2000字范文 > 偏置磁通 biased magnetic flux英语短句 例句大全

偏置磁通 biased magnetic flux英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-27 13:20:29


偏置磁通 biased magnetic flux英语短句 例句大全

偏置磁通,biased magnetic flux

1)biased magnetic flux偏置磁通

1.Firstly,the characteristic curves involved Φ-I、B-H related to different DC biasing level are established by experiments on the transformer model,which reduced in scale to a linear dimentional ratio of approximately 1/50 relative to a 250MVA class transformer;Secondly,the effect on the curves due tobiased magnetic flux are considered by simulation.首先在按与实际产品1/50比例制作的产品级模型上通过试验研究建立了处于不同直流偏磁水平铁心的磁通?激励电流(Φ-I)曲线族,(B-H)曲线族;其次通过仿真计算考虑了偏置磁通对这些曲线的影响;最后提出了适合变压器工程应用的直流偏磁条件下非对称励磁电流的计算方法。

2)magnetic bias磁偏置,偏磁

3)permanent magnet biased永磁偏置

1.Newpermanent magnet biased radial magnetic bearing in magnetic suspending flywheel application;一种磁悬浮飞轮用新型永磁偏置径向磁轴承

2.A new hybrid-typepermanent magnet biased magnetic bearing with rotor magnet;一种新型转子磁体永磁偏置混合磁轴承

3.Based on the configuration and operation principle ofpermanent magnet biased single degree of freedom hybrid magnetic bearing,the equation of attraction is deduced.在介绍永磁偏置单自由度混合磁轴承的结构和运行机理基础上,导出了磁轴承吸力方程。


1.A New Permanent Magnet Biased Radial Magnetic Bearing一种新型结构的永磁偏置径向磁轴承

2.Research Status and Development of Permanent Magnet Biased Magnetic Bearings永磁偏置磁轴承的研究现状及其发展

3.Study on Permanent Magnet Biased Magnetic Bearing and Its Control Method;永磁偏置混合式磁轴承及其控制方法的研究

4.Research on the H_∞ Control System in the Radial-Axial Magnetic Bearing Biased with Permanent Magnets;永磁偏置径向轴向磁轴承H_∞控制系统的研究

5.Design and Realization of Control System for the Radial-Axial Direction Magnetic Bearing of Permanent Magnet;永磁偏置径向-轴向磁轴承控制系统设计与实现

6.Study on Single Freedom and Two Freedoms of Permanent Magnet Biased Hybrid Magnetic Bearing;单自由度和两自由度永磁偏置磁悬浮轴承的研究

7.Estimation of Rotor Zero-position Error for PMSM永磁同步电动机位置传感器零位偏差估计方法

8.Effect of Permanent Magnet Arrangements on Dynamic Performance of Permanent Magnet Contactor永磁安装位置对永磁接触器动态特性的影响

9.Analytical Prediction of Magnetic Field in Permanent Magnet Motors With Rotor Eccentricity Based on the Method of Equivalent Remanence基于等效剩磁法的永磁电动机转子偏心磁场解析计算

10.Analysis and Research on the Cogging Torque of Interior Permanent Magnet Machines内置式永磁电机齿槽转矩的分析研究

11.The Synchronous closing device Based on LabVIEW for Permanent magnetic基于LabVIEW的永磁机构同步关合装置

12.Research on Measuring the Location of Magnetic Pole of PMSM by Mixed Optical Encoder利用混合式码盘测永磁同步机磁极位置的研究

13.Study on Pole Position Detection Technique of PMSM;永磁同步电机磁极位置检测技术的研究

14.Finite Element Analysis of Interior Composite-rotor Controllable Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine内置混合式可控磁通永磁同步电机有限元分析

15.A New Method of Magnetic Pole Position Estimation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor一种新型的永磁同步电机磁极位置检测方法

16.The Structure Design of Magnetic Suspension Momentum Wheel with Deflection Angular Momentum;动量矩可偏置磁悬浮动量轮结构设计

17.The Exchange Bias Field in the Ferromagnetic/Antiferromagnetic Bilayers;铁磁/反铁磁双层膜体系中的交换偏置场

18.The Micromagnetic Investigation of Exchange-spring and Exchange-bias Magnetic Multilayers交换弹簧与交换偏置磁性多层膜的微磁学研究


magnetic bias磁偏置,偏磁

3)permanent magnet biased永磁偏置

1.Newpermanent magnet biased radial magnetic bearing in magnetic suspending flywheel application;一种磁悬浮飞轮用新型永磁偏置径向磁轴承

2.A new hybrid-typepermanent magnet biased magnetic bearing with rotor magnet;一种新型转子磁体永磁偏置混合磁轴承

3.Based on the configuration and operation principle ofpermanent magnet biased single degree of freedom hybrid magnetic bearing,the equation of attraction is deduced.在介绍永磁偏置单自由度混合磁轴承的结构和运行机理基础上,导出了磁轴承吸力方程。

4)permanent magnet bias永磁偏置

1.The former combines radial magnetic bearing with a motor magnetically to realize driving torque as well as two radial degree magnetic suspension, and the latter utilizes electromagnets together with a homopolar,permanent magnet bias topology to support the shaft in two radial degrees and one axial degree.其中无轴承电机将悬浮绕组与转矩绕组叠绕在一起 ,同时实现转矩驱动和转子两自由度径向悬浮 ;三自由度磁轴承利用单极永磁偏置磁场实现转子轴向悬浮以及两自由度径向悬浮。

5)magnetic bias磁偏置

1.This paper pointed out that prestress andmagnetic bias were important factors to impact the performances of actuators,according to the theory of magnetorstriction.预应力和磁偏置的实验矩阵确定了不同预应力对应的优化偏置磁场,实际设计中需根据致动器要求确定优化的偏置条件。

2.With the analyses ofmagnetic biases and internal magnetic field in magnetostrictive moment actuator,the strongpoint and the shortcoming of the giant,medium and small size moment actuators are studied,and as a result,a new kind of giant moment actuator was developed.通过对磁致伸缩力矩激励器的磁偏置和内部磁场的分析,研究了大、中、小型力矩激励器在磁偏置和内部磁路上的优点和缺点,并在此基础上发展了一种新型的大型力矩激励器。

6)bias magnetic field偏置磁场

1.Influence ofbias magnetic field on magnetoelectric effect of magnetostrictive/elastic/piezoelectric laminated composite;偏置磁场对磁致伸缩/弹性/压电层合材料磁电效应的影响

2.The dependence of magnetostatic wave(MSW)modes and its bandwidth on the extermal DCbias magnetic fields in the magneto-optic film was illustrated.本文完整地展现了磁光薄膜中任意倾斜的外加直流偏置磁场对微波静磁波激发模式及其带宽的影响,实现了对不同静磁模的统一考虑,为进一步分析磁光Bragg器件的衍射性能提供理论基础。


