2000字范文 > 距离判别分析理论 distance discriminant analysis theory英语短句 例句大全

距离判别分析理论 distance discriminant analysis theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-11 05:54:16


距离判别分析理论 distance discriminant analysis theory英语短句 例句大全

距离判别分析理论,distance discriminant analysis theory

1)distance discriminant analysis theory距离判别分析理论

1.A correspondent forecast model of water inrush quantity was established based on the principle of Mahalanobisdistance discriminant analysis theory.为了从理论上对煤层底板突水问题进行分析,选取对底板突水影响最大的有无含水层、水压、隔水层厚度、底板采动破坏深度及断层落差等作为基本判别因子,选取国内15个有代表性的采煤工作面底板突水资料作为训练样本,利用距离判别分析理论,建立了煤层底板突水量预测的距离判别分析模型。

2)distance discriminant analysis距离判别分析

1.Adistance discriminant analysis method of forecast for shaft-lining non-mining fracture of mine;矿区立井井筒非采动破裂的距离判别分析预测法

2.Prediction of sand liquefaction based ondistance discriminant analysis and its application;基于距离判别分析方法的砂土液化预测模型及应用

3.Optimization of supporting plan for deep foundation pit based ondistance discriminant analysis method基于距离判别分析方法的深基坑支护方案优选研究


1.Method of distance discriminant analysis for determination of classification of rockburst岩爆等级判定的距离判别分析方法及应用

2.Prediction of Coal and Gas Outburst Based on Distance Discriminant Analysis Method and Its Application煤与瓦斯突出预测的距离判别分析法及应用

3.Assessment of Slope Stability Based on Distance Discriminant Analysis Model基于距离判别分析模型的边坡稳定性评价

4.Forecast method of water inrush quantity from coal floor based on distance discriminant analysis theory煤层底板突水量的距离判别分析预测方法

5.Prediction method of coal and gas outburst by distance discriminant analysis煤与瓦斯突出预测的距离判别分析方法

6.Application of Distance Discriminant Analysis Method to Classify the Tunnel Leakage距离判别分析法在隧道渗漏水灾害分级中的应用

7.Optimization of supporting plan for deep foundation pit based on distance discriminant analysis method基于距离判别分析方法的深基坑支护方案优选研究

8.WEIGHTED MAHALANOBIS DISTANCE AND THE WEIGHT-DETERMINING METHOD--The Arithmetic of Tourism Information Recommender System;加权马氏距离判别分析方法及其权值确定——旅游信息服务系统的智能推荐

9.The classification mechanism of dual range subspace (DRS) using the nearest feature line is analyzed in detail.研究分析了双距离像子空间的分类机理,并介绍了所采用的最近邻特征线判别规则。

10.A Complement and Some Discussions to the Theory of Distance Discrimination;有关距离判别理论方法的补充和讨论

11.Analysis and Design of the Antenna of Long-range Radio Frequency Identification Systems远距离射频识别系统天线的分析与设计

12.Curve Similarity Judgment Based on the Discrete Fréchet Distance基于离散Fréchet距离的判别曲线相似性的算法

13.Evaluation of the Segregation of Asphalt Pavement Based on Fractal Theory基于分形理论沥青路表面离析判别方法研究

14.You judged the distance to a nicety.你对那段距离的判断十分精确.

15.Using the Distance to Default to Identify Credit Risks:An Empirical Study;用违约距离判别信用风险:一个实证研究

16.A Distance Discriminant Analysis Method for the Prediction of Goaf Collapse基于距离判别法的采空区塌陷预测研究

17.Discriminative condition of simplification and classification for applying advection-dispersion model for calculating water quality河流移流离散水质模型的简化和分类判别条件分析

18.Landsat discriminant analysis image陆地卫星判别分析图象


distance discriminant analysis距离判别分析

1.Adistance discriminant analysis method of forecast for shaft-lining non-mining fracture of mine;矿区立井井筒非采动破裂的距离判别分析预测法

2.Prediction of sand liquefaction based ondistance discriminant analysis and its application;基于距离判别分析方法的砂土液化预测模型及应用

3.Optimization of supporting plan for deep foundation pit based ondistance discriminant analysis method基于距离判别分析方法的深基坑支护方案优选研究

3)distance discriminant analysis(DDA)距离判别分析法

4)Distance discriminant forecast method距离判别分析方法

5)Distance discriminant analysis距离判别

1.A new discriminant method is put forward in the light of the drawbacks of distance discriminant analysis in handling the complex data.针对距离判别在处理复杂数据时的不足,提出了一种新的判别方法,该方法的主要思想是确定各总体的特征向量集后,以样品到各总体特征向量集的最短距离为准则对样品进行属类判别。

6)Distance discrimination距离判别

1.In the theory of distance discrimination,we often do discrimination analysis by centroid distance method.距离判别理论中,通常采用重心距离来定义类与类之间的距离对待判样品进行判别。


