2000字范文 > 接地装置 grounding device英语短句 例句大全

接地装置 grounding device英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-25 10:06:56


接地装置 grounding device英语短句 例句大全

接地装置,grounding device

1)grounding device接地装置

1.Directing towards lightning protection, issues forgrounding device design and installation that should be noticed are discussed.然而,有线组网方式最致命弱点是防雷能力差,针对防雷问题,在实践中探讨其有效途径,论述接地装置的设计、安装中应注意的几个问题,并介绍在实践中电话线防雷从一级防护发展到三级防护,提高防雷的效果,有待在实践中,再认识,再提高。

2.Associated with the construction practice ofgrounding devices at the Second Gas Treatment Plant of Changqing Sulige Gas Field,this paper introduces the construction method ofgrounding devices in sandy and rocky regions with high earth electric resistivity.结合长庆苏里格气田第二处理厂接地装置的施工实践,论述了在砂质、岩石等高土壤电阻率地区接地装置的施工方法。

3.Naturalgrounding device is proposed for minitype substations in city.针对特殊地带变电所接地装置的设计和降阻措施进行分析研究。


1.earthing device for portable instrument活动仪器的接地装置

2.On the receiving instrument he also used an elevated aerial and earth.在接收装置上,他也采用了高架天线和接地装置。

3.Wagner earth device(一对阻抗的连接地点) 瓦格纳接地装置

4.Analysis on Grounding Resistance Reducing by Using Steel Tower 3-D Grounding Device铁塔三维接地装置降低接地电阻分析

5.Discussion to Connect a Ground of Device Connects a Ground of Measure of Electric Resistance浅谈降低接地装置接地电阻的几种措施

6.Study on Corrosion Mechanism and Anti-corrosion Measures of Grounding Device;接地装置腐蚀机理与防腐措施的研究

7.Quality Management of Grounding in Transformer Substation浅析变电所接地装置工程的质量管理

8.Research on corrosion characteristics of corrosion rule and anti-corrosion technology of grounding device for large substations大型变电站接地装置腐蚀规律及防腐

9.Improvement of Grounding Lap Device Preventing Equipment from Lightning and Static Electricity Hazards设备防雷防静电接地搭接装置的改进

10.Design of the Protection Device of Ground Fault Line Detection for Neutral Low Current Grounded System;小电流接地系统接地选线装置设计与开发

11.An Intelligent Line Selection Instrument of Single Phase to Ground in Small Current Neutral Grounding System;小电流接地系统单相接地智能选线装置

12.Development of Single-Phase-to-Ground Fault Line Selection Device in Neutral Un-effectual Grounded Systems小电流接地系统单相接地故障选线装置的研制

13.Development of Protect Device of Single-phase Earth in Non-solid Earthed System小电流接地系统单相接地保护装置的研制

14.Code for design of earthing of industrial and civil electrical installation工业与民用电力装置的接地设计规范

15.The rest of the apparatus is at earth potential.装置的其余部分全都接地。

16.radiosonde ground equipment无线电探空仪信号地面接收装置

17.The Disquisition on Inspection to DC System and Device to Earthing Fault;直流系统监控和接地选线装置的研究

18.Study on Fault Line Detection System in the Resonant Grounded Power System;小电流谐振接地系统选线装置的研究


earthing device接地装置

1.Technique,security and construction ofearthing devices;变配电接地装置的技术、安全要求及施工方法

2.In recent years,metal jacketearthing devices of electric cable terminals are stolen frequently,seriously threatening grid safety.近年来,中山地区电缆终端金属外护套接地装置频频被盗,严重威胁着主网的安全稳定运行。

3.According to the ascertaining principle of the earthing value of electricearthing device,coupled with the engineering case that rot-proof sheet has effect on earthing resistance,the design project of earthing system on low electric resistance(≤0.根据电气接地装置接地电阻值确定原则,通过理论计算接地装置接地电阻值,结合工程实例分析防腐层对接地电阻的影响,对北京地区小电阻(≤0。

3)grounding equipment接地装置

1.The validity of bearings electrolysis protection by mountinggrounding equipment and grounding resistance line is verified through testing.分析了电气化铁路的供电方式对客车轴承的影响,通过试验验证了安装接地装置及接地电阻线对轴承电蚀保护的有效性。

2.Thegrounding equipment is very important aspect when discussing the problem of substation electromagnetic co.在探讨变电站电磁兼容问题时,接地装置是不可忽视的一个重要方面。

3.Thegrounding equipment of electric power transformer substation is secluded.变电所接地装置属隐蔽工程,接地装置质量的好坏对变电所安全运行的影响极大。


1.Has analyzed theelectrical system earth method, thegrounding inspection and the maintenance, safe earth as well as related matters needing attentionand so on.本文主要分析了电气系统的接地方法,接地装置的检查和维护,安全接地以及有关的注意事项等。

2.It also introduces how to improve the drag reduction effect,reduce the corrosion ingrounding and extend the service life.分析了目前在防雷工程中应用的接地降阻材料的降阻机理、降阻效果和使用中存在的问题;对防雷接地工程中如何因地制宜选择降阻材料提出了具体的意见;探讨了如何发挥降阻材料的降阻效果,减少其对接地装置的腐蚀,延长接地装置的使用寿命;提出了接地降阻材料施工工艺的优化方案,以及在使用降阻材料时应注意的事项。

3.This article from electrical equipment s earth type,System earth form and safety work standard,Grounding specification,The docking installment carries on aspects regularly and so on inspection and laboratory and to attendants request carries on the discussion,causes people s vigilance.在现实生活中越来越多地出现用电事故,究其主要原因,大多是因为人们不重视电气设备接地装置的运行和维护。

5)earthed system接地装置

1.This article analyzes the selection forms of protectionearthed system of low Pressure switch of civil buildings,and studied construction request of guard Wire(PE)earthed system.分析民用建筑低压配电保护接地系统的选用型式,浅论了系统的保护线(PE)接地装置施工要求。

6)earth device接地装置


