2000字范文 > 原子基态 atomic ground state英语短句 例句大全

原子基态 atomic ground state英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-27 11:49:21


原子基态 atomic ground state英语短句 例句大全

原子基态,atomic ground state

1)atomic ground state原子基态

1.Research on decidingatomic ground state problem;关于确定原子基态问题的研究

2.This paper deals with a method to deduce theatomic ground state spectra terms onthe basis of Hund rules and Pauli exclusion principle.根据洪特第一规则及保里不相容原理,提出了推求原子基态光谱项的一种简便方法。

3.This paper studies the periodicity ofatomic ground state which is determined by electronic configuration.对原子基态的周期性进行了研究。


1.Research on Spectral Term when Atom Fundamental state Appears as Equivalent Electron Configuration;对原子基态是等效电子时基态光谱项的研究

2.Treating the ground states of hydrogen, positronium and helium atoms by Bohr model uniquely用玻尔理论统一处理氢原子、电子偶素和氦原子基态能级

3.There is a stable ground state of the atom.原子有一个稳定的基态。

4.The Determination of the Atomic or Ionic Ground State;原子(或离子)基态光谱项推算方法

5.Collisional Energy Transfer between the Excitation States of Alkali Molecules and the Ground States of Alkali Atoms;碱分子激发态与基态原子间的碰撞能量转移

6.Research on Positron Collisions with Ground and Excited Helium;正电子与基态及激发态氦原子散射的理论研究

7.We have concentrated on the ground electronic states of diatomic molecules.我们曾主要集中注意双原子分子的电子基态。

8.Preparation of Atom Entangled States Based on Cavity QED基于腔QED的原子纠缠态的制备过程

9.Teleportation of an Arbitrary Two-Atom Entangled State Via Thermal Cavity;基于热腔任意两原子纠缠态的隐形传态

10.Collisional Excitation Transfer between Cs_2(B~1Π_u) and Cs(6S)Cs_2(B~1Π_u)态与基态Cs原子间的碰撞激发转移

11.Calculating Ground State Energys of Helium Atom and Quasi-heliumion by Use of Approximation Model用近似模型计算氦原子和类氦离子的基态能量

12.The Boundary Contours of Elements from H to Xe in Periodic Table under the 10~30T Magnetic Field;10~30T恒定磁场中前五周期基态原子的边界轮廓

13.Preparation Scheme for Four-atom Entangled State via Cavity Decay一个基于腔衰减的四原子纠缠态制备方案

14.A80C polymorphism of tumor necrosis factor-β gene and essential hypertension肿瘤坏死因子β基因A80C多态与原发性高血压

15.Association between the Genetic Polymorphism of the Promoter Region of Angiotensinogen Gene and Essential Hypertension;血管紧张素原基因启动子区-6A/G多态性与原发性高血压的关系

16.Study of Dynamics of the Reactions Ba(~1S)+CH_(4-n)Cl_n and Ba(~1S)+C_2H_(6-n)Cl_n基态钡原子与氯代甲烷、氯代乙烷反应的动态学研究

17.The Maximum of g-Factor of Atom State of The Same Electron s Configuration;同一电子组态原子态g因子的最大值

18."Metastable state: Excited state (see excitation) of an atom, nucleus, or other system that has a longer lifetime than the ordinary excited states and generally has a shorter lifetime than the ground state."亚稳态: 原子、核或其它系统的激发态,比普通激发态的寿命要长,一般地比基态的寿命要短。


ground state of atom原子基态

1.It solves the problems in determining the different terms ofground state of atoms.运用能量最小原理、泡利不相容原理和洪特定则,得到了计算原子基态的一套计算方法,采用这种方法能推算出不同类型的原子基态问题。

3)ground state atom基态原子

1.A novel atom valence shell electron quantum topological index AEI based on topological chemical principle and atom valence shell electron structure character with the help of hidden core graph ofground state atom valence shell electron was proposed in this paper, which appears uniquely to theground state atom and has excellent structural selectivity.在基态原子价壳层电子隐核图的基础上,基于拓扑化学原理以及原子价壳层电子结构特征,构建了原子价壳层电子量子拓扑指数(AEI),它对基态原子实现唯一性表征,结合原子价壳层电子平均化能(∑niEi/∑ni)等参数,建立了一套新的元素电负性标度:XN=-0。

2.A novel connectivity index of valence shell electron energy levels for aground state atom m VEI (m=0,1,2,.构建了基态原子价壳层电子能级连接性指数 (mVEI) ,m =0 ,1,2 ,… ,它对基态原子实现唯一性表征 ,其中0 VEI,1VEI对原子具有良好的结构选择性 。



6)Helium in the ground state氢原子基态


