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抱杆 holding pole英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-20 02:35:31


抱杆 holding pole英语短句 例句大全

抱杆,holding pole

1)holding pole抱杆

1.Generally,theholding pole is regarded as the axial strength component.通常认为抱杆为轴心受力构件,通过对抱杆的受力精确分析,发现由于荷载的偏心产生端弯矩以及抱杆的自重产生的弯矩,抱杆实际应为压弯构件,荷载的偏心产生端弯矩以及抱杆的自重产生的弯矩对抱杆稳定性计算有一定的影响。

2.Site test is an important measure to guarantee the construction security ofholding poles.抱杆现场试验是确保其施工安全的重要措施之一。

3.Contrast testing was done to evaluate the stress of aholding pole under lifting,vertical and inclining loads.采用试验与理论计算对比的方法,考察抱杆在起吊、竖直、倾斜时不同荷载状态下的应力。


1.The hoisting capacity of that gin pole (girder pole, guy derrick) is sixty tons.那个起重抱杆(格状抱杆、转盘抱杆)的起重能力为60吨。

2.Study of Optimized Method for the Parameters of Embraced Bar on a Whole Stand Bar Tower of Double Point Hoisting两点吊整立杆塔抱杆参数优化方案研究

3.Study on Mechanical Properties of □800×40000mm All-steel Holding Pole;□800×40000mm全钢抱杆力学性能研究


5.The Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis of Special High Tension Tower悬浮抱杆和特高压电塔的静动态有限元分析

6.Qualitative Calculation of the Strength of the Metal Gin Pole Used in Large-Steel-Derrick"s Hoisting大型钢井架起吊用金属抱杆强度稳定性验算

7.Mechanical Test and Finite Element Analysis of Tower Crane Used in Large-scale Electricity Transmission Tower;大型输电铁塔吊装抱杆的力学试验和有限元分析

8.The Use of Large Section,Large Load and Long Holding Pole to Tower Erection for 1 000 kV Lines大截面、大荷载、长抱杆在1000kV线路组塔施工中的应用

9.Application of Swing Arm Tower Crane Erection Technology in 1000 kV UHV Double Circuit Steel Pipe Tower Construction摇臂抱杆组塔技术在1000kV特高压双回路钢管塔施工中的应用

10.Construction technology and control method of derrick supported by inner suspension & outer backstay for tower erection of 750 kV transmission line750kV送电线路铁塔内悬浮外拉线抱杆施工工艺与控制

11.We discernde the figure of a man cling to the mast of the wrecked ship.我们看见一人紧抱着破船的桅杆。

12.I placed my palms against the mainmast, which was of a goodish bigness, and waited, every nerve upon the stretch.我双手抱住那很粗的主桅杆等着,每根神经都绷得紧紧的。

13.To clasp to or hold in the bosom.怀抱紧抱或抱在怀中

14.My mother tucked Timmy into a borrowed crib in a room down the hall.母亲则将蒂米抱进走廊尽头的一间屋子里,让他舒适地躺到一张借来的有栏杆的儿童小床上。

15.Carlo refused to look at Sonny. He kept his head down and his hands and arms entwined in the iron railing.卡罗不敢正视桑儿,仍然埋着头紧抱着铁栏杆,他就这样一动也不动,直到桑儿坐上汽车呼啸而去。

16.Another flash showed him four men clinging to the shattered mast and the rigging, while a fifth clung to the broken rudder.又一闪电使他看到有四个人紧紧地抱住了折断的桅杆和帆索,而第五个人则紧抱着那破裂的舵轮。

17.Hug me, Mummy. Hug me please.抱我吧,妈咪。请抱我吧,

18."take them, quick, somebody!“快,谁来抱一抱他们!


embraced bar抱杆

1.Shortcoming is pointed out and corresponding suggestions are proposed for some kinds ofembraced bar through the main content and process involved with the design and calculation of the frame-type uprightembraced bar.通过框架式抱杆设计计算涉及的主要内容及过程,指出某些抱杆产品存在的缺点,并对其设计提出相应的建议。

3)Lifting pole抱杆

1.To verify operating performance of large suspended lifting pole,complete simulated load tests on 40 m steel lifting pole structure are carried out.为检验大型内悬浮式抱杆工作性能,对40m全钢抱杆结构进行了全面仿真负荷试验,并分析和对比了3种试验工况下的试验结果。

4)lever clasping mechanism抱杆机构

5)metal holding pole金属抱杆

1.The paper compares the schemes of section size, material and weight of 40 m latticemetal holding poles and gives out comments on their design.文章对长度为40m的格构型金属抱杆的断面尺寸、材质及重量等进行了方案比较,提出了抱杆设计的推荐意见。

6)dual holding staff双抱杆

1.1 power transmission line with the capacity of 500kv from Jingmen to Xiaogan was introduced and the stress analyses on the sections of the tower were done, the building procedure for the top parts of the tower to be hoisted withdual holding staff system was described in the paper.阐述了塔顶部运用双抱杆系统吊装的施工工艺。


