2000字范文 > 责任成本测算 responsibility cost estimation英语短句 例句大全

责任成本测算 responsibility cost estimation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-21 00:03:59


责任成本测算 responsibility cost estimation英语短句 例句大全

责任成本测算,responsibility cost estimation

1)responsibility cost estimation责任成本测算

1.First it discusses responsibility cost management institution,summarizesresponsibility cost estimation,responsibility cost control, responsibility cost check and other responsibility cost management content.首先对责任成本管理体制进行了论述,然后就责任成本测算、责任成本控制、责任成本核算等责任成本管理内容作出总结,实践证明,责任成本管理是控制项目成本、保证项目质量的有效举措。

2)responsibility for cost estimates责任成本预算

3)responsibility cost check责任成本核算

1.First it discusses responsibility cost management institution,summarizes responsibility cost estimation,responsibility cost control,responsibility cost check and other responsibility cost management content.首先对责任成本管理体制进行了论述,然后就责任成本测算、责任成本控制、责任成本核算等责任成本管理内容作出总结,实践证明,责任成本管理是控制项目成本、保证项目质量的有效举措。

4)responsibility cost责任成本

1.Carrying outresponsibility cost management in construction enterprises;施工企业实行责任成本管理的探讨

2.Onresponsibility cost management in engineering project;浅谈工程项目责任成本管理

3.Analysis and development ofresponsibility cost budge software;责任成本预算软件的分析与开发


1.A Superficial Thought about the Integrated Application of Manufacture Cost Law and Duty Cost Law;制造成本法与责任成本法的结合应用

2.Application of the Ideal Cost, the Target Cost and the Duty Cost in the Cost Management;论理想成本、目标成本和责任成本在成本管理中的应用

3.The Research on Management of Construction Enterprise Project Responsibility for the Cost;施工企业工程项目责任成本管理研究

4.Discussion on contract management and responsibility cost control of engineering projects;谈工程项目合同管理与责任成本控制

5.Carrying out responsibility cost administration and improving enterprise economic benefit;开展责任成本管理 提高企业经济效益

6.Intensifying the management of responsibility cost and improvingthe economic benefits of project;加强责任成本管理提高项目经济效益

7.Implement the Responsibility Cost Management and Promote the Economic Benefit of Enterprises in Charge of Construction;实行责任成本管理提高施工企业效益

8.Application of Operating and Credibility Cost Under New Economy;试论新经济条件下作业成本与责任成本的应用


10.Burning problems in carrying out responsibility cost management and solutions thereto;推行责任成本管理急待解决的问题及对策

11.How to Strengthen the Management of Duty Cost of Constructional Business Projects;谈如何加强施工企业项目责任成本管理

12.On the Application of Contracting out System of Controllable Responsibility Cost to Project Management;可控责任成本承包制在项目管理中的运用

13.Design of the system of responsibility cost management based on operations in oil-gas field enterprises;油气田企业作业基础责任成本管理体系设计

14.factory cost responsibility summary责任制造成本汇总表

15.ultimate liability根本责任,最终责任

16.The Planning of Strategic Cost Management of WT Pharmaceutical Industry Co.Ltd.;WT制药有限责任公司的战略成本规划

17.On Legal Responsibilities and Violation Cost of Certified Public Accountants;注册会计师违规成本与法律责任研究

18.Property Rights,Social Cost and the Legal Liability of CPA;产权、社会成本与注册会计师法律责任


responsibility for cost estimates责任成本预算

3)responsibility cost check责任成本核算

1.First it discusses responsibility cost management institution,summarizes responsibility cost estimation,responsibility cost control,responsibility cost check and other responsibility cost management content.首先对责任成本管理体制进行了论述,然后就责任成本测算、责任成本控制、责任成本核算等责任成本管理内容作出总结,实践证明,责任成本管理是控制项目成本、保证项目质量的有效举措。

4)responsibility cost责任成本

1.Carrying outresponsibility cost management in construction enterprises;施工企业实行责任成本管理的探讨

2.Onresponsibility cost management in engineering project;浅谈工程项目责任成本管理

3.Analysis and development ofresponsibility cost budge software;责任成本预算软件的分析与开发

5)liability cost责任成本

1.Elementary introduction to application ofliability cost management in limestone mining;浅谈责任成本管理在石灰石开采业的应用

2.A three dimensional cost calculation model has therefore been established for administration of mobile cost andliability cost thereby providing the required management and administration information under the market economy conditions and improving the management .为此,以制造成本法为基础,借鉴变动成本法和责任成本管理的思想理论,提出建立三元成本计算的新模式,旨在使企业更好地提供满足市场经济条件下经营决策所需要的信息,提高企业管理水平,努力降低企业产品成本。

3.<Abstrcat> In this paper, the author argues that the management ofliability cost is an important way to enhance university logistic management.认为实行责任成本管理是提高高校后勤管理绩效的重要途径。

6)responsible cost责任成本

1.It points out that when construction enterprises make projectresponsible cost as the accordance of cost control,project construction cost management can fit in with the regulation of market economy.从项目成本预算、中间检查分析、事后工程成本考核与奖罚三方面探讨了如何进行项目法施工中的工程成本管理,指出施工企业只有将项目责任成本作为成本控制的依据,才能使项目施工成本管理符合市场经济的客观规律。

2.On the premise of carrying outresponsible cost, it is an effective method for a business to bring about cost control of hierarchal multilevel to restrain the rapid of product cost.在企业实行责任成本制进而实现成本分级递阶控制是遏制产品成本飙升的有效方法 。


