2000字范文 > BT投资建设合同 investment and construction contract of BT mode英语短句 例句大全

BT投资建设合同 investment and construction contract of BT mode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-12 09:31:45


BT投资建设合同 investment and construction contract of BT mode英语短句 例句大全

BT投资建设合同,investment and construction contract of BT mode

1)investment and construction contract of BT modeBT投资建设合同

1.These problems root in the key elements of the central contract under BT mode, namelyinvestment and construction contract of BT mode.BT模式在我国悄然兴起,一定程度上缓解了地方政府建设资金短缺的瓶颈问题,但实际操作中由于立法滞后,存在产权不清、风险分配不合理、投资回报率较难合理确定等问题,这些问题属于BT模式的核心契约——BT投资建设合同的关键问题,本文着手对这些问题进行了研究。

2)construction investment建设投资

1.Research into the methods to lower urban rail transitconstruction investment;关于降低城市轨道交通建设投资的方法研究

2.Intensify changing management and engineering computation to effectively controlconstruction investment;加强工程计量变更管理 有效控制建设投资

3.Change the valuation notions to saveconstruction investment;转变计价观念 节约建设投资


1.Effect of transportation infrastructural construction investment on economic development;交通设施建设投资对经济发展的影响

2.Study on the Influence of a Project Design Optimizing Over Its Investment Controlling;优化设计影响工程建设投资控制探讨

3.Optimize Design of Engineering to control the Cost;优化工程设计以利控制工程建设投资

4.Analysis of the economic benefits of the investments into constructing basic facilities in colleges;高校基础设施建设投资经济效益分析

5.Establishing the Investment’s Soft Environment Evaluation System and Optimizing the Construction of Investment’s Soft Environment;建立投资软环境测评机制 优化投资软环境建设

6.Discuss on the control of construction project investment of the owner;建设单位如何做好建设项目投资控制


8.Research on Highway Construction Capital and on Policy of Investment and Financing我国公路建设资金及投融资政策研究

9.Study on Evaluating Investment Opportunity of Domestic-investment BOT Project内资BOT建设项目投资机会评价研究

10.Study on the Investment Risk Management of Thermal Power Construction Project under the New Investment System;新投资体制下火电建设项目投资风险管理研究

11.Investment control in management of constructionproject by national finance;国家财政投资工程项目建设管理中的投资控制

12.Decision-making Process for the Selection of Investment Sites;建设项目投资区域决策与投资地点选择

13.Double Agent-Construction System of Government Investment Projects;政府投资建设项目“双层代建制”的研究

14.The investment in safety facilities shall be incorporated in the budgetary estimates of the construction projects concerned.安全设施投资应当纳入建设项目概算。

15.strengthen Basic infrastructure construction to improve investment environment加强基础设施建设,改善投资环境。

16.Research of the Investment Control in Construction Project;工程建设项目设计阶段投资控制研究

17.On the Market-oriented Investment and Financing of Urban Infrastructure;城市基础设施建设市场化投融资研究

18.An Opinion of BOT Investment and Financing in Rear Service Facilities Construction of Colleges and Universities;高校后勤设施建设BOT投融资方式探析


construction investment建设投资

1.Research into the methods to lower urban rail transitconstruction investment;关于降低城市轨道交通建设投资的方法研究

2.Intensify changing management and engineering computation to effectively controlconstruction investment;加强工程计量变更管理 有效控制建设投资

3.Change the valuation notions to saveconstruction investment;转变计价观念 节约建设投资


1.Quantitative Analysis of Effects of Transportation Infrastructure Investment on National Economy;交通基础设施建设投资对国民经济拉动作用的定量分析

2.This paper introduced the Charateristics of the improved direct hydrati on of iso -butene to tertiary butanol,based on a new huilt plant proposed design plan and estimated theinvestment for buildi ng a new plant,and made techno -economic analysis and as-sessment.介绍了改进型直接水合法合成叔丁醇的技术特点,并根据某厂新建叔丁醇装置的实践,提出了装置设计方案,估算了建设投资,进行了技术经济分析与评价,认为该技术具有推广价值。

3.Some regulations concerned in theinvestment of urban rail construction, including capital resources,investment scales,investment management and the accurate assessment are discussed with some examples of German urban rail transit.介绍了德国城市轨道交通建设投资的有关法规,包括投资来源、投资规模、投资管理及投资准确性检验等方面内容,并举例加以说明。

4)investment construction投资建设

1.The analysis of undetermined factors about theinvestment construction in production of swine;养猪生产投资建设不确定性分析

5)BT investment and financial capitalBT投融资

6)investment contracts投资合同

1.Therefore,on the basis of the inspection of the Securities Act(enacted Act)and common law(case law),it summed up the elements ofinvestment contracts constituting securities under the Securities Act,and, accordingly analyzed the current influential social afforestati.本文主要研究虽然名称上不是股票或企业债券,但实质上以给予回报而募集公众资金的投资合同是否应该由证券法监管,或者说是否构成证券法下的证券。


