2000字范文 > 大型球罐 big spherical tank英语短句 例句大全

大型球罐 big spherical tank英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-19 11:00:38


大型球罐 big spherical tank英语短句 例句大全

大型球罐,big spherical tank

1)big spherical tank大型球罐

1.The study on manufacture technology will push forward technical development ofbig spherical tank in China.其制造技术的研究将有益于推动我国大型球罐制造的技术进步。


1.Structure Optimization on Integral Forge Reinforcement for Nozzle of Large Spherical Tank;大型球罐接管整锻补强件结构的优化研究

2.Construction Plan and Difficult Point Countermeasure of Large-scale Spherical Tanks Relocation Project大型球罐搬迁工程施工方案及难点的应对

3.Application of Gamma Radiate of Full-screen Panoram in Large-scale Spherical Tank Groupγ射线全景曝光技术在大型球罐群检测中的应用

4.Research on Key Techniques of Design and Manufacture of 10000m~3 Natural Gas Spherical Storage Tank10000m~3大型天然气球罐设计及制造关键技术研究

5.Structural Safety Analysis of Large Spherical Tanks in the Wind, Seismic Effect大型球形储罐在风力、地震作用下的结构安全性分析

6.Research on Types of Spherical Tank Column and Connection Structure between Column and Shell球罐支柱型式及其与球壳连接的结构

7.Spherical tanks type and data baseGB/T17261-1998钢制球形储罐型式与基本参数

8.Standard for earthquake resistance evaluation of steel spherical tanks钢制球型储罐抗震鉴定技术标准

9.Wind-proof Simulation Analysis for the Spherical Tank Based on ANSYS基于ANSYS的球型储罐防风模拟分析

10.Mechanics study of large vertical steel cylindrical storage tank大型圆筒型钢结构储罐受力性能研究

11.Study on Failure Risk Assessment of C Type Spherical Cargo Tank of Liquefied Gas Carrier;液化气船C型球罐货舱失效风险评估研究

12.Applications of ANSYS Sub-Model Technique in the Design and Inspection of LPG Spherical TanksANSYS子模型技术在LPG球罐设计检验中的应用

13.Application of LT Low-temperature Elastic Cold Insulation Material on Ethylene Spherical Tanks低温弹性体新型保冷材料在乙烯球罐的应用

14.The Optimized Design Model of the Shape and Size of Ellipsoid Pop Cans椭球体易拉罐形状和尺寸的优化设计模型

15.Elephant Foot Buckling Research of Large Cylindrical Oil Storage Tanks;大型立式圆柱形油罐“象足”屈曲研究

16.Design, Analysis and Test of Type G75 Light Oil Tank Car;G75型大容积轻油罐车设计、分析及试验

17.Structural Behavior of Large Steel Tanks under Harmonic Settlement;大型钢储罐在谐波沉降下的结构性能

18.Application of CAD on the Design of Large FRP TanksCAD在玻璃钢大型贮罐设计中的应用


large ball-jar大型球罐

1.The new technology of none-positioner and none-centerpole method assemblinglarge ball-jar was introduced through constructing a 4000m 3large ball-jar.通过设计制造 4 0 0 0m3大型球罐 ,介绍了无胎具、无中心柱法组装大型球罐的新工艺技术。

3)Large spherical tank大型球罐

1.The large spherical tank was normally heat treatment by injection combusting within in the tank.大型球罐常用内部喷射燃烧的方法进行整体热处理 ,然而当球罐体积大于 2 0 0 0m3时 ,此方法不能满足球罐整体热处理工艺的要求。

4)large scale spheral tank with thin wall大型薄壁球罐

1.It is essential to control assembly and welding deformations forlarge scale spheral tank with thin wall in order to guarantee spheral tank construction quality.大型薄壁球罐组装及焊接变形的控制是保证球罐施工质量的关键,文章从球罐半成品、球罐组装及焊接工艺三方面介绍了控制球罐组装及焊接变形的措施。

5)spherical tank steels大型球罐用钢

6)large-scale LPG spherical tank大型液化气球罐

1.It can instruct the material selection, design and construction oflarge-scale LPG spherical tank.对我国大型液化气球罐的选材、设计及建造有一定的指导作


普通免疫球蛋白 ,人血丙种球蛋白,丙种球蛋白药物名称:丙种球蛋白英文名:γ-Globulin别名: 免疫血清球蛋白;普通免疫球蛋白 ,人血丙种球蛋白,丙种球蛋白外文名:γ-Globulin 适应症: 含有健康人群血清所具有的各种抗体,因而有增强机体抵抗力以预防感染的作用。主要用于免疫缺陷病以及传染性肝炎、麻疹、水痘、腮腺炎、带状皰疹等病毒感染和细菌感染的防治,也可用于哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、湿疹等内源性过敏性疾病。 用量用法: 肌注:每次2~5ml,3周1次,用于内源性过敏性疾病,每次10ml(含量10%者),3周内注射2次。胎盘球蛋白每次6~9ml。 注意事项: 1.按球蛋白来源可分为两种,一为健康人静脉血来源的丙种球蛋白制剂,按蛋白质含量有10%、16%、16.5%等数种(国内制品浓度在10%以上),其中丙种球蛋白占95%以上。另一种为胎盘血来源的丙种球蛋白(人胎盘血丙种球蛋白),即胎盘球蛋白,含蛋白质5%,其中丙种球蛋白占90%以上。胎盘球蛋白因丙种球蛋白含量以及纯度均较低,其用量应相应增大。 2.除专供静注用的制剂外,一般制剂不可静注。 3.注射大量时,可见局部疼痛和暂时性体温升高。 注:参见:“丙种球蛋白注射液”. 类别:免疫增强剂(免疫反应调节剂)
