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高校体育教师 college PE teachers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-29 08:05:39


高校体育教师 college PE teachers英语短句 例句大全

高校体育教师,college PE teachers

1)college PE teachers高校体育教师

1.In view of that,on the basis of findings already made by other researchers,further investigations and analysis concerning job pressure and Job-burnout ofcollege PE teachers in Fujian.在已有研究的基础上,对福建省高校体育教师的职业压力、职业倦怠的状况进行调查分析,调查显示:福建省高校体育教师的职业倦怠较为普遍。

2.The writer of this paper,using literature research methodology, summarizes the recent research on teachers job satisfaction,sums up the main factors affectingcollege PE teachers job satisfaction,and puts forward the countermeasures to improvecollege PE teachers job satisfaction.运用文献资料法,对教师工作满意度的研究进行总结分析,归纳得出影响高校体育教师工作满意度的主要因素,并提出提高高校体育教师工作满意度的对策。

3.The Knowledage and abilities College PE teachers should possess in the new situation are respectively discussed from the present situation and the trend of the teaching reform of College P从目前普通高校体育教学改革的现状和发展趋势出发 ,论述了新形势下高校体育教师所应具备的知识结构和能力结


1.Study on Life-long Education of Minority Physical Education Teachers at High School;少数民族高校体育教师终身教育研究

2.College Physical Teacher and Students Mental Health Education;高校体育教师与大学生心理健康教育

3.Thinking and Searching on Continuious Education of PE Teachers;高校体育教师继续教育的思考与探索

4.Discussion On Further Education for P. E. Instructors In Adults Institutes;试论成人高校体育教师继续教育问题

5.On Stressing the Practicality of College P.E. Teachers ?Teaching Research;高校体育教师教育科研应突出实践性

6.The approach of continuing education on the physical education teachers对高校体育教师继续教育途径的探讨

7.From Analyzing the Character of Excellent Physical Education Teachers to Research How to Develop the Quality of the College P.E Teacher;从优秀体育教师素养谈高校体育教师素质培养

8.On Physical Education Teachers’ Quality Reconstruction from Sport Curriculum Reform in Colleges and Universities;高校体育课程改革致高校体育教师素质重构

9.The Discussion of the Application of P.E Teachers Resource in Institution of Higher Learning--Discussion of the Multiple Roles of P.E Teachers;论高等学校体育教师资源的利用——高校体育教师多重身份探讨

10.How to Teach the Youth Chang-quan for the College P.E. Teachers;高校体育教师如何教好武术青年长拳

11.Information Attainment of University P.E.Teachers and Innovation of Teaching;高校体育教师的信息素养与教学创新

12.Physical Teacher s Sentiment Affect this Teaching in Colleges;浅谈高校体育教师情绪对教学的影响

13.ON P.E.education in universities and Life-long P.E.;高等师范院校体育教育与终身体育化

14.Essential Capabilities of College Physical EducationTeachers during the Period of Transformation;高校体育转型对体育教师的能力要求

15.On the Training of Information Quality of P. E.Teachers in Normal Colleges and Universities;论高师院校体育教师信息素质的培养

16.Study in Teaching Reforms of P.E. in High Education;高校体育教学中教师教学改革的探究

17.Feasibility Study on Establishing "Teacher Sports Shcool" in Colleges;高校创办“教师体育学校”的可行性研究

18.Value of Physical Education and Orientation of Sports Teacher in Universities and Colleges;试论高校体育教育价值与体育教师定位


college P.E.teacher高校体育教师

1.Taking college P.以武汉市高校体育教师为被试,采用整群随机抽样问卷调查方式,对武汉市普通高等学校体育教师的职业倦怠状况及其相关因素进行了调查分析。

2.The management essence of college P.高校体育教师的管理实质就是围绕着如何提高教师专业素养而展开的。

3)college physical education teacher高校体育教师

1.Research oncollege physical education teacher’s teaching ability of inspection and control;高校体育教师教学监控能力的培养

2.In this paper,the causes of occupational ennui ofcollege physical education teachers in Henan province are analyzed,and the countermeasures of alleviating and eliminating occupational ennui effectively are explored.通过分析河南省高校体育教师职业倦怠产生的成因,探索了有效缓解和消除体育教师职业倦怠的对策,从而有效地帮助广大体育教师提高职业素质,以适应体育教育改革发展的需要。

4)university P.E.teachers高校体育教师

1.Specialization and cognition of continuing education ofuniversity P.E.teachers in Shandong province;对山东省高校体育教师专业化现状与继续教育观念认知的调查

2.Information Attainment of University P.E.Teachers and Innovation of Teaching;高校体育教师的信息素养与教学创新

5)College Teachers of Physical Education高校体育教师

1.An Analysis and Solution for the Current Status ofCollege Teachers of Physical Education in China;我国普通高校体育教师的现状分析与对策

6)female P.E.teacher of institute and university高校女体育教师


高校教师[电影名称] 高校教师[主要演员] 卢巧音 黄子华 黄秋生[类别] 喜剧片剧情简介江sir自当教师以来,行为怪异,一时放学后追问女生们对他所教的明白与否,一时又跟踪学生至补习社,更走上补习社上课,一时又参与学生们所有的rave party......... 但自从邻校的男生阿dick与阿祖认识了他班上的两女生陈芝与阿wing,更大胆的走到他校他班上课. 江不但被两男生所接受,更带同一众学生走到江sir班上课,学生们对江竟出奇的好感,而江亦为他们解决问题,学生们不知不觉间被江另类的处事方法影响,开始改变对上学读书的收态. 而就在学生与江sir建立起一份友谊的同时,江sir被发现原来他所申报的学历全是假的,当江sir被揭发后,不能再当教师,众学生不禁黯然下泪........
