学性质,说明了V4O9、V2O3难在锂离子电池中应用的原因,讨论了钒氧化物作锂离子电池的正极材料的优点以及存在的问题,最后提出钒氧化物有希望成为实用的锂离子电池阴极材料。

3.For several valences of vanadium oxidation,it is necessary for us to enhance the research on the valences ofvanadium oxides and its order of oxidation,analyze the kinetic influencing factors in-depth,construct model of vanadium oxidation kinetics,and perfect the theoretics of vanadium oxidation kinetics in order to obtain the slag with highvanadium oxides.综述了铁水提钒的氧化机理和目前钒氧化动力学的研究进展,针对钒氧化的多价态特性,铁水提钒欲获得含钒氧化物高的钒渣,有必要加强对钒氧化物的价态形式及其氧化规律的研究,深入分析动力学影响因素,构建钒氧化动力学模型,完善钒氧化动力学理论。


1.The vanadia base catalysts supported on MgO, Al 2O 3, Mg 3(PO 4) 2,AlPO 4, and Zr 3(PO 4) 4 are characterized by X Ray diffraction pattern and Raman spectroscopy.用XRD、Raman、TPR和Py-IR表征乙酰丙酮络钒法制备的不同氧化物和磷酸盐负载的钒氧化物催化剂,结果表明,钒氧化物在载体MgO、Al2O3、Mg3(PO4)2、AlPO4和Zr3(PO4)4上是高分散的,没有生成明显的V2O5晶相;催化剂的可还原性与相应载体氧化物或磷酸盐的金属还原电位序有较好的对应关系,同时与其丙烷氧化脱氢活性也存在较好的平行关系,表明钒氧化物与载体的阳离子形成V-O-M桥键,该桥键氧较易移去,可能是丙烷氧化脱氢的活性氧物种;催化剂表面酸性位有利于丙烷C-H键的活化,但导致深度氧化产物增多。

2.The Influence of Pre supported MgO over SiO 2 on Catalytic Performance of SupportedVanadia base Catalysts for Propane Oxidative Dehydrogenation;用XRD、Raman、FT-IR、51V-NMR、Py-IR和TPR-TPO表征SiO2或SiO2上预负载MgO后负载的钒氧化物催化剂体系。

4)vanadium oxide ore钒氧化物矿

1.Research on making vanadium steel by direct alloying technology ofvanadium oxide ores;钒氧化物矿直接合金化冶炼含钒合金钢工艺的研究

5)lithium vanadium oxide锂钒氧化物

1.Recent development oflithium vanadium oxides as cathode materials for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries;锂离子蓄电池正极材料锂钒氧化物研究进展

2.Via the solid-phase synthesizing method,a series of fluorine ion dopedlithium vanadium oxides with the fluorine contents of 0.56%的系列修饰锂钒氧化物。

3.Layered-type compound oflithium vanadium oxide LiV3O8 was synthesized at about 450℃ by the sol-gel method with LiNO3 and NH3 VO3 as raw materials.以LiNO3和NH4VO3为原料,通过溶胶-凝胶法制备了层状锂钒氧化物LiV3O8锂离子电池正极材料,通过TG-DTG、XRD等考察了合成条件对产物首次放电比容量的影响。

6)Oxovanadium Compound氧钒化合物

1.NMR Studies onOxovanadium Compounds in Presence of Nitrilotriacetate;含次氮基三乙酸氧钒化合物的NMR研究


