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医用计量 medical measure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-08 22:59:23


医用计量 medical measure英语短句 例句大全

医用计量,medical measure

1)medical measure医用计量

2)medical measurement instrument医用计量仪器

3)medical oxygen flowmeter医用氧气流量计

1.Objective To check somemedical oxygen flowmeters in use in the military area command.目的:对本军区部分在用的医用氧气流量计进行检定和摸底。

4)Medical measurement appliance医用计量器具

5)medical metrology医学计量

1.Strengthening management ofmedical metrology to improve medical treatment;加强医学计量管理 提高医疗技术水平

2.Methods for propelling work of the third classmedical metrology station;推动部队医学计量三级站工作的几点做法

3.Strengthening construction of the third levelmedical metrology station;加强军队三级医学计量站建设工作


1.Strengthening the Management of Medical Measurement and Ensuring the Safe Use of Medical Equipment加强医学计量管理工作 确保医疗装备安全使用

2.Bibliometric Analysis of Evidence-based Literature on Infectious Diseases;传染病学循证医学文献的计量学分析

3.Statistical Analysis on TCM Documentation Metrology in Recent 10 Years近中医药文献计量学的统计分析

4.Bibliometric Analysis on Medical Informatics Research Papers in China我国医学信息学研究论文的计量分析

5.Bibliometric analysis of 5 medical information journals5种医学信息学期刊的文献计量研究

6.Microanatomical Study of Education Cost in Higher Medical College;高等医学院校教育成本计量实证研究

7.Bibliometric Analysis of "Chinese Journal of Socia1 Medicine"《中国社会医学杂志》文献计量分析

8.Bibliometric analysis of Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine from -《中国美容医学》~文献计量分析

9.How to improve teaching quality of medical statistics for undergraduate如何提高医学统计学本科教学质量探讨

10.Influence of EBM on medical periodicals: a bibliometric analysis用文献计量学方法浅析循证医学对医学期刊的影响

11.Bibliometric Analysis on the Research of TCM Psychology in Recent 15 Years近中医心理学研究文献计量学分析

12.Bibliometric analysis of earthquake-related papers on medical epidemiology震后相关医学流行病学研究论文计量分析

13.Metrological Research on Nobel Medicine Prize and Its Inspiration to the Innovations in Medicine in China;诺贝尔医学奖计量研究及对我国医学创新的启示

14.Metrological Analysis of Documents on Hospital Management in Anhui Province and Its Implication to Hospital Management Innovation Research;安徽省医院管理文献计量学分析及其对医院管理创新研究的启示

15.Metric Analysis on Scientific Papers and Evaluation of Scientific Performance for Military Medical University;科技论文计量分析与军医大学科研绩效评估

16.Study on the Scale Used to Evaluate Postgraduate Tutors in Medical Universities;医学硕士研究生导师评价量表的设计研究

17.Survey and practice on quality control of graduation thesis for medical students;医学生毕业论文(设计)质量管理探索与实践

18.A Few Problems on the Usage of Unit of Measurement and Digit in Medical Journal;医学期刊计量单位和数字用法存在的几个问题


medical measurement instrument医用计量仪器

3)medical oxygen flowmeter医用氧气流量计

1.Objective To check somemedical oxygen flowmeters in use in the military area command.目的:对本军区部分在用的医用氧气流量计进行检定和摸底。

4)Medical measurement appliance医用计量器具

5)medical metrology医学计量

1.Strengthening management ofmedical metrology to improve medical treatment;加强医学计量管理 提高医疗技术水平

2.Methods for propelling work of the third classmedical metrology station;推动部队医学计量三级站工作的几点做法

3.Strengthening construction of the third levelmedical metrology station;加强军队三级医学计量站建设工作

6)medical measurement医学计量

1.Establishment of militarymedical measurement management system in Nanjing Military Region;南京战区军事医学计量管理机制的建立

2.The system of themedical measurement is the important part of the ranking management in a hospital.医学计量的管理体系是医院分级管理中的重要组成部分。


长度计量(见几何量计量)长度计量(见几何量计量)length measurement: see geometrical quantity metrology由。飞州ulil心闪长度计l(le理户~~m)童。见几何童计
