2000字范文 > 暗娼与嫖客 Clients of commercial sex worker英语短句 例句大全

暗娼与嫖客 Clients of commercial sex worker英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-26 18:43:36


暗娼与嫖客 Clients of commercial sex worker英语短句 例句大全

暗娼与嫖客,Clients of commercial sex worker

1)Clients of commercial sex worker暗娼与嫖客


1.The behaviors of prostitution andwhoring are illegal in our country, it is important to regulate them so as to balance the morality and logos under the conditions of market economy.卖淫嫖娼在我国属于一种违法行为 ,对其进行规制 ,以达致道德与理性的平衡 ,在市场经济条件下具有重要意义。


1.prostitution, gambling, drug taking and trafficking嫖娼、赌博、吸毒、贩毒

2.To study the relationship of Sociopsychological Factors and whoring behaviour of Whoremaster.探讨社会心理因素与嫖客嫖娼行为的关系。

3.Decision on Strictly Prohibiting Prostitution and Whorehouse Visiting关于严禁卖淫嫖娼的决定

4.It is to deserve attention that there is marked correlation between the whoring behaviour of Whoremaster and the Sociopsychological Factors.结论:社会心理因素对嫖客的嫖娼行为有明显影响,值得重视。

5.Most of the US soldiers were involved in prostitution and some of them were even involved in selling women.他们大多参与嫖娼,少数人甚至参与贩卖人口。

6.(2)The personality sub-factors including adamancy, agitation,independency are related to the initial reason to buy sex.(2)持强、兴奋、独立的个性特征与嫖娼原因有关。

7.Analysis of New Characteristics,Formulation Cause AndCountermeasures of Current Going Whorning Behavior;试析当前卖淫嫖娼活动的新特点及对策

8.Characteristics and Countermeasures to Prostitution Whoring and Erotica Accompanying;卖淫嫖娼和色情陪侍活动的特点及对策

9.Banning the Activities of Prostitution and Whoring: Legislation and Law Enforcement;关于查禁卖淫嫖娼活动的立法、执法思考

10.Prevalent analysis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in 892 Prostitutes and Whoremasters in Jinshan District of Shanghai上海市金山区卖淫嫖娼人员892人性病状况分析

11.A Discussion on Concealed Disseminating Danger of AIDS in Activities of Prostitution and Its Countermeasures;卖淫嫖娼活动中的艾滋病传播隐患及防治对策刍议

12."One day they would meet to drink, the next to look at flowers, and soon they included him in gambling parties or visits to the courtesans"quarters, with the result that Xue Pan rapidly became even ten times worse than before.""今日会酒,明日观花,甚至聚赌嫖娼,渐渐无所不至,引诱的薛蟠比当日更坏了十倍."

13.Major ity of patients practised unprotected sexual intercourse,4.2% used condom in co mmercial sexual activities, only9.7% used condom even after having contracted t he present STDs.在卖淫嫖娼者中,避孕套使用率不到4.2%即使知道感染性病后使用率也只有9.7%右。

14.Those engaging in prostitution or visiting a whorehouse knowing that they are suffering from syphilis, clap, or other serious venereal diseases are to be sentenced to five years or fewer in prison or put under criminal detention or surveillance, in addition to having to pay a fine.明知自己患有梅毒、淋病等严重性病卖淫、嫖娼的,处五年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制,并处罚金

15."Now that he had stayed out all night his grandfather was furious and suspected him of drinking, gambling or whoring, little guessing the truth of the matter.""今忽见他一夜不归,只料定他在外非饮即赌,嫖娼宿妓,那里想到这段公案,因此气了一夜."

ments: Introduce the news detailed that very erotic and very violence, no pay for customer of prostitutes initiated despicable acts, dissemination of crime.上榜原因:详细介绍很黄很暴力的新闻,倡导嫖娼不给钱的恶劣行为,传播犯罪。

17.And as for his own behavior, humph, I know all about that too, such as visiting brothels in town."他的所作所为,哼! 我也知道,譬如在镇上嫖下娼。”

18.To associate or have sexual relations with prostitutes or a prostitute.嫖妓,宿娼与妓女有交往,与妓女有性关系



1.The behaviors of prostitution andwhoring are illegal in our country, it is important to regulate them so as to balance the morality and logos under the conditions of market economy.卖淫嫖娼在我国属于一种违法行为 ,对其进行规制 ,以达致道德与理性的平衡 ,在市场经济条件下具有重要意义。

3)patronizing a prostitute嫖娼,嫖妓

4)Male commercial sex receptor嫖娼人群

5)Client of Prostitute嫖娼人员

6)Prostitution and Whoring卖淫嫖娼

1.Prostitution and whoring, as a social phenomenon, is a product of exploiting system, the manifestation of social degeneration, also a shame of civilization advancement.卖淫嫖娼作为一种社会现象 ,是剥削制度的产物 ,是社会腐败的一种表现 ,也是人类文明进步的耻辱。

2.The sexy serrice, the prostitution and whoring are very harmful to the society.:色情陪侍和卖淫嫖娼是商品社会普遍存在的丑恶现象。


