2000字范文 > 极限支护压力 limit support pressure英语短句 例句大全

极限支护压力 limit support pressure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-17 20:01:27


极限支护压力 limit support pressure英语短句 例句大全

极限支护压力,limit support pressure

1)limit support pressure极限支护压力

1.Through the principle of shiled progress and the datums of measurement, and so far, there is no simple and direct software in simulating and forecasting thelimit support pressure of shield tunnel face stability at home and abroad.本文针对以上所述,主要研究内容如下:(1)根据稳定性理论,确定开挖面支护压力在进行微小变化时,中心点水平位移发生突变时的支护压力为极限支护压力。

2)ultimate bearing pressure极限支承压力

3)support pressure支护压力

1.A study on the limitsupport pressure at excavation face of shield tunneling;盾构法隧道开挖面极限支护压力研究

2.Analysis of cutting facesupport pressure for earth pressure balance shield tunneling土压平衡式盾构掘削面支护压力特性分析

3.Using the theory of Terzaghi s relation soil pressure,the limitedsupport pressure formula with tunnel face in stratified sandy soil is .采用太沙基松动土压力理论,根据滑动块的整体受力平衡,推导出砂性土中考虑成层土的开挖面最小支护压力计算公式。


1.A new prediction method of the pressure of early temporary support开巷初期临时支护压力预测的新方法

2.Analysis of cutting face support pressure for earth pressure balance shield tunneling土压平衡式盾构掘削面支护压力特性分析

3.Research on the Distribution of Earth Pressure on Inner-brace Retaining Structure of Deep Excavation深基坑内支撑支护结构上的土压力分布研究

4.Model test study of earth pressure on support structure支撑式支护结构上土压力的模型试验研究

5.Supporting Technology of Mining Roadway in Abutment Pressure Zone of 2304 Mining Face in Sihe Colliery寺河矿2304工作面巷道支承压力区支护技术

6.Observation and Research of Bearing Stress of Advance Support of Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Face综采工作面超前支护支承压力观测与分析

7.Analysing Mechanics Character of Special Canopy and Two-legged Caving Power Support支顶支掩式掩护式放顶煤液压支架的力学特性分析

8.Study on Adaptability of Shield Support in Large Cutting Height Working Face;两柱掩护式大采高强力液压支架适应性研究

9.Research on Relation with Active Earth Pressure and Displacement of Foundation Pit;基坑主动土压力与支护结构位移的关系研究

10.The Computational Method of the Soil Pressure to the Brace Structure of Deep Foundation-pit;深基坑支护结构中土压力计算方法研究

11.Test Research on Earth Pressure and Displacement of Row Pile Retaining and Protecting in Deep Foundation Pit Engineering;深基坑排桩支护土压力及变形的试验研究

12.Support for weak surrounding rock under high geo-stress and high seepage pressure condition高地应力与强渗透水压下软弱围岩支护

13.Calculation and Analysis of the Soil Pressure Behind the Scattered Plle-soil-nailed Wall Protection Structure疏排桩-土钉墙支护技术土压力特性研究与计算

posite Foundation of the Supporting Structure of the Lateral Pressure of Computing Model复合地基对支护结构的侧压力计算模式探讨

15.Clearance-reserving suppor technique applied to tunnel having high-stress soft wallrock高应力软岩层巷道空帮让压复合支护研究

16.The supporting structure deformation calculation introduced shift soil pressure theory引入位移土压力理论的支护结构变形计算

17.The pressure dispersion type anchor arm application in the 3rd supporting project of Ruijing garden压力分散型锚杆在瑞景公园三期支护中的应用



ultimate bearing pressure极限支承压力

3)support pressure支护压力

1.A study on the limitsupport pressure at excavation face of shield tunneling;盾构法隧道开挖面极限支护压力研究

2.Analysis of cutting facesupport pressure for earth pressure balance shield tunneling土压平衡式盾构掘削面支护压力特性分析

3.Using the theory of Terzaghi s relation soil pressure,the limitedsupport pressure formula with tunnel face in stratified sandy soil is .采用太沙基松动土压力理论,根据滑动块的整体受力平衡,推导出砂性土中考虑成层土的开挖面最小支护压力计算公式。

4)limit pressure极限压力

1.Effect of media flow velocity onlimit pressure of pipes during in-service welding;介质流速对在线焊接管道极限压力的影响

2.Finite element simulation oflimit pressure pipeline with cracks using critical crack-tip-opening-angle;以临界CTOA为参量的含裂纹管道极限压力有限元模拟

3.Based on the numerical results,the remaining strength factor of the pipe can be obtained andlimit pressure can be predicted.运用有限元法对不同壁厚的管道进行在线焊接时的温度场进行了数值模拟,内部介质流动对焊接温度场的影响通过确定介质与管壁的换热系数来考虑,并根据温度计算结果,获得管道的剩余强度因子,进而获得管道的极限压力。

5)ultimate pressure极限压力

1.The load P-δ (normal deflection of plate center) curves,ultimate pressure P_(cr) of moderately thick plates were obtained through the test.设计了四边简支板稳定性试验的加载、支承装置及试件,进行了中厚度钛合金板面内双向受压稳定性试验,测出了相应的极限压力Pcr;并与ANSYS软件的非线性有限元计算的结果作了比较,两者基本吻合;说明中厚度钛合金板采用有限元稳定性分析,选用20节点solid186体单元并计及材料非线性,是可靠有效的。

2.In this paper, the finite element technique based on the hypotheses of ideal elastic plastic material and small defection was applied to systematically analyze the affections of plasticultimate pressure, the type of the elements and constraints to the value of the numerical solution for welded pipe with T junction when the ratio of d/D is greater than or equal to 0.5管道焊接三通的塑性极限压力及网格密度、单元类型和约束形式对数值解的影响,结果表明,在管径比 d/D≥ 0。

3.The effect of design on the performance of rotary plunger vacuum pump is discussed mainly by way of analyzing such influencing factors as theultimate pressure, pumping speed,power and noise on the pump operation.主要讨论设计参数对滑阀真空泵性能的影响,对影响滑阀泵的极限压力、抽气速率、功率及噪声等性能的因素进行了具体的分析,并提出了有利于提高滑阀真空泵性能的设计思路。

6)extreme pressure极限压力

1.Determination ofextreme pressure for in-service welding of pipelines under repair非停输管道焊接修复极限压力设计

2.An numerical model is created to calculateextreme pressure of internal corroded pipeline,which is based on finite element software and adopts the model of exponential kinematic material,the method of defect dissected by orthogonal areas and entire model meshed with hexahedron.利用有限元软件,采用幂硬化随动强化材料模型、缺陷正交面切割法和模型完全六面体单元网格化方法,建立了数值分析模型,在规范B31G的基础上求得准确度更高的内腐蚀管道极限压力拟合公式,并用实际算例对其进行了验证。


锅炉、压力容器、压力管道及特种设备定期检验锅炉、压力容器、压力管道及特种设备定期检验periodic inspection of boilers, pressure vessels, pressure piping and special equipmentguolu YOli侧飞扣1 YOli gLJal对印ji tez陌叩劝以拍1 dingqi】,on四n锅炉、压力容器、压力管道及特种设备定期检验(peri诫c inspectionof城le。,p~切reves-Sels,p~二piPing ands衅过闪uiplr屺nt)为保证设备的安全使用,规定设备必须按一定周期进行法定的、强制性的检验。定期检验由政府设立的检验所、使用单位或行业检验站进行。检验单位及检验人员必须具有与所检设备相适应的资格。设备使用单位应该建立定期检验制度,做好检验计划,按时向检验单位提出申请。检验单位应该保证及时进行检验,检验按有关检验规则进行。检验时,设备使用单位应做好配合工作,提供必要的运行资料。检验完毕,检验单位要出具检验报告,对设备能否使用,要作出明确结论。如设备有缺陷,要提出是否修理、监护使用和报废的处理意见。锅炉压力容器安全监察机构根据检验机构的报告,发使用许可证书。有缺陷的,责令使用单位修理,修理后检验仍不符合安全要求的,则通知报废。使用单位逾期不进行定期检验,锅炉压力容器安全监察机构有权停止其设备运行。(陈亦惠)
