2000字范文 > 民族文化精神 national cultural spirit英语短句 例句大全

民族文化精神 national cultural spirit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-07 03:28:03


民族文化精神 national cultural spirit英语短句 例句大全

民族文化精神,national cultural spirit

1)national cultural spirit民族文化精神

1.Wedding and burial customs have become one of the significantnational cultural spirit s expressions.民俗中的婚娶、丧葬习俗更是民族文化精神蕴含深刻的载体之一。

2.With special narrative strategies and artistic qualities, it fetches and interprets Chinese traditional moral philosophy, ethical idea, knight-errant literature, martial arts, and esthetics, etc, so as to reflect Chinesenational cultural spirits.武侠电影是深具中国民族特色的类型电影,它通过独特的叙事策略和艺术手段,对中国传统的道德哲学、伦理观念、侠文学、武术、美学等进行了别开生面的演绎和阐释,从它刻意营造的影像奇观里传达出独具特色的民族文化精神。

3.In the course of the development,contemporary literature of Macao has formed its own flavor,pioneering and oriented tonational cultural spirit and literary tradition.澳门当代文学深受中华民族文化精神的浸润和中华民族文学传统的影响。


1.Ancient Myth:the Origin of Chinese National Culture Spirit上古神话:中华民族文化精神的渊源

2.Protecting National Folk Culture and Succeeding to the Chinese National Spirits保护民族民间文化 传承中华民族精神

3.Protecting National Folk Culture and Succeeding to the Chinese National Spirits;保护民族民间文化 传承中华民族精神

4.National Spirit:the Reflection of Chinese Cultural Philosophy;民族精神:中华民族文化哲理的凝现

5.On carrying forward the national spirit and bringing forth innovation of the advanced national culture;论弘扬民族精神与创新民族先进文化


7.A Study on the National Spirit of the Zhuang People--From the Perspective of the Legal Culture of the Nation;论壮族的民族精神——以民族法文化为视角的考察

8.On the Humanity in the Cultural Meta of the Chinese Nationality;试论中华民族文化元典中的人文精神

9.Shen Congwen s spirit exploring national culture in novel creation;沈从文小说创作的民族文化探索精神

10.The Two Spirits and the Construction of the Contemporary Chinese Spiritual Culture两种精神与建构中华民族当代精神文化的思考

11.A Methodological Reflection on the Study of Chinese Cultural and National Spirits中华文化精神和民族精神研究的方法论反思

12.The Construction of Nationalities University Campus Culture and the Cultivation of Nation Spirit;民族院校校园文化建设与民族精神培育

13.Discussion on traditional culture being the basis of national spirit and cohesion;论传统文化是民族精神、民族凝聚力的基础

14.Minority Culture and the Building of the Common Spiritual Homeland for the Chinese Nation少数民族文化与中华民族共有精神家园建设

15.Chinese National Spirit and Service- typed Government中华民族精神与服务型政府文化建设

16.Basic Features of Luanhe River Culture and Its Traditional National Spirit;滦河文化的基本特征与民族传统精神

17.Carry Forward National Spirit and Construct Socialist Advanced Culture;弘扬民族精神建设社会主义先进文化

18.Ethos is the Foundation Stone of Building up Corporate Culture in the Contemporary Era;民族精神是创建当代企业文化的基石


the spirit of national culture民族文化精神

1.This article aims at China s modern art design education should increase cultured accumulation of national tradition from the perspective ofthe spirit of national culture,traditional aesthetic idea,primitive and folk art and so on.本文从民族文化精神、传统审美思想、原始与民间艺术等三个方面,论述了中国的现代艺术设计教育应该加厚民族传统文化的积淀。

3)national spirit民族精神

1.Discussion on thenational spirit showed by Tibetan costume and ornaments;试论藏族服饰所表现的民族精神

2.To develop anational spirit and to realize the great Chinese national rejuvenation;弘扬和培育民族精神 实现中华民族伟大复兴

3.Cultivating Chinesenational spirit and building well off society;弘扬中华民族精神与全面建设小康社会

4)national spirits民族精神

1.On the promotion and cultivation of the Chinesenational spirits;试论中华民族精神的弘扬和培育

2.In the new background of globalization,the subject consciousness education of medical students,namely the edcation ofnational spirits,political and .在全球化背景下,必须加强医学生的主体性教育即民族精神、政治素质和哲学素养教育,建构起当代医学生主动适应社会、积极进取的主体意识。

3.The construction of socialist harmonious society demands for powerfulnational spirits,while an important task of harmonious society is to advance and cultivatenational spirits.构建社会主义和谐社会需要有强大的民族精神支撑,而和谐社会的一个重要任务又是弘扬和培育民族精神。

5)national ethos民族精神

1.As a notion of value,national ethos possesses the value of cohesion,that of spiritual sustenance and that of spiritual motivation.民族精神作为一种价值观念,具有凝聚力价值、精神支撑价值和精神动力价值。

2.Inter-surging-forward of various cultures under the globalized background has an effect on thenational ethos that takes rational culture as an foundation,and the shape and carrying-forward of thenational ethos have become the demand of the times.全球化背景下各种文化的相互激荡对以民族文化为根基的民族精神产生了影响,民族精神的塑造与弘扬成为时代的诉求。

3.It′s one of the most important elements of socialism culture construction to propagate and cultivatenational ethos.坚持弘扬和培育民族精神,是社会主义文化建设的一项重要内容。


1.On roles of expanding theethos in establishing harmonious society;论弘扬民族精神在建设和谐社会中的作用

2.On Ethos Contained in XiangChu Culture;湘楚文化所蕴含的民族精神——兼论新时代民族精神的培育


