2000字范文 > 理念与对策 idea and strategy英语短句 例句大全

理念与对策 idea and strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-22 13:58:14


理念与对策 idea and strategy英语短句 例句大全

理念与对策,idea and strategy

1)idea and strategy理念与对策


1.Flexible Management: The Management Ideas and Tactics of Teachers in the Changing World;弹性管理:多变世界中的教师管理理念与对策

2.University s Personnel Management Idea and Solution in Era of Knowledge-Driven Economy;知识经济时代高校人事管理理念与对策

3.Psychological Headspring Analysis of the Differences between Tea-ching Conception and Teaching Behavior and Its Coping Strategies;教学观念与教学行为差异的心理源分析与对策

4.Analysis of the Psychology Mistakes of Mathematics Conception Learning and Countermeasure Study;数学概念学习的心理性错误分析与对策研究

5.The Cause of Lack of the Concept of Cherishing Law among Chinese and the Solution;我国民众尚法理念缺失的原因与对策分析

6.The Improving Countermeasures and Thoughts on the Ideal and Faith Education Of the Advanced Vocational College Students;关于高职学生理想信念教育的改进对策与思考

7.View and Practice Warp of the Model of Combination of Working with Learning and the Countermeasures;工学结合模式的理念与实践偏差及对策

8.Issues and Countermeasures of Ideal and Faith Education for College Students;高校大学生理想信念教育的问题与对策

9.A Comprehend and Practice on the Decision of Enforcing "Creative Idea in Mathematics Course;对决策实施“数学课程理念创新”的认识与实践

10.Reflection and countermeasures on instituting lifetime physical education concept in China;构建我国终身体育教育理念的思考与对策

11.Situation,Problems and Countermeasures Facing College StudentsEducation in ldeal and Belief at Inter-century;当前大学生理想信念教育面临的形势与对策

12.Social support:A critical Concept and a Coping Strategy in Community Psychology社会支持:社区心理学的重要概念与应对策略

13.People-centered Education and Management Concepts:Problems and Countermeasures高校坚持以人为本理念办学的问题与对策

14.Management Idea and Its Application in Adult Higher Education Management;经营理念视域下成人高等教育管理的问题与对策

15.Study on concept of achievement efficiency--Talk about internal appraisement and countermeasure in higher schools;绩效管理理念探析——兼谈高校内部评价现状与对策

16.The Challenge and Countermeasures on the Concept of Moral Education from the Cultural Conflict between Emotion and Ration;情感与理性的文化冲突对德育观念的挑战及对策

17.Chinese Ecological Public Governance: Idea, Institution and Policy;中国生态公共治理的理念、制度与政策

18.The Analysis of Actuality and Strategy on "Press Close to Life and Community" in the Middle School Chemistry Teaching;中学化学教学中体现“贴近生活,贴近社会”理念的现状与对策分析


concepts and strategies理念与策略

1.The paper first thoroughly analyzes a case of the pull system implementation in company M from the aspect of change management,then summarizes some keyconcepts and strategies that all the manufacturing companies need to pay special attention to,and finally presents a general model of change management for them accordingly.本文试图从变革管理的角度出发,通过对M公司成功应用拉动系统的个案进行深入剖析,揭示了制造型企业在变革过程中值得关注的一些理念与策略,建立了一个制造型企业实施变革管理的一般模型框架,以期为当前中国众多面临结构性转型的制造型企业实施变革管理提供一定的指导与借鉴。

3)principle for China policies对华政策理念

1.The developing gives an expression of the fact that Japan sprinciple for China policies is deeply influenced by the national intere.19世纪末,东亚同文会基于地缘政治和日本扩张在华权益的需要,为应对中国的瓜分危机祸及日本的局面提出“中国保全”的对华政策理念;至义和团事变,出于乘乱控制中国南方的需要,这个理念演变为“联邦保全”;“九。

4)marketing method and strategy营销理念与策略

5)management and countermeasure管理与对策

6)theory and countermeasure理论与对策


善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of goods卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。
