2000字范文 > 特别证据制度构建 construction of the special evidence system英语短句 例句大全

特别证据制度构建 construction of the special evidence system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-22 15:17:13


特别证据制度构建 construction of the special evidence system英语短句 例句大全

特别证据制度构建,construction of the special evidence system

1)construction of the special evidence system特别证据制度构建

2)establishment of evidential demonstration system证据展示制度的构建

3)Evidence system证据制度

1.Rationality and Evidence System: A Preliminary Discussion;理性与证据制度:一个初步性的讨论

2.Evidence System and its Features in Ancient China;中国古代的证据制度及其特点

3.On the Legal Perfection of Evidence System of Administrative Reconsideration in China;行政复议证据制度立法的完善


1.Reform on International Regulations of Evidential System and China s Criminal Evidential System;证据制度国际性准则与中国刑事证据制度改革

2.Reflection on the Relationship between Evidentiary System and Standard of Proof and on the Marks of Evidentiary System;对证据制度与证明标准关系的反思——兼论证据制度的标志

3.New Development in the Evidence System of Civil Litigation;民事诉讼证据制度的新发展——兼述举证时限与证据交换制度

4.Research of the Conception of Legal Evidence and Discretional Evaluation of Evidence;对法定证据制度与自由心证制度内涵的探究

5.Query of the Importance of the "Attribution of Evidence" in Evidence System:A Comparison with the Advantages of the Admissibility;对“证据属性”在证据制度中基础性地位的质疑

6.The Conflict of Electronic Evidence with China s Current Civil Evidence System;电子证据与我国现行民事证据制度的冲突

7.Expert Testimony System in Britain & America and Establishment of Expert Testimony System in China;英美国家的专家证据制度与我国专家证据制度的建立

8.Rationality and Evidence System: A Preliminary Discussion;理性与证据制度:一个初步性的讨论

9.Discussing the Reform of the Evidence System in Civil Trial of China;论我国的民事审判中的证据制度改革

10.On the Direction of CriminaI Electronic Evidence System in China;论我国刑事电子证据制度的完善方向

11.Role of Evidence System in Administrative Procedure Law;证据制度在行政程序法中的地位探析

12.On the Proof - losing - right System in Droof Tine limit system of civil lansait;民事举证时限制度中的证据失权制度刍议

13.Adversary System Evidence Disclosure and Establishment of China’s Evidence Disclosure System;当事人主义的证据开示制度与我国证据开示制度的建立

14.Analysis on the Evidence Discovery System of Euramerican Civil Litigation欧美民事诉讼庭前证据开示制度评析

15.On the Restructure of China s Civil Evidence-collecting System;论我国民事诉讼证据收集制度的重构

16.On Expert Witness Admissibility Institution in High-tech Times;论高科技时代的专家证据“可采性”制度

17.On the Establishment of Testimony Showing System of Criminal Procedure in Our Country;论我国刑事诉讼证据开示制度的建构

18.Feasibility Analysis of Constructing Testimony Revelation System in China;建立我国证据展示制度的可行性研究


establishment of evidential demonstration system证据展示制度的构建

3)Evidence system证据制度

1.Rationality and Evidence System: A Preliminary Discussion;理性与证据制度:一个初步性的讨论

2.Evidence System and its Features in Ancient China;中国古代的证据制度及其特点

3.On the Legal Perfection of Evidence System of Administrative Reconsideration in China;行政复议证据制度立法的完善

4)system of evidence证据制度

1.On thesystem of evidence of private prosecution自诉证据制度若干问题的探讨

2."Thesystem of evidence is the important part in the structured mode of action.“证据制度是诉讼结构模式中的重要内容,证据的运用是贯穿于诉讼程序中的一根红线”。

3.Because neither of our system of civil retrial nor that of evidence is complete, thesystem of evidence on civil retrial, as common embranchment of those two, is still far from well formed.民事再审证据制度,是指用于调整民事再审诉讼法律关系、体现以证据证明案件事实或其他相关事实之规律的法律规则和法律原则的总称。

5)Evidential System证据制度

1.The design of the proof impediment system is significant for the perfection of the evidential system;yet,there is no universal agreement,neither in legislation nor in academia,on the constitutive elements of proof impediment.证明妨碍制度的科学设计对于完善民事证据制度有着重要意义,而立法和学理上关于证明妨碍构成要件的认识多有不一,因而有必要进行探讨以作明辨。

2.The lowest limits regulation should be followed in the evidential system of criminal justice and in its operating, such as no law and not guilty, evidential burden, civilization and humanism of ways of getting proof, judicial writ, undue evidence refusing to be accepted, namely the offence must be proved beyond reasonable doubt.证据制度国际性准则是指联合国及其下属机构及有关国际性组织根据法治国家国内立法和国际公认的一些人权保障原则确定的,刑事司法中证据制度设计和运行应当遵循的最低限度规则。

6)system construction制度构建

1.New Visual Angle of Fiscal Management Reform in China——Takingsystem construction fiscal transparency as a breach;中国公共财政管理改革的新视角——以财政透明度的制度构建为突破口

2.Ethical and Legal Predicaments of Medical Interference Right and Relevant System Construction医疗干涉权的伦理与法律困境及其制度构建

3.Consideration on Prosecution Guiding Investigation and Its System Construction检察指导侦查概念探析及制度构建


特别1.不一般,与众不同。 2.格外。 3.特地,特意。 4.尤其。
