2000字范文 > 合理价值 Rational value英语短句 例句大全

合理价值 Rational value英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-14 09:27:20


合理价值 Rational value英语短句 例句大全

合理价值,Rational value

1)Rational value合理价值


1.The Constructure of Rational Value Views from the Perspective of Practical Rationality实践合理性视域中的合理价值观建构

2.There are many methods to assess the fair value of a share.评估股票的合理价值有许多方法。

3.On the Reasonable Value of Kin Concealment System in Modern Criminal Law;论亲亲相隐在现代刑法中的合理价值

4.The Doctrine of Mean and Harmony:The “Reasonable Rationality ” of the Unification between Rationality and Values;“中和”:理性与价值相统一的“合理理性”

5.Customer Management Oriented to Integrate Enterprise Value and Customer Value;面向企业价值与顾客价值融合的顾客管理

6.Studying the Rationality of the Natural Intrinsic Property from the Perspective of Axiology;从价值论的角度看自然内在价值的合理性

7.Integrated Industry Supply Chain Model;基于价值链原理的复合型业态供应链价值模型

8.The values of the coins don"t always seem to make sense.这些硬币的价值并不总是合情合理。

9.Legitimacy and Rationality of Values of Socialism论社会主义的合法性和价值合理性

10.Value evaluation ought to have universal rationality, but Si Maqian’s value evaluation seems to be partial sometimes.价值评价应具有普遍合理性,但有时司马迁的价值评价有其片面性。

11.On Separation and Conformity between Instrumental Reason and Value Reason;论工具理性和价值理性的分疏和整合

12.Enterprise s Value Maximum:the Rational Choice for the Financial Management;企业价值最大化:理财目标的合理选择

13.Research on Integrated Value Management Theory Based on EVA;基于经济增加值的整合价值管理理论的研究

14.On the Combination between the Labour Value Theory and the Equilibrium Price Theory;试论劳动价值理论与均衡价格理论的融合

15.Application of value engineering theory in reasonably determining of construction cost;价值工程理论在合理确定工程造价中的应用

16.Rationality and Purpose are the Starting Point of Value Emergence of the Kernel Values of Socialism;合理性与合目的性:社会主义核心价值体系价值生成的始点

17.Rationality of Subject’s Needs: the Criterion for Rationality of Value Judgment;主体需要的合理性是价值判断合理性的标准

18.The Reasonable Choice of Accounting Methods on Value Amortization of Easily Exhausted Product with Low Value;低值易耗品价值摊销会计核算方法的合理选择


value rationality价值合理性

1.Primary demonstration on network ethicsvalue rationality;对网络伦理价值合理性的初步论证

2.Based on the analysis of ecological architecture development, the article inquires into the problem of means rationality andvalue rationality of architectural development.本文以生态建筑的历史演化和发展为主线,探讨了建筑发展的工具合理性和价值合理性问题。

3.Marketeconomy is of deepvalue rationality.市场经济禀赋着深刻的价值合理性内蕴,坚持并凸现出主体本位的价值取向以及理性活动的自主、自觉与自律的价值追求;此一理性意向与社会现代化观念对人的要求是内在契合和完全一致的;社会主义市场经济体制建立,无疑是全面实现人的现代化的直接契机;市场经济体制建立、健全和不断深入,必将塑造和建构出自觉适应市场经济要求,既具有中华民族优秀文化传统,又兼容"世界性公民"精神气质的个性自由、人格独立的现代化新人,这是现代文明社会所要求的卓异的民族素质的核心内容所在。

3)rationality of value价值合理性

1.The evaluation criteria for rationality of practice should be defined respectively according to the three indispensible parts:rationality of end,rationality of instrument andrationality of value.实践合理性的评价标准应当从实践合理性三个不可或缺的组成部分 (目的合理性、工具合理性、价值合理性 )分别加以考察。

4)FVA fair value accounting合理价值法

5)Theory of compound values复合价值理论

6)rational value of law合理法律价值

1.In this essay, the author illustratesrational value of law in this system by reviewing the principals of this system in order to shed a light on applying this system in modern legal sys.本文试图通过对亲亲相隐制度原则进行研究,阐明该制度包含的合理法律价值,对当代中国法律制度的借鉴意义。


价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VAjiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分
