2000字范文 > 高中阶段教育 high school education英语短句 例句大全

高中阶段教育 high school education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-22 05:06:08


高中阶段教育 high school education英语短句 例句大全

高中阶段教育,high school education

1)high school education高中阶段教育

1.Popularization ofhigh school education will bring about many challenges and opportunities for higher vocational education.普及高中阶段教育将为高等职业教育的发展带来诸多机遇与挑战,积极、主动地研究相关问题,自觉采取有效对策,有利于保证高等职业教育在普及高中阶段教育进程中的健康发展。

2.At the 16~(th) National Congress of the CPC, the Party set a strategic goal of basically popularizinghigh school education by the year of .党的十六大提出了基本普及高中阶段教育的战略目标。

3.The reform and development of thehigh school education must serve society and the economy.高中阶段教育是面向大众的基础教育,同时承担着升学与就业的双重任务。


1.Senior secondary education was strengthened.高中阶段教育得到加强。

2.Senior secondary school education will be vigorously expanded.积极发展高中阶段教育。

3.Popularization of High School Education and Development of Higher Vocational Education;高中阶段教育的普及与高等职业教育的发展

4.Lack of Fair Education in the High School Education and Thoughts on the Strategies;高中阶段教育公平的缺失及策略思考

5.The Problems and Strategies of Senior High School Education in Rural Areas农村高中阶段教育存在的问题与对策

6.The population quality and health level would have an overall improvement, with senior middle school education and higher education popularized nationwide.人口素质和健康水平全面提高,高中阶段教育和高等教育大众化。

7.Senior middle school education and various types of adult training have been further intensified.高中阶段教育和成人各类培训继续加强;

8.Study of the Situation and Proposal of the Puzzle of the Senior High School in Erdos;鄂尔多斯市高中阶段教育的发展及其对策研究

9.The Research about the Status Quo, Difficulties and Solutions of Development Facing High School Education in Guangxi;广西高中阶段教育的现状、问题及发展对策研究

10.A Study on the Educational Resources Shortage in Senior High School Period and the Countermeasures;玉溪高中阶段教育资源短缺与对策研究

11.An Investigation and Analysis of Senior Middle School Education Popularization in Yuxi;关于玉溪市“普及高中阶段教育”问题的调查分析

12.Considerations about the Development Strategy of Senior Secondary Education in China;关于我国高中阶段教育发展策略的若干思考

13.Urban-rural Integration and Development Orientation of Senior High Education in Rural Areas城乡一体化与农村高中阶段教育的发展定位

14.The Goal for the Senior Middle-school Education of Yunnan in the Coming Five Years云南省未来五年高中阶段教育发展目标研究

15.The Explores into the Differences in Access to Henan Senior Secondary Education among Children from Social Strata;河南省不同社会阶层子女高中阶段教育入学机会差异的初步探讨

16.A Research into the Senior High School Students Social-class-delamination and Education Acquisition;高中阶段的社会分层和教育机会获得

17.Three Stages of Developing History of Higher Education in U.S.A;美国高等教育百年中的三个发展阶段

18.On Models of Linking up Vocational Education with General Education in Senior High School;高中阶段职业教育与普通教育沟通模式研究


secondary education高中阶段教育

1.As China is undergoing a profound change in social class structure and hierarchy system, study on access tosecondary education is of both theoretical and practical significance.高中阶段教育是整个教育事业中的重要阶段,在教育系统中起到承上启下的作用。

3)senior high school education高中阶段教育

1.In order to improve the general ability of Chinese citizen, The Chinese State Department bring forward that we should do our lever best to develop thesenior high school education in the decision of reform and development of basic education.为了提高我国人口素质,增强综合国力和国际竞争能力,《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》提出:“十五”期间要大力发展高中阶段教育。

2.The Report at 16th Party Congress points out that thesenior high school education shall be popularized by when people can enjoy high quality education.党的“十六大”报告提出,到人们享有接受良好教育的机会,基本普及高中阶段教育,因此,在今后一段时期,高中阶段教育尤其是农村高中的发展至关重要。

4)a highschool education中学教育(阶段)

5)educational stage教育阶段

1.The Han nationality students′ eye-sight of Jilin province is becoming worse as their age increase and the highest ratio turned in the highereducational stages,the sort of the highest ratio of the elementary school,middle school and senior school is city girls,the lowest ratio is the countryside boys.吉林省汉族学生视力不良检出率随年龄的增长而不断提高,最高检出率出现在大学教育阶段。

6)theory about three stages of development in higher education高等教育三阶段论

1.The essential connotation of Trow stheory about three stages of development in higher education is not only a quantitative partition,but a combination of quantitative expansion with qualitative change.特罗高等教育三阶段论的本质内涵不仅仅是一个量的划分,而是量的扩张与质的变化相结合。


